NotesWhat is

Notes brand slogan

Notes -

Planning: searching the details , time , origin , destination etc.
Check your documents: documents for domestic can be any sort of identification , in int flight: passport should be valid and that too 6 months from departure
Baggage : carry on or hand language and check in baggage
Standard allowance for carry baggage is 5-7 kg , and for check in is up to 23 kg.

Things not to be taken :Aresoles ( that can hamper the travelers health), scissors , pointed blades , lighters

Passport can be taken on carry luggage.

4. Boarding pass : after the check in , 3 ways for check in : a) web check in at least 24-48 hrs. prior to departure b)tele check-in : get check in by calling the airline and directly takes passport at the airport c)offline: arrive at airport and get your boarding pass at airline counter.

5. Domestic : traveler should reach airport 2 hrs. prior to departure and international at least 3 hrs.

IATA: International air transportation association headquarter in Montreal Canada , that represents lead and serve the airline industry , It represent some 240 airline comprises 84% of there int. air traffic.

GDS : global distribution system , main 4 GDS are:

World span

Types of journeys:

One way journey : when the traveller taking the flight from originating city and going to a destination and not coming back to originating city.

Round trip: where the traveller is taking the flight from originating city and going to destination and coming back to the originating city .

Multi city : where traveller takes different flights for different destinations… i.e. series of flights for more than two cities…traveller can book up to 5 flights and 6 destinations in single trip

Open jaw: is basically when cx travel for one destination and coming back to the originating city by different city.
Or when cx travel for one destination and coming back to the different city

Types of flights:

Direct flights : one or more stops but cx doesn’t have to chnge the airplane.
Non stop flight: flight with no stops
Connecting flight: cx has to change the airplanes. , two or more flights , cx has to chnge the airplane that will lead to different flight no.

Stopover: a stopover is a planned stop on a ticked journey…over more than 4hr in domestic and more than 24hr in international

Layover: is an extended period on ground between fights in an itinerary…less than 4hr in domestic and less than 24hr international

Different types of traveller:

Adults (18 to 64 )
Senior citizen ( 65 and older)
Infant ( less than 2)
· Infant on lap: infant do not get seat goes on adults lap

· Infant on seat : infant gets the seat

Children’s ( 2 to 17)
Accompanied minor : child cannot be allowed to travel without an adult , we do not sell ticket for this.

Cabin Class or class of service : it defines the passenger compartment of an airplane , differentiator in the cabin classes are meal , seat comfort and other in flight amenities. Types of cabin are:

Economy class or coach: least expensive class of service , passenger receives the basic amenities like seat , non alcoholic beverages etc.
Business class :it is between coach and first class it has included meals , alcoholic drinks, seat comfort
First Class : It is the expensive class of service , cx got wider and most comfortable seat , more flight attendance , sometimes recliner seat , cx do not have to pay extra for headsets or drinks.
Premium economy: it is between economy and business class .

Every cabin class has a range of booking classes also. shown as letters, each with their own price and set of rules

1ST Class : F , P , A

Business class : J , C , I , D , Z

Premium economy : W, R, T, O

Economy : M , Y (is the highest booking class of economy) and rest all.

Outbound Flight: flight from origin to destination

Inbound flight : Flight from destination to origin

Code Share : its an agreement between two airlines where one shares the code by another airlines in selected routes. Code here (ticket stock no.) In code share two carrier are used :

Validating carrier : it is basically the airline whose ticket stock is used may or may not the part of itinerary. , they will receive the money and then will transfer the funds to operating carrier.

Operating carrier: the airline whose aircraft is flown.

Stages of travel:

Pre travel : when the cx has not yet departed
En-route: cx is on his onward flight i.e. is on his plane.
Past dated: where cx can use credit shell or MCO(Miscellaneous charge order) of his previous cancelled flights.

Intermediate stop: A stop before the final stop , cx doesn’t have to change the airplane.

Airport codes and city codes: airport and city code are same thing , airport code is a 3 alphabets code.

Airline code : Every airline has a 2 letter alpha numeric and 3 digits numeric code ….3 digits numeric code here is a ticket stock no.

Arrival Unknown (ARNK) : This symbol is put on GDS where cx has different destination ( open jaw)

Air fares : 2 types are : Published and merchant fare.

