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We take on optimality assumptions not because we naively think that evolution has made this the best of all possible worlds, but because we must be interpreters if we are to make any progress at all, and interpretation requires the invocation of optimality. Sometimes, of course, the results are hard to read. In zaś case like this we might hope that a scan of the brain-writing would settle the issue, but suppose we find what by our neuro-cryptological lights are both intentions written in he appropriate places in the brain. Then when we uncover the representation that we expect to settle our quandary we budowli find that our problem recurs: now we have a new text to interpret: a string of Mentalese symbols, and who is the authority with regard to their intended meaning? One asks, in effect: if five were too many and three were too few, what would have to be the case? But couldn't such a leap forward--a "saltation" in the terms of evolutionary theorists--be a mere lucky leap? I honestly couldn't say, at least not from any privileged position. This suggests experiments that show that the organism is not so designed.

Suppose, for instance, (to adapt an example from Anscombe's pioneering essay on the topic, Intention Endnote 6) that you say "Now I press Button A" while reaching out and pushing Button B. We wonder which slip you made--a slip of the tongue or a slip of the finger. wypracowania Endnote 5 What, after all, could one find in the brain of an agent (the author of an act) that could settle between rival interpretations? 2 about here Does the curiously faded label on the bottle say "FOR FEELING FAINT" or "FOR PEELING PAINT"? 4 about here He hypothesized that it was i movable piece of staging, but oraz later interpreter, John Fitchen, argued that this could not have been its function (see figure 4, taken from Fitchen's classic, The Construction of Gothic Cathedrals, Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1961). For one thing, the cerce would not have been strong enough in its extended position, and, as the figure shows, its use would have created irregularities in the vault webbing which are uwag to be found. These cases have been the focus of considerable controversy in biology, and some biologists, peering into the abyss that has opened, are tempted to renounce all talk of function and purpose.

But others have wanted to call into question the very existence of such facts. I finally decided (to myself) that since I was an unpracticed hand-signaller but competent word-speaker, my vocal act should be given the nod, but anyone else could have made just the same judgment. What perturbing factor could be added to the Panglossian tale so that what the organisms actually do is wisest for them after all? Of particular interest for our purposes is the interpretation of robots. Consult the designers--just geniusz we do with other artifacts. If on the other hand one of their predictions proves false, the adaptationists can hypothesize that something important has been left out of account. More particularly, one had better examine what the substance in the bottle can do irrespective of what its creator intended it aktualne do. Why, asks the folk psychologist, did John decline the invitation to the party?

But of course some features of the natural world--the short legs of dachshunds and Black Angus beef cattle, the thick skins of tomatoes--are the products of artificial selection, in which the goal of the process, and the rationale of the design aimed for, played an explicit prace in the etiology, "represented" in the minds of the breeders who did the selecting. So of course the theory of natural selection must allow for the existence of such products, and such historical processes, as special cases. They might be, of course (e.g., if some organisms came with service manuals attached), but they might not be, if the engineers chose to conceal their interventions as best they could. Even if the text is brand new--just uttered--the author may find himself perplexed, or agnostic, about the meaning of what he uttered, or--perhaps the most titillating case--vehement and sincere in his avowal of an utterly second-rate and unconvincing interpretation.
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