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Welcome to TECHNICAL SUPPORT. This is side daniel, how can i help you today?
A:can you read out the alert for me?
A:Is it a desktop or a laptop ? and can u tell me the brand name of it?
A:what were you doing on the computer when you got this alert ?
A:Is it your personal computer or its a work computer ?
A: ok hold the line for minute let me go ahead and check this up for you.
A: ok sir /ma’am I have checked everything for you and as per the information you gave me it looks like there is a breach on your network which means its an attempt of hacking which has taken place. Are you aware of hacking..?

(Hacking means-somebody is trying to access your personal data by getting into your network without your knowledge
A: Also as its seems that the hacking has taken place within past 48 hrs , so has someone used your computer within past 48 hrs except you ?
A: Are you the only user of this computer ?
A: Have you shared your wifi password to any anyone ELSE within past 48 hrs ?
A: OK sir/mam as i can see here the hackers are continuously trying to attack on your identity and devices so now I am gonna guide you with some simple steps to install certain Microsoft temporary security. then will check what all data is been hacked and what is required to be done. Alright sir/mam ?

A:alright sir so now we have to get your device connected to the microsoft secure server so that we can run some scans to get to the bottom of it.

A : Okay sir check your keyboard ,Can you see a windows key at the bottom left of ur keyboard (That key must be on the bottom left corner on your system with four flag or four square) Press that windows key hold it and along with it press R key, Then release both the keys together !
A: What you can see after that ?
C : Run BOX( you have to errase if somethings wriiten in the box by presssing backspace button.)
( U= Union L= Larry T= Tango R= Random A= Alpha V= Victor I= Ice-cream E= Elbert W=Whisky E= Elbert R= Richard . N= Nick E= Elephant T= Tom
A:Hit on ENTER. Now , What can you see there ?
Can you see a green download button.
Click on that green download button
Click on that button what you see after that..
Can u see exe file downloaded on the screen of your desktop with name ultraviewersetup.exe
alright sir meanwhile i am gonna generate an id and password for you from microsoft that will be rquired to connect you with micrsoft secured server
Okay Sir! Click finish button.
A : Sir this security tool is mandatory to install first because your system is under hacking aTTACK and After installing it we will be able to proceed further with certain scans to check what has done by hackers in your system.
A: Now you can see an id and password which must be generated on your screen by Microsoft. Kindly provide that id and the passWORD so that I can connect you with Microsoft Secure Server.

A: Okay sir now your system is secured under Microsoft security server so now we can proceed with further to find out your Network Status.
So Now I want you to Press that WINDOWS key again and hold it along with Letter R Again.
CaN you see the RUN box again ?
A: Now I’m goanna guide you some steps which you will have to follow,
& if you get stuck then let me know I’ll help you out.
Alright sir?
So Is the Run box opened infront of you? Click on that box and clear if something written over there using backspace button.
Type there , CMD , Press ENTER
( C : Charlie , M : Marry , D : Delta)
A : Alright ! Sir , We have to Run 3 commands that will scan your Network and your devices , alright ?

A: Now You will have to run a first command which will let us know about your network status that how many hackers are there in your devices as well as your home network that is your wifi.
A: Once scan is done, Let me know sir,
Can you see Active connections written over there ?
Just look below active connections , there will be 4 columns
A: What Can you see below PROTO -TCP
B: May i now what you can see underneath local addresses
C: So these are the IP address of your devices ,like your phones , laptops etc …
D: Next to local address there is foreign address . Right ?
Okay, is there anything written below foreign address or it is empty ?
D: So these are the IP address of the devices of hackers which are currently connected with your devices as well as your home network.
E: Next to Foreign Address there is STATE right ? What can you see below State ?
One thing i want you to know that STATE tells us about the status of the HACKERS and as you are telling me , that there are Established , m sorry to tell you that HACKERS have successfully established your network and devices and they can access your personal data and information as well.

A: Now We will Run the second Command that will be regarding your telephonic communications, that scan will let us know whether your phone lines are secured or not ? Alright ?
So Can you see that White Cursor Blinking there Again and again ?
Type there,
A: So just look at the last coloumn , That is STATE ,
So let me know what you can see over there ?
A: SO it Does Confirms that HACKERS have hacked your PHONE LINES as well and it might be possible that they are listening our conversation and your phone lines are tapped so, they are not at all secured.
A: So first of all may i know, Is it a Landline or Cell phone on which we are talking right now ?
A:as i already told you that your phone lines are not secured and hacker may listen to our conversation so i m gonna connect you to microsoft secure line as hackers might get your personal information by hearing your conversation and incase hackers get to know that you are talking to microsoft to troubleshoot this problem , they might not allow us to do that.