Published: In published airline charges the amount from the cx and on cx bank statement cx will be able to see charges from airline side . In this case for the changes airline will be only charging the amount and for refunds also directly airline will be giving the refund. And we will get commission from airline for that.

When changes are done we will generate the authorization code and send to the CAT team who will generate the new itinerary

First 3 digits of ticket no. is ticket stock no.

In case of code share flights cx needs to check in on operating carrier.

Different types of published fare:

Branded Fare : Its basically sold in packages and standalone bookings , Where cx can add a extra things like extra leg space or bags by paying extra and in Amadeus it will be shown as U*67 BRANDED FARE UPSELL.

Combined one-way fare or split ticket : basically sold for standalone bookings , In this there will be two different airlines and each airlines provides one way flight. . here there will be two different record locater for each airlines. Therefore there would be two different ticket no. also … comes under both merchant and publish

· It might possible one airline can be a LCC and other can be a main airline and we cannot service LCC so, In this case we will first tell cx to contact the LCC al and thn he can contact us to change in full service al.

Low cost airlines(LCC) : it provides lower prices and cx has to pay for extra services such as baggage’s , seats , we do not service LCC flights we just tell cx to get in touch with airlines and provide them the contact no. ,

How to identify : If under the ticket no. its mentioned ticketless its LCC and we will not service this and at the top it would be written frontier airlines.

Due to system limitations the al hasn’t provided us the authorization to do the amendments in terms of cancellation or changes

Due to data privacy we are unable to access your booking so you have to directly connect with al for the same and after this we will provide al contact no. and airline confirmation no. to cx

Merchant : IN merchant fare expedia purchases bulk of tickets from airlines and put his special rate according to the seasons, and here expedia charges the amount from the cx , only in standalone and packages booking we will see merchant fare bookings. We do not generate authorization code in merchant. We will use voyager for charging the amount from cx

Types of Merchant fare:

1 Special Vacation Air Fare (SVA) : sold in packages only booking , In this fare we will see the extra charges in the Amadeus only

2 Branded Net Fare: sold in packages ands standalone bookings.

3 Bargain Fare: Its available for online purchase only here cx doesn’t get the option to select the airlines and timings , this is because in this fares are the cheapest , cx only have to put origin and destination and the dates ,and cx will get confirmation of all things only after booking completion , this booking is a use it or a lose it type of fare as it cannot be change, cancelled or void, in case of name change or schedule change we can do the changes . As a one time curtesy we can void this ticket in case to expedia us gold and silver cx . we can see the identification of it on the fare type in voyager.

4 Flex Mor: Its sold in packages and standalone bookings, Its kind of publish fare where expedia is the merchant of records. , in fare type it will be written publish and in payment its written merchant or supplier.

Basic Economy or restrictive fare or web fare: found in both merchant and publish Fares and you sold in normal standalone and packages , it is usually non refundable and non changeable that’s why its also called use it or lose it kind of booking, however we need to check al policies that if al is providing any kind of credit.

PNR : 'Passenger Name Record


P – PHONE FIELD (phone no. of passenger and email address)

R - RECEIVED FROM ( Whenever you do anything in Amadeus u need to save , for saving we will do like this :(RFdsjalhotra1-ER-ER-IR)…HERE RF is received from then deljsaksham1 is del id and IR here is ignore and retrieve.

I – ITINEARY ( flight details)

N – Name field (name of the passenger)

T – Ticketing time limit (element is used to request ticketing issuance for specific date and time) command : TKOK

We can check the availability up to 330 days

Ticket is valid for 1 year

**Availability command: AN20novdellhr/aba

AN is constant then date in dd-mmm format we do not need put year, then origin and departure, thn slash thn ‘a’ constant, then airport code (here ba)

**To encode city or airport code is (from name to code) the command: DANDELHI (DAN thn city name , here Delhi)

And if there are more than one airports we will choose the one after which there is closed miles is written.

Ex 0M OR 11M.

*To decode city or airport code is (from name to code) the command is : DACDEL (DAC thn city code , here DEL)

** To decode airline code(from name to code or code to name ) the command is : DNAAIRINDIA OR DNAAI (
here DNA is command thn airline name or code)

**To recall the command ( ALT + upper arrow) or from the anti clock icon from the Amadeus

For seats selection in Amadeus as per booking class we will go from right to left .

