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-Quote~” I put no stock in religion.By the word religion i have seen the lunacy of fanatics of every denomination be called the “Will of God”.I have seen to much religion in the eyes of too many murderers.Holiness is in the right action ,and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves,and goodness.What god desires is in the mind and in the heart ;and what youe decide to do everyday willmake you a good person…..or not” ~ Knights Hospitallar

- Knights hospitaller were a group of individuals that provided care for sick,poor,or injured pilgrims coming to the holy land.

-When the Muslims recaptured Jerusalem in 1187, the Hospitallers removed their headquarters first to Margat and then, in 1197, to Acre. When the Crusader principalities came to an end after the fall of Acre in 1291, the Hospitallers moved to Limassol in Cyprus.

-The origin of the Hospitallers was an 11th-century hospital founded in Jerusalem by Italian merchants

-The Hospitallers orders built many castles in Syria, the remains of which still impress the beholder. They numerous branches in Europe and, by presents and legacies, acquired vast wealth. These orders of religious knights, much like the Vatican today, ended up having their own states, the Hospitallers the island of Rhodes then later Malta.

-The knights Hospitaller was first called Knights of Saint John of Jerusalem,there is a church named after the Knights Hospitaller

-Duty of the night~The group cared for the pilgrims who had reached Jerusalem following a long and journey. However the order was soon extended into providing an armed escort to pilgrims. The escort soon grew into a substantial force. The Order of Saint John the Hospitaller included both knights and monks these Knights of the new order took the monastic vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience and they added a fourth vow, which bound them to protect pilgrims and fight the infidels.

-The Knights Hospitaller were recognised by wearing a black surcoat with a white cross. After the fall of the Kingdom of Jerusalem in 1187 and when Acre was captured in 1291 the order of the Knights Hospitallers sought refuge in the Kingdom of Cyprus.
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