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class="hfeed site" id="page"> Home Facebook-f Twitter Youtube Search Close The following posts are written by contributors and do not necessarily represent the views of ZitoBox. $4.5m Of These Rewards Have Already Been Paid $4.5m Already Paid Start With $10 Free - Coupon Code: TV PLAY NOW PLAY NOW PLAY NOW PLAY NOW The following posts are written by contributors and do not necessarily represent the views of ZitoBox. July 16, 2022 Kerala Lottery result today: Check ‘Karunya KR-558’ winning numbers and prize money Lottery
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Published: Saturday, July 16, 2022, 16:08 [IST]

Kochi, July 16: The Kerala State Lottery Department (KSLD) announced the results of ‘Karunya KR-558’ on Saturday at 3 pm.
The winner of the first prize will receive Rs 80 lakh. The second prize will be Rs 5 lakh while the winner of the third prize will receive Rs 1 lakh. The consolation prize is Rs 8,000.
The price of the ticket is Rs 40.
1st Price – Rs. 80,00,000/-
Agency No. : A 4930
Consolation Prize – Rs. 8,000/-
KA120827 KB 120827
KC 120827 KD 120827
KE 120827 KF 120827
KG 120827 KJ 120827
KK 120827 KL 120827 KM 120827
2nd Price – Rs. 5,00,000/-
Agent Name: STANLEY V A
Agency No. : E 7220
3rd Price – Rs. 1,00,000/-
KA 669277
KB 139208
KC 935124
KD 743998
KE 389816
KF 206607
KG 139019
KH 327453
KJ 206058
KK 267293
KL 954475
KM 326212
4th Price – Rs. 5,000/-
0362 1908 1932 2220 3871 4170 4659 5031 5146 5198 5270 5559 6527 7527 8031 8132 8805 9640
5th Price – Rs. 2,000/-
2770 2776 3052 4189 5510 5922 6790 7092 9132 9816
6th Price – Rs. 1,000/-
0018 2246 3167 3642 4983 5152 5391 5591 6624 6715 6751 7528 9786 9836
7th Price – Rs. 500/-
0136 0197 0392 0411 0413 0615 0621 0774 0784 0882 1160 1396 1657 1701 1890 2047 2169 2335 2708 2709 2837 2856 2981 3142 3224 3446 3564 3646 3764 3868 3916 4049 4054 4294 4342 4398 4418 4769 4776 4913 5379 5414 5420 5985 6162 6377 6443 6639 6839 6968 7030 7142 7236 7258 7683 7847 7871 8033 8051 8082 8157 8180 8206 8220 8364 8559 8686 8744 8820 8837 8930 9052 9279 9377 9386 9410 9540 9673 9841 9985
Where to check the result?
Log into : On the home page, Find ‘Karunya KR-555’ Result Today 16-07-2022 Click the link and it will take you to the result page The prize winners are advised to verify the winning numbers with the Kerala lottery results published in the Kerala Government Gazette and surrender the winning tickets within 30 days. winning holder gets after the deduction of 07 % plus 10% total 40% deduction. People, who have purchased the tickets, can verify the result published in the Kerala Government Gazette. To claim the prize amount, the winners should submit the ticket within 30 days of declaration of the result. It is mandatory for the winners to bring their identity proof while claiming the winning amount. However, the prize amount of less than Rs 5,000 can claim the winning amount from a nearby local lottery shop. Story first published: Saturday, July 16, 2022, 16:08 [IST]

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