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Inflatable devices inside the abdomen have become a relatively new weight loss treatment which has garnered popularity lately. This treatment involves inserting a tiny inflatable object in the abdomen to help individuals satiated and reduce their meal intake. Non-Surgical Weight Loss discusses the benefits and risks of this procedure, along with the process of getting a balloon in the abdomen.

What is a Balloon in the Stomach?

Non-Surgical Weight Loss in the abdomen is a tiny, flexible silicone inflatable object that is inserted into the stomach through the mouth. The inflatable object is then filled with saline solution, which expands it to the dimension of a fruit. The balloon is kept in the stomach for six months, during which time it assists individuals feel full and decreases their meal intake. After six months, the inflatable object is removed through the mouth in a similar procedure.

Benefits of a Balloon in the Stomach

The primary benefit of an inflatable device in the abdomen is weight loss. Patients who have the treatment usually lose between 20 and 30 pounds over the six-month period that the inflatable object is in place. This weight loss can be significant for patients who have struggled with obesity and have not been able to lose weight through diet and exercise alone. Additionally, the inflatable object can help patients form healthier eating habits, as they are forced to eat smaller portions and make healthier food choices.

Dangers of a Balloon inside the Abdomen

Like any medical treatment, there are dangers associated with getting a balloon inside the abdomen. The most frequent adverse effects are nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain, which usually subside within a few days. However, there have been uncommon cases of more serious complications, such as balloon deflation, bowel obstruction, and perforation of the abdomen or esophagus. Individuals who are considering an inflatable device in the stomach should discuss the risks and benefits with their doctor and make an informed decision.

Who is Eligible for an Inflatable Device in the Stomach?

An inflatable device inside the stomach is usually recommended for individuals who have a body mass index (BMI) between 30 and 40 and have not been able to shed pounds through diet and exercise alone. Non-Surgical Weight Loss who have a BMI over 40 may be more suitable candidates for other weight loss procedures, such as gastric bypass surgery. Additionally, individuals who have a history of gastrointestinal problems, such as ulcers or acid reflux, may not be ideal candidates for a balloon inside the abdomen.

The Steps of Getting an Inflatable Device in the Abdomen

The process of getting a balloon inside the abdomen usually takes less than an hour and is done on an outpatient basis. Patients are given a gentle sedative to help them relax, and a tiny camera is inserted into the mouth to guide the placement of the balloon. Once the inflatable object is in place, it is inflated with saline solution and the camera is removed. Individuals are usually able to go home the same day and can resume normal activities within a few days.


An inflatable device in the abdomen can be a useful weight loss tool for individuals who have struggled with obesity and have not been able to lose weight through diet and exercise alone. However, like any medical procedure, there are risks associated with getting an inflatable device inside the stomach. Patients who are considering this procedure should discuss the risks and benefits with their doctor and make an informed decision.
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