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Healing the Sore Manhood After Self-pleasuring Marathons
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Most men self-gratify. And when they do, they usually have their own unique way of getting the most from the experience. For a few, a quickie is all they need and they are on their way. But for others, a self-pleasuring marathon isn?t out of the question - and actually, might be typical. While this can be an interesting way for a guy to test his mettle or enjoy long hours of pleasure on a lonely night, the effect can be a very sore manhood the next day.
So what?s a man to do? get more info wants to give up self-pleasuring marathons, but nobody wants a sore manhood, either. The key here is to know how to prevent a sore male organ if possible - and if it can happen anyway, knowing how to help ease the sore skin is really a sure way to get a guy back in shape very quickly.

Finding your way through the marathon

Because the old wives? tale says, an ounce of prevention will probably be worth a pound of cure. That?s a saying that rings true for almost anything, and which includes self-pleasuring soreness. By firmly taking several steps before and during his marathon session, a man can steer clear of the "cures" that he might be reaching for if he winds up with a sore manhood. Here?s what he can do.

1) Load up on creme. Though it can be tempting to try dry solo play, most men are going to wind up in a world of hurt if they do this as part of an all-day interlude. A man should begin using creme and continue to do so, reapplying it when it wears away. This may mean using half a bottle or even more, but that?s okay. Avoiding a sore manhood is worth it!

2) Vary the grip. Some men have their self-gratification routine down, and that?s fine for a quickie now and then. But those engaging in a marathon session might want to take their time and explore new worlds, so to speak. Changing up the grip can avoid an excessive amount of pressure on one area of the member, which helps a guy maintain good member sensation all over his equipment.

3) Remember no pain doesn?t mean no damage. When a man is really excited, he could ignore pain signals - or he might not feel them at all. It?s only in the aftermath a guy realizes he hurt his delicate member skin. To pay because of this rush of hormones that cancel out the pain signals, a guy should stop periodically to take into account what he?s doing, and whether he needs to change his grip or apply more creme.

What to do about a sore manhood

So what if the prevention steps didn?t work? Then it?s time and energy to ease the sore manhood. Here?s what sort of guy can perform just a little TLC for his favorite equipment.

1) Take the time off. A guy who is feeling the not-so-sweet fruits of his labor should take the time away from sensual activity while his member has a chance to heal. A few days of no touching should be enough to let the skin heal and rejuvenate.

2) Maintain good member care . In the meantime, good member care is essential. A guy should wash gently in the shower, never scrub, and pat the skin dry when he?s done. He also needs to take care to watch any irritations or abrasions on the member, in order that he can tell if they are getting worse.

3) Work with a male organ health cr�me. The skin will need a little boost in healing, which is often had with a top-notch member health cr�me (medical researchers recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). He should look specifically for a cr�me with Shea butter and vitamin e antioxidant, which provide not merely healing, but a lot of hydration to help a guy steer clear of the dry, sore manhood that may result from excessive self-pleasuring.

Visit for more info about treating common male organ health problems, including soreness, redness and loss of male organ sensation. John Dugan is really a professional writer who specializes in men's medical issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to varied online web sites.

Related Articles - sore manhood, self-pleasuring, member health cr�me,
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