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This Week's Top Stories About London Window And Door
Give london window repair With Quality Windows and Doors From London Window and Door

Make sure your home gets a great first impression that lasts with the highest quality windows and doors from london windows and doors. Visit our showrooms in Dorchester, Woodstock Ingersoll, and St Marys for the perfect solution for your home.

Stile and rail: Horizontal and vertical members which are used to hold the glass in frames for windows or doors.


Frames are essential to the appearance of windows whether you have a classic cottage or a brand-new construction. Selecting the best frame material for your property is vital since it has an immediate impact on how well your window functions, how long it lasts and ultimately the value of your home. worth.

There are three types of frames including uPVC (also called polyvinyl chloride), aluminium, and wood. uPVC is the most well-known choice due to its low-maintenance, energy-efficient properties. It is available in a variety of colors and can be finished with a wood-effect coating to create a more traditional appearance. It is durable and requires no maintenance, aside from cleaning. However should you reside in an area that is exposed, uPVC may not be the best option as it can degrade over time in extreme weather.

Aluminium is another good choice for frames because it is durable and has a sleek design that is ideal for more contemporary properties. faulty lock repair london is lightweight and can be finished with any color of RAL to match the style of your home. It's not as efficient as uPVC but it is a great alternative if you're looking for an eco-friendly alternative.

Steel is a great choice for older buildings as it can be powder coated to match the colour of your bricks or stonework. However, the issue with traditional slim steel frames is that they are not thermally broken so they don't really keep out the cold. Fortunately, technology of the 21st century has come to terms with this and now it is possible to create a minimalist steel frame with incredible thermal break performance.

Timber is a beautiful choice for any property, however it comes at a premium cost compared to other materials. It is a beautiful material and, if properly taken care of, will last a lifetime. You should use a hardwood that is rated appropriately for your frames, because different woods do not have the same characteristics. The wood of poor quality is not just going to decay prematurely, but it can lead to rotting and moisture ingress, which could damage your window sashes as well as cills.


Sash windows are a characteristic which can be found in a variety of period property. Sash windows are easily recognizable and elegant. They have a beautiful timeless style that has stood the years. Sash windows are a great choice for homes with a variety of benefits and are becoming more sought-after due to their aesthetics and practicality.

A Sash is a vertically sliding, two-paned window. It can be opened for ventilation or to allow views out. The opening and closing of sash windows are supported by a set of pulleys, which are hidden within the window frame itself. These pulleys rarely break, and the fact that they are a part of the window means that fixing them is relatively simple and inexpensive.

In the Georgian period, sash windows began to become more common, as they let in more light into small cottages and streets. These windows had their glass panes evenly split to make them more affordable. The technology was not yet sufficiently advanced to allow for larger panes of glass to be made with precision.

There are a variety of sash windows that are that are available, but the traditional box sash is among the most well-known. These windows are a good option for those looking to keep the appearance and feel of a traditional home, but with modern conveniences like draught seals or security locks.

Sash windows are either double-hung or single-hung, based on the design and frame. london window repair features an opening at the bottom of the panel by sliding upwards, whereas double-hung sash have two panels, a top and bottom panel that open by sliding horizontally across the other.

It is recommended to consult an expert in window design to determine what kind of sash window is suitable for you. For patio door repair london made of sash can be outfitted with a variety of hardware, including Sash lifts and sash chains which allow you to operate the windows when they're open. Sash windows can also be fitted with a staff-bead which helps to keep windows in their position and prevents them from being pushed out of alignment by winds or draughts.


Cills can be easily repaired by carefully removing decayed wood and then putting in new. The shape of the window should be made to maximize strength while keeping the original fabric to the maximum extent that is possible. A drip should also be included to channel water away from the bottom of the window.

Oak was only used for the most prestigious homes or the first examples. It is essential to use new cills made from this material, and also to thoroughly prime, paint and then add a drip.

Small areas of damage and loss can be fixed with resin-based fillers that are mixed with a wood dust or timber consolidant. This is a cost-effective approach to maximize the amount historical fabric that is left in a repair. This method can also be very successful in making good damaged sash frames where the damage is the result of poor maintenance.


The glass is often the most significant component of a door or window. It can be tinted or uncolored and can increase the architectural value of the structure. It can also offer significant energy savings by reducing solar radiation. Tempered glass is specifically treated to withstand more than normal forces that are applied to its surface. it breaks into small pieces instead of splintering and reduces the hazard from flying fragments.

Historic glass should always be saved in place when repairs are needed and attention must be taken to shield it from damage caused by accident. The sash windows of the past may have crown (a flat glass with curving ridging and air bubbles), or cylinder glass, which adds character and depth to the facade. Original pieces of both types are rare and highly valuable. They should be kept in place whenever possible. The glass must be protected from the effects of paint strippers or chemical paint removers that could cause cracks and breakage. The putty on wooden frames needs to be repaired and renewed carefully.

The use of resin-based products for repair can be used to remove loose paint and rust from surfaces, without causing damage to the profile or surface finish of the wood or its putty. They can also be used to repair a range of other minor issues, including decay and rot, structural movement distortion, and deformation.

Sash windows are fixed windows where the sash opens and closes on pivots either at the top or bottom or at each side. This type of window has a more decorative appearance than operable sash and is typically associated with transom.

Casement windows - A type of window that opens or shut by hinges at the sides or on a mullion between them. This type of window is typically found in older homes, and is often paired with an wing or fixed panel to create a Bay Window.

Simulated divided lites Grid or grille pattern that appears to have separate panes of glass separated by muntins, however it actually utilizes larger lites of glass, with the muntins arranged between them to give the appearance of several smaller window units.

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