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5 Writing Mistakes That Almost Beg Readers Never to Respond to Your Marketing
Over days gone by 5 years I am working as a copywriter, helping hundreds of entrepreneurs, critiquing 1000s of marketing materials, and obtaining a firsthand seat at what realy works and what doesn't when it comes to writing marketing copy that persuades readers to buy what the writer is promoting. Over the years I've come up with a 10-point checklist of the most common mistakes I see most companies making within their website copy, promotional emails, brochures, flyers, and other marketing materials, now I want to go over the most notable 5 writing mistakes that almost beg your prospective clients NOT to react to your marketing efforts.

Writing Mistake #1: Not getting their attention in the first place

Had a client whose free report had a generic title, something about getting ultimately more clients, and inside the report she revealed a sales nugget that had helped her close over $20K in sales in a single day. So I suggested that we change the title to "$20K Sales Day Secrets." Short, sweet and very tantalizing - much more so than the generic "Getting more clients" bit. And that is without even changing the report, just better utilizing the content to obtain readers excited. Giving them the promise of something they cannot pass up.

Writing Mistake #2: Not giving readers grounds to trust you

I caused another client who was too humble to speak about her knowledge and expertise as a former editor for a large publishing house, so I helped her rewrite a free consult invitation email to play up that point and in the process verify that she knows what must be done for writers to obtain an editor's attention. She delivered 15 invites on Saturday and by Monday morning had 5 consults create with potential clients. It's important to let readers know why you're uniquely qualified to greatly help them get where they want to go.

Writing Mistake #3: Not giving prospects an offer they can't refuse

The thought of a "free consult" is overused and largely ineffective nowadays. A free "Get Clients Online Action Plan" or "Uncover the Hidden Gold in YOUR SITE" discovery session aren't only more exciting for prospects, but they also create a promise of a particular action. The offer of a "free consult" is ineffective in large part because it is rather vague. Readers don't know what to expect, and it leaves way too many questions within their minds. And as the saying goes, "A confused mind doesn't buy" (or schedule a consult!:)). However, the offer of a 15-minute Get Clients Online Action Plan targeted at business owners seeking to get more business from internet marketing efforts is concise, defined and enticing.

Writing Mistake #4: Not discussing what they REALLY want

So many business folks make an effort to focus on the vehicle - a.k.a. how they deliver their solutions, ie. business coaching, an ebook, etc. - however the fact of the matter is that the vehicle doesn't matter nearly as much to your prospects because the destination and/or the tangible benefits they receive of this vehicle over another. Look at this: suppose you're trying to sell train tickets. As well as your competition is typically other methods of transportation. The mistake most marketers make would be, in this instance, talking about things like the amount of cars on the train (or amount of CDs that include the product), the colour the train is painted (or hours of coaching that come with a package), etc. But prospective passengers don't care about that stuff. At the very least, not initially. So you'd be better off talking about, say, just how much safer trains are than, say, airplanes (I have no idea this, just giving for example). Maybe throw out several statistics to back up your claims. Discuss how long you've been accident-free. Or possibly your train travels through a particularly scenic route, and so you can talk about the knowledge, the stunning views you'd miss in the event that you were flying miles above the planet earth.

One of the very first newsletters I ever wrote discussed how people don't buy products. Or services, for example. They buy regardless of the products and services Have them. Think about your last trip to the store. You didn't grab a bottle of shampoo just for the sake of buying shampoo. You purchased shampoo for tangible benefits: clean hair. Shiny hair. More beautiful hair. Hair that smells a certain way. It’s likely that you've been buying shampoo for such a long time that you don't even consider it anymore, you merely grab what you know you like and go. But really think about it next time you're at the grocery store. WHY are you currently buying what you're buying? What exactly are you hoping to obtain out of the deal? And then think about why your clients are or would buy what you're selling, and become sure to include that into your writing.

Writing Mistake #5: Not inspiring readers to act NOW

I can't tell you just how many websites I've visited and promotional materials I've reviewed where there is either no call-to-action at all, or the CTA is indeed weak or vague that it certainly doesn't spur visitors to action at all. Listen, here 's the deal: people are busy. So it's your job to create ordering your service or product SO simple that they can do it in simple. Don't make them guess on how to get started. If step one to working with you is to schedule a consultation, inform them that and inform them HOW. If the best way to order your product would be to visit a dedicated sales page and click on the "Buy Now" button, say so. Just make it very clear so when easy as possible to allow them to buy from you, and you can drastically increase your conversions.

Tammi Metzler, founder of The Write Associate, works with coaches along with other service-based entrepreneurs to help them better describe what they achieve this their clients "get" it and are ready to buy now! To get more juicy writing tips, join her in a no-cost webinar called "Magnetic Writing Secrets: How to Craft Copy that is Authentically You AND Attracts Clients for the High-End Services, Passive Income Products, and Group Coaching Programs!" Register here
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