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1: Revenge of the Sith
And now we move on to top spot, my number 1, and it is Star wars Revenge of the Sith. THis movie, over the years, for me has really risen up the ranks. Yes, there are flaws with it, in fact there probably more flaws in this movie than a new hope and empire strikes back. But the thing is, the things that were good, and well executed in this movie, were just so amazing that it's had for me to even care about the flaws. The order 66 scene is probably my favourite scene in all of star wars, and the battle between anakin and obi wan was just top notch star wars. Also, this movie hits me on so many emotional levels. Anakin's fear of losing Padme, driving him to the extent that it did, and the bond and friendship between obi wan and anakin being broken how it did, was just so emotional and well delivered. Another thing is the score. The music in this movie beats it all, especially the battle of the heroes. oh and who can forget *insert palpatine tragedy of darth plageuis the wise*
2:A New Hope
And know we go back to where it all began. A new hope, or star wars, the first star wars movie created, comes in at number 2. A few eyebrows will probably be raised at me putting this higher than empire strikes back, but that is how much i love this movie. Ffrom the sand dunes of Tatooine, to the long corridoors of the death star, this movie never loses its beauty despite it's age. The battles may have been a bit slow, like the one between obi wan and vader, but you have to remember this movie was created nearly 50 years ago now, and if anything, the age of this movie just adds to the overall beauty of it. A truly amazing movie, and the start of what would become one of the most recognized movie franchises in the world
3:Empire strikes back
In 3rd, we have empire strikes back. this movie needs no introduction. it is know by people across the globe, star wars fans or not. And to save time, im just gonna list all the things i love about this movie. because there are a lot. Firstly, the hoth sequence was amazing, with the battle against the huge imperial walkers. Crackpot, crazy yoda was a bucket of laughs, whilst also being literally the wisest creature alive. And of course, the vader and luke fight on bespin was brilliant and iconic. The only grough i have with this movie is probably the time spent on the millenium falcon with han, leia, chewie and c3po. It felt like it was just filler, until the time comes for them to arrve at bespin. but other than that, this movie is one of the best ever created, and is loved by pretty much every star wars fan i know, and don't.
4: Rogue One
In 4th we have rogue one. Wow, there is so much to say about this movie, i don't know where to start. it was just an amazing movie, and proof that you don't need flashing lightsabers and mystical jedi beings to make a great star wars movie. it is the polar opposite to it's other star wars spin off movie solo. It was brilliant to see and explore the star wars universe outside of you know the beautiful planets of Coruscant, and really exlore what the galaxy is like. The characters are really well done, and loveable. Jyn, cassian, chirrut, baze are all amazing characters, and k2so is just an absoloute badass. Also, orson krennic is for me, on of the best villians in star wars. Overall, an absoloutely amazing movie, and so much emotion in it towards the end with the sacrifices of the rebels. It is a beautiful made movie, and is almost perfection for me.
5: Return of the Jedi
Next, in 5th we have the return of the jedi. this was the last movie in the original trilogy, and didn't fail to deliver. personally i thought that the whole idea of the second death star was a bit recycled, but did the job the nonetheless. But there were so many amazing things about this movie. the fight between luke and vader was so cool and emotionally charged, and palpatine was just badass the whole way through. also, the sequence at the tart at jabbas palace was quite interesting to explore. However there is one gaping issue. the ewoks. Like, ar you telling me that thes, cuddly, furry build a bears managed to take down the greatest force in the galaxy. If something happened like that in a moder star wars movie, it would without a doubt be an absoloute fail. But other than that it is a pretty solid movie

6:The Force Awakens
In the number six spot, we have the force awakens. this was without a doubt the best of the sequel trilogy, and to be honest i really liked it. i liked how rey was introduced and her backstory. the graphics were quite good, and my emotional strings were certainly strung when he killed han. i know that there were quite a lot of critics who say that the force awakens was just a copy of a new hope, and i have to say that i do agree with this claims, but overall i still really enjoyed the new hope, but i have to say that it did set my hopes a bit two high for the next two movies, which we know were just rubbish. i also thought that the starkiller was a rip off death star, but overalll a great movie
7:Attack of Clones
Next up in the no7 sport we have attack of the clones. I'm personally pretty torn on this movie. Imean, don't get me wrong, the geonosis battle, and basically the whole kamino sequence with obi wan and jango is absoloutely amazing, but there are so many low points to this movie. First off, the whole anakin and pdme thing was just criiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinge *insert i hate sand* huhhhhhhhhhh bleeeep
8:Rise of Skywalker.