**command to select seats: ss1L1

Ss: select seat

1 : no of passenger

L: booking class

1: no. of flight

If a booking has written L in front of it instead to no’s it means that booking class has no seats left.

After availability we will write name

Name Command : Nm1lastname/firstname

Thn we will add phone no .

Phone no. command : APM 7351122305 (apm thn phn no)

Foe email : APE [email protected] (ape then email)

After all this we will Ticketing time limit (Tkok and enter)

Then saving command RFSJ-ER-ER-IR , THEN a PNR will be created.

** to clear the screen IG enter

**RT for retrieve i.e. coming to main page

**RT and thn PNR for retrieving the PNR

After name command , flight details come in that after date a no. is mentioned that is the no. of day on the week, week start from Monday and for ex 2 is for Tuesday.

There is one option to create PNR from your smart flows option , but before that we will run availability command as earlier then click on PN_CR under smart flows. This is used in case of MCO or credit shell and perch PNR when we create new PNR.

purged PNR : when a PNR gets expired it Is called purged PNR.

On U2 line we will get the itinerary no. and the account id , first is itinerary no. thn account id

On U5 line we will dom. Or international and as well as EAPID and TPID

On U49 line we will get language id

These things will be asked when we create PNR by your smart flows

**MD command for move down

**MU command for move up

**MP command for coming at the end of page

Create PNR through Your smart flow :

Availability command
Seat selection command
Click on your smart flow , thn click PN_CR
Fill adult name , thn itinerary no. , and all details.

in PNR creation line which has airline segment is segment no. other all will be called line no.

**if we want to delete the line no. command is : xe thn line no. and after that save command (rf-er-er-ir)

Ex : xe9 (line 9 will be deleted)

If we want to delete lines in continuation i.e from 9 to 12 hypen (-)will be used , ex: xe9-12 , ,thn save commnd

And, if we want to delete more than one lines thn comma will be used , ex: xe9,11,13 , thn save command


If its round trip and same PNR so there should both the airlines same.

For PNR creation in round trip:

Availability command for onward journey
Seat selection command for onward journey
Availability command for return journey
Seat selection command for return journey
Click on your smart flow , thn click PN_CR
Fill adult name , thn itinerary no. , and all details

Connecting flights:

For PNR creation in trip:

1. Availability command

2. Seat selection command (in connecting we will select lowest booking class seats available for both the sectors ex: Q id lowest for 1st sector and M is lowest for 2nd i.e. ss1qm1

3. Click on your smart flow , thn click PN_CR

4. Fill adult name , thn itinerary no. , and all details

Minimum connecting time: minimum time required to change a connecting flight. ,

**Command to check minimum connecting time : dm2/3 ,(here dm Is command and thn 2 and 3 are segment no. between which we want to check connecting time)

If you want to check connection time for all the flight that every flight is given ample time or not.

**dmi , if result shows itinerary ok it means every thing is ok

If we want to check Terminal click on flight no. in Amadeus OR

**Command : do2 (do is command then segment no.)

EQP: equipment no. , is used to check air craft type

Dne234 (here 234 is equipment no.)

VOID A FLIGHT: Void is a curtesy cancellation provided to cx to cancel the booking within 24 hrs. of booking without any charges.

We will not use word void on chat we will use cancel with cx.

For us point of sale : cx can cancel the booking within 24 working hrs. ( does not include sat sun ) , if booking is made on Friday we can cancel till Monday 11:59pm.

For Expedia APAC & EMEA: cx can cancel the booking within 24 hrs. but on the same date, ex booking made on 11 July 7 pm , have to cancel on 11 July before 11:59pm.

Flights and flight insurance:

Whenever you get the option to void the ticket first

we will cancel the booking from vnext i.e. void from vnext first , so that in case any insurance is linked with the ticket o that it can also be automatically cancelled

Open ticket no. : rttn (**command)
Open ticket image : twd/l16 (**twd thn slash thn L THN Line no. , here 16 is the line no.)

Ticket image has following details: LOC : locator , i.e. PNR only IOI : iota no. ., DOI: date of issue , poi : point of issuance ,OD: origin destination , 1PC: cx can have 1 check in luggage. , date and time of flights

Whenever we have to do any changes we will check ticket status by opening the ticket image , We can only make the changes, cancellation or void when ticket status (ST) is open(o) or Airline control (A) . This status is called Coupon status.

