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Lessons From Near Death Experiences Part 1 of 9
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What happens throughout a NDE (near death experience)? Countless people have experienced the death of their physical bodies, then come back to life to share the insight from the other side.
The Near Death Experience Research Foundation (NDERF) is the largest NDE website on the planet with over 4000 experiences in over 23 Languages.

Since one cannot prove a NDE with physical evidence, it?s natural to be skeptical. Their FAQ page includes a lot of helpful information, including answers to all or any the typical.

We searched through their database and found what we believe will be the most fascinating accounts to share with our readers. Click on the name in each section in the event that you?d like to be studied to the NDERF site to learn the entire case history.

Tricia B NDE 8086 left her body following a cardiac arrest during surgery. She could have the prayers of loved ones slowing her down as she progressed to the Light. It is a common occurrence in NDEs, which means that thoughts are things, and prayers are energy which might be helpful.

Mohammad Z NDE 16083, a Muslim, had a NDE from the car crash and learned the importance of unconditional acts during his life review on the other hand. His guides showed him a period in his life as a kid when he was carrying water in a bucket. It had been overweight for him, but instead of emptying a few of the water right where he was, he noticed a nearby tree that was alone in a dry section of land. He made the effort to walk out his way and empty a few of the water on the tree and made sure it had been absorbed in the soil. In his life review of this scene, he said the spirits in the Universe were proud of him and filled with happiness out of this simple act. He was surprised, however they told him that what he did was cherished because he did it from the heart without expectations of anything in exchange.

The importance of unconditional love and decent behavior, toward the best good of everybody involved, can't be emphasized enough.

Sam J NDE 7352 experienced clinical death with absent brain function after being in a coma and was removed life support. During his NDE, he felt so excellent on the other side he didn?t desire to return to his body, but was told he had to go back to perform that lifetime. After his experience, he said crossing over to the other side is a major wake-up call for individuals who don?t accept that the spirit world is a separate world from the mind, earthly knowledge, and logic.

Robyn F NDE 7209 was losing consciousness when her husband was trying to murder her. Sports Photography experienced a tunnel of light and encountered a being that looked like Jesus. She asked him, ?What do I really do?? He told her to forgive her husband. She felt the intense forgiveness and love instantly and, after regaining consciousness, it dramatically changed the energy in the room with her husband. She could talk him out of killing her and escape.

Robyn learned during her NDE that, ?forgiveness releases us from the burden of judgment. As human beings, we have been not equipped to judge, and to do so can cause great harm to ourselves and to others.? She said the act of forgiveness, surrendering to it, allowed her to be an, ?empty vessel so its power could manifest.?

Note: God, or anything you chose to call an increased power, appears in a familiar form on the other side. It explains why Robyn ?encountered a being that looked like Jesus,? rather than Buddha, for instance, since she most closely relates to Christianity of all the possible religions and spiritual beliefs.

Romy NDE 7153 had a NDE after a car accident in India. She was astonished to perceive during her life review, as well as all her actions throughout her life, all of the thoughts she had ever had. She realized they're as real as actions, and every action, thought, and word created a cause and effect-like equation.

We?ve found this to be true inside our years of past life regression experiences. This highlights the importance of always doing the right thing since, ultimately, no one gets away with anything.

Joan LH NDE 6896. Many who return from the NDE don't share it because it's difficult to describe, and they fear people won't believe them. For instance, Joan?s parents were very religious and her NDE didn?t match their beliefs. They found it simpler to dismiss her experience than reconsider the Church?s teachings. During her NDE, Joan realized ?religions had it wrong, all religions,? mainly about rules and judgment, which are incompatible with the intense love and forgiveness (and no religion) on the other hand. She said, ?They managed to get all so complicated when really it had been very easy. THERE'S only Love and we are all part of it.?

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Copyright � Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo

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