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captain smollett goes back to the fort and sees none of the men where there supposed to be except gray
he is surprised at there lack of discipline
they all start loading muskets to prepare for battle captain says they have a good chance of winning because there fighting from a protected place
captain smollett orders everyone to the post he assigns them all around the walls of the fort
an hour passes and nothing happens
joyce is the first one to fire his gun and then everyone is shooting
they realize after the smoke has cleared that when
at the main attack was coming from the north
captain smollett orders there group to hold there positions
just then a bunch of pirates emerge from the north side of the fort and bulletts rain out from the forest
one of the bulletts shatters doctor liveseys gun
squire and gray open fire 3 men fall and one gets up and runs into the trees
four of the pirates keep rushing straight for the house while seven or eight stay in the woods shooting
the leader of the four is job anderson
a pirate grabs hunters gun muzzle and and takes his gun and knocks him unconscious with it
a third pirate starts using his sword to attack livesey
smollett yells for them to give up on guns and turn to swords for close combat
jim comes face to face with job anderson and job raises his gun to kill him but jim slips and falls
gray kills job before he can go for another blow
as jim stands up he finds out that another pirate had been shot as he was preparing fire on the house
livesey killed the pirate who had attacked him
of the 4 pirates who has directly attacked the fort only one is alive and running through the forest having dropped his sword
at the fort hunter is still unconscious and joyce had been shot through the head and smollett is also injured
smollett is cheerful even though its like 4 to 9 pirates now
it was actually 4 to 8 but one guy later died of wounds and bleeding because trelwaney injured him
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