We cannot make any kind of cancellation or changes when coupon status is checked in.

If cx cancels his outbound journey his return journey will get automatically cancelled.

And if cx wants to cancel his return flight we will advice cx to travel his onward journey thn contact us again to cancel the return one.

To change currency in Amadeus:

**command : fqc646gbp/USD (here FQC is constant thn amount thn currency that we want to chnge thn slash after slash into which currency we need to chnge.

To get the bifurcation of tax:

**command: twd/tax


If you want to check if ticket can be voided or not we can use **command trf thn ticket no., and we will get ticket no. from rttn and if it shows documents not confirmed use trdc to cancel , It means ticket it can be void

**Void command : Trdc/all , after this check again check ticket status it has to be changed to voided (v).

After void command we will delete the airline segment from xe command.


Check if tickets can be voided or not (trf thn ticket no.)
Void command : Trdc/all
again check ticket status it has to be changed to voided (v). , we can check ticket staus by twd/L thn line no.
thn delete airline segment from xe command.
Thn save command (rf-er-er-ir)
IF it’s a publish care we have to do one more thing after deleting segment , from your smart flow click on CC reversal script. , and thn put line no. of authorization code in smart flow , (authorization code will be written in front of card no./expiration date in FP line)

Go to scripts , global enhanced EVR
Click void , accept and cancel the flight segments .

#whenver cx has had done checked in and want to make changes we will uncheck in the ticket through airline website , and changes can be done 6hrs prior to departure

#whenever its PUBLISH FARE we void we will say cx

MR. traveller I have cancellation and the amount that you paid will be dropped off within 7-10 business days.

Since, amount has been put on hold and it will be released within 7-10 days

#IN case of MERCHANT FARE: ( raise SR for refund)

traveller we have initiated the cancellation from expedia end and the amount that you paid will refunded within 7-10 business days.

**Rtf (short command to display the fare element)

# if the cx has voided the ticket we cannot do anything

In rtf if FP line (form of payment line) shows cash or cheque its merchant fare

And if FP line is written in the form of card no./expiration date thn its called publish fare.

(we can see FP line directly from ticket image also, i.e. twd/L line no. )

Sfpd (secured flight passenger data)


Click on your smart flow , EX_R , misc.. , sfpd , thn fill all the required details .

For manually adding sr docs

SRDOCSBAHK1-----ddmmmyy-m—last name-first name/p1

Srdocs thn ba is al code , 5 hypen , dob , 1hypen male or female , 2 hypen last name , 1 hypen first name , thn slash thn p constant after p no. of passenger for whom u r filing data

#if there are more than passengers we will run same command 2 times thn save.

For adding special service request(SSR) for meal **command : SR thn meal code

For meal code command** : hemeal , thn we will get meal code in ssr refrence , put than reference and all the meal codes will come

Thn put the same in SR thn meal code . to check if its added or not go to face of pnr

And ,If we want to add different meal for both the Pax thn **command will be SRAVML/P1 (here sr is constant thn avml is meal code thn p1 is passenger 1)

And, if we want to add specific meal for different segments of flight thn **command will be

SRAVML/P1/S2-3 (here sr is constant thn avml is meal code thn p1 is passenger 1 , Thn s2-3 is segment)

All SSR will be get through **command rtg

WHEELCHAIR: (22512 vnext article)


Passenger can walk up / down stairs


Wheelchair with wet cell battery


Passenger cannot walk up / downstairs


Wheelchair, manual power


Passenger is completely immobile


Wheelchair, on-board


Wheelchair with dry cell battery

**command for adding wheelchair : SRWCHR , SR Thn wheelchair code

Booking seats:

We can only book free seats for paid seats cx need to connect with the al or he can also book it 24-48hr prior of departure.

**command sm4 (sm is constant thn sector no. here 4 , thn seat map will open and we can select the seat) , seats with dollar sign showing are the paid seats.