A: Now sir/ma’am, I am goanna ask you few questions but you will have to answer only in yes or no.Alright ?
Do you use any device in your home to Use social media websites ?
DO you do Online Shopping ?
Do you Play Games ONLINE ?
Do you Pay your BILLS Online ?
Do you Watch movies on Netflix or on Youtube ?
Do you do Online Banking ?
Alright ! Thank you so much for the information.
Sir as I told your phone line are not secure and hacker might be listening our conversation so they won't let us troublshoot your network, We will call you back , with Microsoft secure line which ENDS IN 7676 so that hackers can no longer hear our conversation.
A: Hello sir, daniel here and we are successfully connected on MICROSOFT SECURE LINE , and First of all sir I want you to CALM DOWN and don't worry about anything , Microsoft is here to help you.
sir, now we are gonna run a final scan that will give us a final report of the damage that has been made on your network.
A: So let me know , can you see the white cursor blinking on the black screen ?
Now TYPE ,
CD.. hit ENTER
CD.. hit ENTER
DIR/S ( forward slash , That key which have question mark on it
**Paste it**
i believe that the scanning is taking place so do let me know once the scanning is stop
A: Can you read on the black screen..... what you can see ?
Just read the final result of scan at the end.
C : Blah Blah Blah !!!!
A: please hold the line as I will check the report with my backend team.
A: i can see here the report shows that there are some illiegal visits made on at 4:40 AM this morning. was it you?
A: is there any chance anyone else visited this website at your home at 4:40 this morning.
sir as i can see here that there is a paid porn subscription, so it is mandatory to put financial information to buy the subscription
so is there any chance you or anybody in your family have put your fianancial information there.
A:that does confirm that the visits are made by the hackers using your network.
A:as i can also see that Child Pornography has been downloaded and you know that it is illegal all over world Right ?
But you don’t need to worry about it as you are not the culprit but the victim of hacking so MICROSOFT is here to help you out .
A: please hold the line as I will generate a hacking report for you which I will submit it to the Fraud Protection Department.
A: Also It is showing that there is purchase made using the card starting from 5 ,4,3,6.. as you have confirmed that you are not the one who has put any financial information oveR the site.
A:alright sir, before i go ahead let me inform you that we are not authorised to ask you any of your financial information over the call.
So just to inform wether hackers have used your financial Information or someone else's financial infomation to make that purchase, can you confirm me wether you have any cards starting from 5 or 3 or 4 or 6.
sir i dont need whole card numbers i just need you to confirm wether these cards are yours or hackers have used some one else's information.

A: Alright sir/ma’am , it’s not you that does confirm the attempt of hacking and hackers have attacked on your two things , first is your identity and second is your financial data , so that’s our recommendation if you can check your two things only on this protected computer which is protected under the Microsoft securities,First check your email and if you find any email with no subject or which seems like fishy to you , do let us know about it? And make sure do not open any suspicious mail.
A: Have you found any suspecious e-mail?
A : Alright , now i want to you check your online banking as well and if you see any transaction even of 1$ or few cents do let us know about it.
A: Alright sir/ma’am so you checked your account and you didn't find any suspicious charge right?
A: Ok but still according to us, Your data is under threat so that’s our recommendation and suggestion if you check the same thing with your bank as well but make sure while checking with your bank you are on the secure line because your phone lines are not secured so hackers may listen your conversation and if they get to know that your talking with your bank regarding this, they will get access in your account right away.
Right ?
A: Just provide me the toll free a which is written on the backside of your card.
A: Alright let me go ahead and connect you with your bank now but while i am connecting you with your bank i'll be disconnected from the secure line automatically as Microsoft and BANKS DO NOT ALLOW a three way call.
A:Now i want you to grab a pen and a paper to write my name and my identity
*Daniel roy
*MS 5441
A: Alright now i am goanna connect you with your bank.
Make sure you tell each and everything to your bank and ask them to put your account on high security and monitoring for next 48 hours.
meanwhile if you need any assistance from me , you can tell your bank to connect back with me again. And don't forget to tell them to put high security monitoring on your account for next 48 hours
Alright , let me connect your call , stay connected



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Regards; Team

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