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galvanized pipe to copper transition
With time come changes, and this applies to galvanized pipe as well. Years of wear and tear can strip the protective layer of zinc from these pipes, leaving them exposed to corrosion from within. Keeping your home safe from the damage of corrosion calls for a switch from galvanized to copper piping. With the right precautions, you can rest assured that your walls are not at risk of being weakened by rust.

Copper boasts greatly superior longevity compared to galvanized steel and it won't succumb to the same kind of inside-out corrosion that plagues galvanized piping. So if spiral drain pipe looking for a material to safeguard your home and ward off the damaging consequences of corrosion, copper pipe should be your go-to.

Transitioning from galvanized to copper piping is nothing complex, although you may require some know-how and effort. It calls for severing the existing galvanized pipe and welding in some copper material in its place. This job can be done either by a professional or somebody who has expertise in handling a soldering iron.

Prior to replacing your galvanized pipes with copper ones, cleaning the galvanized surface is paramount. Any grease, dirt, or other foreign particles could impede the solder from taking to the pipe correctly and result in a hazardous leak. Make to always clean the pipes before soldering!

Once all the grime and filth is removed from the galvanized pipe, it's time to break out the standard soldering kit and affix the copper pipe in place. As a precaution, make sure you're using lead-free solder to avoid any potential health risks. Once everything is secured, you can flip the switch and experience that blissful peace of mind in knowing your house is no longer subjected to the destruction of corrosion.
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