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A concept to be thought of extensively. How despite how full many wanted to make the world feel, it ended in the same way for many across it. Another day passing by into the abyss, time slowly ticking away. Energy wasted, desolation slowly marring the edges of one's day to day existence. Perhaps it wasn't that way for some, but it was gradual for many.

But it had already long since arrived for Kamukura Izuru.

One leg placed on their old hospital bed, crimson eyes stared into the darkness of their room. The dull pain in their temple and the slight discomfort their gown brought them did little to make them move from their position, thin lips drawn in a line as they stared ahead. Wasting time, but no real way to use it.

Not even the door rattling was enough to turn their attention away, someone turning into the room. A faint murmured conversation was exchanged before clicked footsteps quickened to their side, long arms wrapping around their shoulders and pulling them closer to a warm body.

"Iz-u-ru-kun!" A familiar voice cooed in their ear, causing their eyes to finally flick over to the girl at their side. They dully noted her beauty in the back of their mind, bright curls pulled into twin tails and full red lips split into a smile. The only thing that tugged at their interest was her eyes- bright blue pools of emptiness, alluring temptation that'd bring many into their trap. Their eyes flicked away. The knowledge of how the visit would go already was causing them to get bored.

"I missed you sosososo much, didya know that?" Not seem to noticing their lack of interest, she dug her nails into their side as she squeezed them tightly. "It's been like, a week- and it took forever and a half to get some time with you! Our mutual friend is such a spoilsport, y'know!"

Silence. Flashes of cold blue eyes, a matching sneer. Kamukura didn't mind him as much as the others, though it meant nothing in the end. They certainly didn't consider him a friend, or even really bothered to recall his name. They still didn't react, causing a loud sigh to break from the other as she rested her cheek against his shoulder.

"Would'cha at least like to get out of this room, soon?" Her voice was soft, energy dropped from her tone. They could feel her looking at them, and out of the corner of their eyes, could see something glimmering in her eyes. Something stirred within them.

A raspy voice they didn't recognize answered. "Tell me."

"How'd you feel about a killing game?"
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