the rise of skywalker. Now when i first watched this movie i have to admit i really didn't like it, but after a few times of rewatching ive kind grown to be a bit fond of it. There are quite a few things thati have problems with it, btu there are some good parts to it as well. firstly, the dyad in the force was quite interesting between kylo and rey. lei's death was also quite emotional, and really well done. kylos redemption with his father han was a really beautiful moment and for me marked his return to the light. So waht was wrong with it? well, first off, palpatine's return, whilst being nice to see him back, was just such a pathetic xcuse of a villian. i mean i love palpatine, but the way that he was brought back was just appaling. Secondly, the whole wayfinder thingamajig was quite boring to be honest. then you had this whole spy thing. apparently hux was a spy for the resistance anfter killing millions, MILLIONS of creatures in the two movies before this one. so yeah, rise of sjywalker, an alright watch, but not a great movie
9:Last Jedi
Wow. THis is easily the most decisive Star Wars movie ever. With snoke, the mystery of reys parents and of course the return of luke skywalker, many star wars fans were left unsatisfied. so what did i think of luke's return? Well i mean personally i didnt mind luke'd new character arc at all. i thught it was quite a complex and interesting one and was certainly, at least for me, than if he came back and just completly destroyed the first order on his own. the graphics were at their best in this movie as well. but there were some real lows in his movie. first off the whole canto bight seqeunce was so funnecessary and annoying, and rose tiko is easily the worst star wars character of all time. she ruined finns sacrifice, which was so annoying because that woud have really changed his character a lot for the good if he had sacrificed himself. also admiral holder, and the whole rebellion on the resistance ship was also a complete waste of time. overll not a great movie at all.
10:Phantom Menace
We move on now to 10th spot and we have star wars the phantom menace the first of the skywalker saga on this list For me there were a lot of issues with this movie. Jake lloyd, even though he didn't deserve all the criticism he recieved for his role as little Ani, he still wasnt great in the role. the cgi was quite bad and poor in places, and the movie just gets so bogged down by all the talk of tax laws and and trade federatuions. that really killed it for me, oh yeah and of couse all the rubbish talk about midichlorians. but there were some poitives. The podracing was just badass and i loved it, and the duel of the fates is an absolute classic which can never get old of. i liked qui gonn, and his death was quite an emotianol one. and im not even going to talk about jar jar binks. and before i do , lets just move onto the next one
11:Solo THats right at the bottom of this list is unfortunately Solo a star wars story
So whta did i think of it. Well, firstly the actors i felt was quite a good choice. of course no one can beet harrison ford as han solo but alden ehrenreich did a solid job nometheless. Donald glover as Lando was absoloutely brilliant and really left me wnating more from his side. so what were the issues with it then? Well firstly L-3 for me she was probably the most annoying character in all of stra wars. another thing that really ticked me off was how han solo was given his name. thta didn't feel right. also,the character buliding wasnt very strong. i didnt really grow to really care that much for any of the characters, but overall a solid 5/10. it just goes to show thta even though this movie is at the bottom of the list, i still have had some positives to say about it

Hey Guys and welcome to todays video. I'm darth sauron and today im going to be ranking all the star wars movies. This includes the skywalker saga and the two spin offs solo and rogue one, but not the holiday special or the old 80's ewok movies. so lets get into it...
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