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I was in a deep sleep. Like something was pressing on my heart not in a bad way. In a way where you're in such a deep sleep that you catch yourself snoring. I was asleep but my eyes were somehow open. I was in a dream. I saw the front door closed but these red and blue lights were flashing outside the window, and I saw them. My dog was jumping up and down at the door running back and forth. My dog Thena first went to my brother who was sitting across from me while I was more in a laying position. Once my dog ran to brother to get his attention and it did not work, she ran to me. But somehow, I knew she was coming to me, and I panicked though. So, when she got to me, she run up at me jumped up and licked me. Except when she licked me my hand was in her mouth, and she had calmed down. Then all of a sudden, I tried to grasp for air so I could wake up from my dream. So, when I finally got that air, I needed to wake up, I immediately woke. And that's how my dream ended.

But before this dream I was thinking of J. Which made me dream of him and I was taking pictures in the mirror. He was asking me like what I had on and if he could see my outfit. I think this dream symbolizes my feelings for him still. But anyway, I'm in the dream and my sister is there while I'm taking pictures but so is my mom and there just watching me take pictures. My sister makes a comment about my body in the dream much like yesterday. I get upset and take like a few more pictures before getting really upset and then just ending. My dream ended after I got upset.


I think these dreams are important. A guide maybe someone trying to convey something to me but maybe I'm just not listening. This guide it's maybe known me for some time and wants me to wake up and realize who I am. I read what my two dreams might mean and it's about pent-up feelings and guides reaching out me. I don't know what to do with this information. I can't tell anyone they'll think I'm talking to spirits. I'm not I feel it's something different. More about myself and finding who I am. Finding my true self but first I have to visit some unfamiliar and uncomfortable places. Whatever these weird dreams are I won't ignore them, nor will I invalidate them. I can't wait to find the answers to who I am or maybe who I've been all along. I'm ready for the journey I just need more signs more answers to point to where I can find my true self and where she just might be. Until then, I will search. To find who I am because I know she is wonderful and is waiting for me to be found. When she is found then I'll know. I'll know why, it all occurred. The pain, the hurt, heartbreak, and anger. Why people said and did all those mean things to me then I'll know. But I will be able to put it to rest because I will have found her, and she will have found me. Thank you and until then, I'll be looking for her as she'll be looking for me. I know it will all make sense soon. When I find that sense, I think I will have found myself found her. When I do it will be beautiful. It will indeed. When I find her, discover then I'll know why.
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