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Successful safe practices programs
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An informal safe practices program is for those companies that want their workplaces safe. Formal programs are for all those companies required by law. Informal programs are strictly voluntary and so are for companies that might not have enough employees to possess a formal plan. The insurance industry states that those companies that have informal programs in place have 50 percent less claims reported. Great cost savings will be seen in having a program set up. (20 to 40 percent just in premiums)
The making of a health and safety program begins with a policy statement. This statement will lay the foundation for the program; it states values and commitments of the business to its employees and customers. It ought to be signed and posted. The next step would be to set-up rules and procedures. These rules will state how processes should be followed, what equipment is necessary, and what potential hazards exist. Once these rules have already been written, orientation ought to be directed at existing employees, new employees, and also to outside contractors of the business. Instruction should also be given in the right way of using the necessary safety equipment to be used along the way. W here an extra skill is necessary, training should take place such as in fall arrest equipment.

Workplace inspections are an excellent way of assuring the health and safety program is current. Through the workplace inspection, dangerous trends could be identified and corrected such as a fire exit constantly being blocked.

If accident occurs there should be a study process in place. Investigations of accidents and even near misses (event where an accident almost occurred without injury) should determine the reason and a conclusion on what the cause must be found.

Short monthly meetings could keep employees involved. Concerns can be voiced and solutions offered. Post a short record of the meeting on the employee board to ensure all employees know what was discussed.

Keep an archive of first aid supplies, inspection reports, accident and near misses reports, monthly meetings, employee orientation, and training records. These records will tell a tale of the business' health and safety program.

Successful health and safety programs will have small enterprises lead by example and set reasonable safe practices goals and objectives.

Related Articles - Health, safety, UK, Health and safety, Safe practices services,
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