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"Technological progress is only valuable when it benefits all of humanity." - Julia Gillard
Honorable Chairs, fellow delegates and most esteemed guest

With these powerful words from former Prime Minister Julia Gillard, the delegation of Australia stands before you today to address the pressing issue of addressing the problems brought on by technological change in order to reduce inequality. In an era where technological advancements have the potential to reshape our societies, we believe it is crucial to plan comprehensive strategies that ensure progress is inclusive and benefits all members of our global community.

Australia recognizes the immense potential of technology to improve lives, drive innovation, and foster economic growth. However, we are acutely aware that if left unguided, technological change can exacerbate existing inequalities, leaving behind those who are least equipped to adapt. It is our responsibility as members of the international community to address these challenges head-on and create a future that is fair, inclusive, and equitable.

First and foremost, Australia firmly believes that education and skills development play a pivotal role in mitigating the adverse effects of technological change. We advocate for significant investments in our education systems, emphasizing the acquisition of digital literacy and future-oriented skills. To that end, the Australian government has introduced the "Digital Skills for All" initiative, which aims to provide accessible and quality digital skills training to individuals across the country, particularly those in underserved communities. This program ensures that no one is left behind in the digital transformation and empowers individuals to participate fully in the digital economy.

Additionally, we recognize that bridging the digital divide is crucial for reducing inequality. Australia supports initiatives that promote affordable access to digital technologies and internet connectivity, particularly in underserved areas. The government has launched the "Connect Australia" program, which focuses on expanding broadband infrastructure and improving internet access in rural and remote regions. This initiative aims to ensure that all Australians, regardless of their location, have equal opportunities to participate in the digital world and access essential services.

Furthermore, The government's "Future Industries Program" provides funding and support to industries that have the potential for high-growth and job creation. By investing in emerging sectors such as renewable energy, advanced manufacturing, and digital services, we aim to create sustainable employment opportunities for our citizens while fostering innovation and reducing inequality.

Australia firmly believes in the importance of social safety nets to protect individuals adversely affected by technological change. We advocate for robust unemployment benefits, job retraining programs, and support mechanisms that help affected individuals re-enter the workforce.

In parallel, Australia recognizes the need for responsible and ethical frameworks to guide technological advancements. We support the establishment of effective regulatory mechanisms that balance innovation and protection. The government's "Ethics in Technology" initiative promotes ethical guidelines and standards for emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence and data privacy. By ensuring that technological advancements adhere to ethical principles, we can mitigate the potential risks and prevent further exacerbation of inequality.

Moreover, Australia emphasizes the significance of digital inclusion and accessibility. We believe in creating an inclusive society that leaves no one behind. Our policies prioritize universal design principles, assistive technologies, and targeted initiatives to address the specific needs of vulnerable groups, such as people with disabilities, the elderly, and those from low-income backgrounds. The government's "Digital Accessibility for All" program aims to improve digital accessibility standards across public and private sectors, ensuring that everyone can benefit from digital services and participate fully in the digital world.

Finally, Australia emphasizes the importance of international cooperation in addressing the challenges brought by technological change. We recognize that these issues transcend national boundaries and require collective action. Australia is committed to collaborating with other nations, sharing best practices, and developing common frameworks to foster inclusive technological development and reduce global inequality.

In conclusion, fellow delegates, Australia believes that addressing the problems brought on by technological change to reduce inequality requires a comprehensive and inclusive approach. By investing in education, bridging the digital divide, supporting job creation and transition, establishing regulatory frameworks, ensuring social safety nets, promoting digital inclusion, and fostering international cooperation, we can shape a future that benefits all. Together, let us build a world where technological change becomes a force for progress, prosperity, and equality.
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Regards; Team

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