Type of seats:

Window seat
Middle seat
Aisle seat

**command in order to get selected seat specifically – RTSTR

How to split a PNR:

Sp1 (here 1 is pax no.)
Save command (rf-er-er-ir)
Rtaxr (to find the splitted a pnr)
Axr (auxiliary pnr)

Other service information (OSI):

Whenever we have to give any info. To airline or whenever we received any instruction from al it is in the form of OSI.

This is for al and travel agent reference.

**Command: OSAA (OS is constant thn airline code here AA , THN the free flow command that we need to send to airline it should not be more than 30-40 word.)

In case of code sharing flights *command : OSYY thn free flow text

When we get any waiver or OSI from airline thn we will check through rtg

**Alternative for availability command when we specifically want for: an12augdellhr/aba/Ky

Same previous command thn slash k is constant after the class code

Ex: : an12augdellhr/aba/Ky (for economy)

Economy: Y

Premium economy : W

Business : C

First class : F

if you want o check how many seats are available in a particular booking class: **command: an12augdellhr/aba/ca

(availability command thn slash thn c is constant thn booking class in which we want to check seats here A)

After any changes we do we need to put remarks for our internal team **Command: RM thn text

To check previous remarks **command: RTR

TICKET ISSUANCE: (for ticket issuance we will issue only when validating carrier is ba)

How to issue ticket

Fxr (to display price) FXR gives price in best available class
Fxb (save)
Fp cash

Checking Fare rules: (cancellation and refund policies)

divide ur screen,
Fqdlhrord/D20dec22/r,up,17jul22/cm/aba , (Fqd(daparting, arriving0/D( the date of departure)r,up,(issuing date/c(booking class )/aba)
Check fare basis code , copy paste the Check fare basis code
Fqn01*pe (here fqn is constant , thn line no. here 01 , pe stands for penalty)
After this check for return flight also by just changing the booking class from first command, if in case its not coming thn try changing the dates , if still not coming up we will chnge the segments .
IF FQD doesn’t work use…. FXX/R,UP,DOI

#We will follow the airline policies of most restrictive one policy.

#in case of connecting flights also we will consider origin and destination , we will not consider the connecting airport.

#somethings first letter of fare basis code and booking class as same….but not every time ., and X stands for connecting flight and O for originating flight.

#From FE line (endorsement line ) we can check that booking is refundable or not.

ADD A TRAVELLER : (for adult and child)

We cannot add a traveller in an existing booking.

If a booking is made within 24hr we can provide an alternate that we can void that ticket and you can make a new booking. , and if cx says us to make a new booking for him we will make that from BSA not Amadeus or voyager

If booking is made beyond 24hr , we cannot add a traveller and best you can do that you can make a new booking for new traveller, also we will tell cx that will be a separate booking and it will have its new prices and different policies and might possible travelers cannot sit together , and if cx does not agree for that, we will directly tell cx to connect with airlines.


Situations in which cx can reach us for adding infant. (we have to check that infant should be less than 2 yrs in the full journey)

Travelers contacts for that when booking was made at that time infant was not born now wants to add.

before covid the booking gets cancelled and now he want to use that credit shell for new booking for that and want to add a infant.

For two infants one can be on lap and traveller must be more than 12 years and he can take other one on the seat.

For adding infant in the following cases

For infant on seat we will direct cx to airlines
For adding infant on lap we will transfer to CAT team
If coming within 6hr we will warm transfer
If there are more than 6hrs email to cat team , we will not email we will inform to the available sup.
Before transferring we have to ask these things from cx:
1) Infant full name as per documentation

Ask which passenger the infant will be sitting with.

Coupon status code

Coupon status name


Airport control (a)


Checked in (a)


Exchanged/Reissued (c)


Flown/Used (a)


Converted to FIM (g)


Irregular operations (a)


Lifted/Boarded (a)




Open for use (i)


Printed (c)


Refunded (c)


Suspended (a)


Paper Ticket (c)


Unavailable (d)


Void (c)


Refund Taxes/Fees/Charges only (e)


Print Exchange (a)


Closed (f)


Ground Transportation Voucher

#Whenever we create a pnr in case of purged or MCO , we will see our booking OID above the traveller name in Amadeus and ticketing OID id in TKOK line.

