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Is Mental Health Illness Or Well Being?
What does your brain conjure up once you see the words 'mental health'? Yes, the phrase does reek with all sorts of connotations doesn't it!

When you think about the phrase Mental Health..... could it be about

People who are strange or not normal.
website is really a stigma or label to be avoided or kept quiet about
Discussing issues of incapacity of your brain and behaviour
A term that is a label to spell it out insanity, madness, weird people
Pathologies like depression, schizophrenia.
Or even the Mental Health department in your State's Health Department?
THE PLANET Health Organization defines mental health as "circumstances of well-being in which the individual realizes her or his own abilities, can deal with the standard stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and can contribute to his or her community."

Not first thing that comes into many people's minds with that phrase could it be?

Portion of the problem may be the actual term 'mental health' - it conjures up images of illness, the word health may be the opposite of illness - if we've health, we've wellness, not illness.

Formally, it is just a term used to describe either a level of cognitive or emotional well-being or an absence of a mental disorder. From Additional info of the discipline of positive psychology or holism mental health can include an individual's capability to take it easy and procure a balance between lifestyle and efforts to achieve psychological resilience.

The problem is based on the word itself - it isn't accurately descriptive of what this means
So perhaps mental wellbeing or wellness is more to the point when encouraging or doing something positive about your personal inner health.

Mental good health can be defined as an absence of a major mental condition (for example, one of many diagnoses in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, IV) though recent evidence stemming from positive psychology suggests mental health is a lot more than the mere absence of a mental disorder or illness. Which means impact of social, cultural, physical and education can all affect someone's mental health.

We reside in a society that takes great care of physical health or well being/wellness - consider the tremendous technological, pharmaceutical and research advances occurring each day.

Consider all the resources for physical health we've put before us constantly - diet programs and diets, gyms and exercise programs, fitness activities, sports, obesity concerns, nutritional supplements and so on.

Yet where may be website and push for mental wellbeing? We readily do something to ensure we avoid infections, injury and organic conditions (e.g. heart) - yet what do we do in order to avoid negative effects on our mental wellness?

So do you consider of your own inner health as it were? And look after it?

That is critically important considering that depression and anxiety affect so many, aside from more serious mental illness diagnoses.

In families, do we put just as much conscious concentrate on mental well being once we do on physical health. Many know lots about good physical wellbeing activities, but are we as informed about good mental health equivalents once we raise and teach our children.

And, what State doesn't have under-funded mental health department?

We have lost the concept of an holistic approach to our anatomies, lives and society. We too readily compartmentalize - and put mental health into the too hard basket or just neglect it.

We have 'abnormalized' mental health, rather than seeing it as important to our wellbeing and a normal section of life - even though someone suffers from a mental illness.

Individuals who suffer adverse mental wellbeing conditions remain 'normal' people - just as an injured person is 'normal, or simply as a deaf person is normal.

For home elevators Mental Wellbeing Issues, see us at Good Health Advice []

Peter Damien Ryan
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