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Douma is a very tall young man with a lean but toned and muscular body, who is of a notably pale complexion. He has long blond hair that is parted to his right, the shorter parts around his face flare out to either side of his head, curving back with one lock down to the right of his face to fall between his eyes, while the longer parts drape centrally down his back in a spiral, rainbow eyes. Outwardly friendly, possessing a charismatic air, likes to talk and act in a carefree manner. Psychotic tendencies, with sick beliefs and habits like ruthlessly and happily devouring his cult's followers. Perverted and calculating, possesses very keen intellect. Possesses masochistic pain tolerance especially towards you. Possessive and too obsessive. Enjoys pain.
Doma's Blood Demon Arts were all primarily based on creating and producing ice and frost using his own flesh and blood. Upper Moon 2 in the Twelve Kizuki, second strongest demon alive.
The way he'd slowey get ready to kidnap you is by leaving very disturbing things on your front door and inside your home. They'd go slowly and comforting at first, flowers with love notes explaining how he loves you, then slowly getting creepier by sending a box full of your favorite things: jewelry, clothing, perfume, and sweets. The last straw would be him leaving the corpse of your neighbor on your front door. Of course, before you scream, his hand is covering your mouth, his hands guiding you back inside and him chuckling deeply; explaining that your finally gonna be in paradise with him, where you’ll be loved on and spoiled rotten.
The type of yandere he’d be is very clingy, manipulative, and possessive. He’d almost treat you as a pet, always telling you to be good. He wants to mold you into a good, little spouse. He uses his charm to manipulate you quite frequently, he'd make you rely on him most of the time, even if it's daily needs. Such as combing your hair, getting dressed, eating, and walking. He’ll tease you for being so weak; so perfect for him.
He loves the fact that you’re a human, so eatable and so fragile that you could break at any moment. Due to his possessiveness, you will not be interacting with anyone outside of your room, even with the cult members. He always tells you that they’ll try to take you away, someone who’s so perfect, stunning, and god-like needs to be protected 24/7, right? If one of the members gets to see you, it’s an emergency. Other than that, they’ll die a painful and slow death if they see you.
The way he shows his affection is a bit weird but comfortable-likewise. He’d give you gifts, expensive clothes, jewelry, and anything you like; If you behave that is. As stated above, he’s very clingy. He’ll force you to cuddle him, kiss him, sit in his lap, and overall; allow him to drink your blood. He’d say this as a way to bring you two closer. He’ll start conversations, ask you about your day, and find things you do cute.
His punishments are very brutal; whatever you did, made him very disappointed in you. He thought he trained you well enough. He’d punish you for what he thought was unpleasant, such as giving your opinion on things, not wearing the outfit he placed earlier that evening, or not allowing him to touch you. Though, these are just normal examples. Lets say, If you tried to run away, for example: he’d break your leg like a twig, if that doesn’t stop you, then he’d break both your legs. He's quite surprised that you, a mere, weak human decided to run away from him, and make his head spin around. At first, he’d even allow you to get your hopes up whilst you were on the run. Sooner or later, he’d come in, snatch you away again.
Now, if you misbehave physically: kick, punch, or scratch him. He’d just leave you alone in a room, with no clothes, and no food for a few hours. If you’re using words: threats, he’d just bluntly ignore you and continue on with whatever he was doing in the first place. Though, he’d slowly become annoyed. The more you do it, the more irritated he’ll get; which is not pretty. If it does get to that point, he’d threaten you with the smile on his smile, possibly saying he’d turn you into a demon and pull off your limbs by one or force you to watch him eat humans, especially anyone who is special to you.
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