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Dowsing - What is it, and how does it Work?
Whether you call it a sixth sense it's a gift or hoax, dowsing is an intriguing phenomenon. What exactly is it and how does this work?

Dowsers could use the forked rods or a pendulum as well as two forked poles to find underground objects like utility pipes, water pipes or even graves. An investigation has proven that this method relies upon the movements of muscles that are unconscious.


The power of water is thought to be harnessed into by dowsing. The dowser travels across the area that needs to be inspected and if they pass over an area that has the possibility of water, the rod is supposed to move up and down. Every bob could be about one foot in depth.

Learn More employ a range of tools, including L-rods, pendulums and other rods made of metal. But many of them still favor the forked stick that is made from willow, peach or witch hazel.

It doesn't matter if this results from an occult connection or an accident. A lot of people have the ability to discover underground water by using the forked device or other gadget. So it's not surprising that the practice of dowsing is becoming popular with people who use it to locate their sources of water beneath them instead of drilling a number of test holes which may come up empty. Researchers think that the invisible power behind dowsing might be a psychological factor. Focusing on something hidden in the distance causes muscle motions to take place which causes the rods to be moved.

The Ground

The Dowsers or water witches believe they can find underground objects with forked sticks, two rods in the shape of L as well as a hand that is light. These could be anything from underground water utilities to buried archaeological objects.

The movement of the dowsing device is believed to be a result of a psychological process known as ideomotor movement, which is when the dowser unconsciously makes motions with his or her hands or body that cause the divining rods to respond. The rods used for dowsing may sense electromagnetic fields. Like charges repel and opposites draw.

Dowsers may make their own dowsing tools by attaching handles of cloth or other material to the legs of smaller sizes. Certain dowsers make magic using tools like pliers, keys or forks, while the best set for dowsing was created specifically for this purpose.


Like a compass, which uses Earth's magnetic field to guide the user Dowsing sticks make use of energies fields to determine their spiritual direction. The rods channel the power of the universe to answer questions which cannot be addressed in any other way.

Many people use dowsing rods to find water,gold,treasure,other metals and gems, oil, gravesites and other items they concentrate on. They can also answer yes or no questions and locate lost items such as your wallet,jewellery,your passport or even your car.

The tools used for dowsing are simple, Y-shaped sticks that were made from fresh trees. A majority of dowsers believe that witch hazel, willow and various other fruit or nut trees are the best. Rods are firmly held by the L-shaped section of the rod. When they travel around the area, they dowse the areas they're examining. The rods pointing towards one another indicates negative energy. On the other hand, they indicate positive energy. opposite happens when they are crossing over.


Many dowsers believe that they could utilize their tools for locating property, such as mineral deposits, water, oils, and buried utilities. Dowsing is also used to discover lost objects for instance, graves and jewelry. The tool can be held over the map in order to find objects underground many miles away from where they are.

A dowsing twig or forked twig is the most common tool used in Dowsing. The rods are usually cut fresh from hazel, rowan, ash, witch willow or hazel trees. Other dowsers use metal rods or pendulums. There are dowsers who don't use any tools at all and rely on the movement of their hands.

Scientific tests have repeatedly shown that dowsers are not superiorly than chance. However, there are some who claim they can move objects using their hands, the pendulum, or dowsing instrument. It is all in the way the person is asking the question, and in their connection with the Higher Intelligence.
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