#when cx file the charge back or in no show thn is s or suspended status

Different segment status codes:

HK (Holding confirm)
UN : whenever flight is non operational or cancelled thn status will be UN
LK (Link to be confirmed) : Ticket has not been issued
UC (Unable to confirm): or waitlist
SS (sell segment msg sent to the airline) : same as Lk , Lk is in training and in production it will be SS
HX : when HK status will be cancelled by airline or the cx himself thn it changes to HX , i.e. holding is not confirm
TK (till confirmed) : whenever there is schedule change so al provides an alternative option , so that alternative status would be in TK status.
NO (no action taken) : same like UC

**Command to retrieve the history RHA of the pnr

OS stands for original segment

XS stands for cancelled segment

AS stands for added segment

CS stands for Changed status

HDQ stands for Headquarters

CIS stands for Corner stone

GAWITKT means agent has queued to ticketing team

GANTOTKT means the changes done by ticketing team

In Airline history 9998WS means that booking is made through web service.

We always check the pnr history from up to down

**Command to check all the airline segments (RTA)


Changes of origin and destination can be done only in the same country, ex original flight is del to LHR , we can change to BLR to LHR

Changes that can be done are :

Date change
Time change
Change of cabin ( we cannot downgrade the cabins i.e. from business to economy )
Change in origin and destination

When we make changes we will not downgrade the booking class, we will book the same class cx has booked earlier , if that is not available thn one upper class.

Steps For changes: (by script)

Put the availability command for the changes we want
click on script thn global enhanced EVR
Select the segments that we want
Click exchange
Add collect amount will come we need to verify , thn accept (also check TQT here that baggage’s are same or not)
Thn it will ask to cancel the old segments click yes , put remarks
Thn open your smart flow and EVR quick queue and queue the ticket.

After queuing the ticket we will tell…You will get your revised ticket within 24hrs.

Manually changes (automatically get add collect)

Check coupon status i.e. RTTN and TWD it should be o or A and thn check policies that ticket is refundable or not. (FQD…. And FQN command)
Select the flight by availability command
Delete old segment (XE)
FXF (to display price) , it will show add collect…..thn md to check ticket mask ( we will check ticket mask to check that our booking is not degraded. , here also check baggage should be same for previous and new flights. …… if FXF doesn’t work we can also use FXE (after FXF we will get the add collect amount)
TTE/all (to delete previous stored ticket)
FXQ (save the price)….when we use FXE we will save the price by FXO/K….FXO(gives the best available booking class but it can downgrade also so check baggage’s and booking class
TQT (to check transitional stored ticket (TST)) …tqt/L
Save rf-er-er-ir

After that we will run EXR to queue the PNR

If its merchant fare we will directly charge amount from voyager but if its publish fare we will have to generate authorization code , we will do that from DECC command or from EXR

For queuing the pnr if we have done manually we will do it from your smart flow thn EXR

FXQ give you price in the available booking class or higher booking class it never downgrade.

Whenever cx called for a change and new booking is less than old one so cx will get a MCO in return if amount is more than or equal 25USD.

Manually pricing : (we will use this Only if ATC doesn’t work)

Check coupon status i.e. RTTN and TWD it should be o or A and thn check policies that ticket is refundable or not. (FQD…. And FQN command)
Select the flight by availability command
Delete old segment (XE)
FXX (to display the prices) .. in case of multiple prices. we will select the most closest one to select the most closest one. first check booking class is same in new and old booking both thn if booking class is different chnge it by SB command
FQQ01 (01 HERE IS LINE NO.),thn calculate the fare difference and add collect. fare difference = new price - old price

Total Add collect = fare difference + penalties

FXP ( to save )……Fxt05/p1-2
TTE/all..(to delete the TST) ( use only is there is error in FXP)
FXP ( to save )……Fxt05/p1-2
Check TQT
Save (Rf-er-er-ir) and queue in CAT team.

If u want to chnge the booking class to another booking class the **Command is SB (should be command) , SB thn booking class , SBH (here h is booking class ).

We can also use this command when we want to chnge the cabins. Just check the availability thn SB command to chnge the booking class and do the pricing by FXF.

FXR (automatically do the pricing thing)….we can do FXR also but it downgrade the booking)

For changes and pricing our first priority will be EVR , if EVR shows error thn we will go through manual in EVR only, thn if again i.e. in global enhanced

Select segment nd documents we will select individually one by one or all cx ,

Click exchange .

Airline reporting corporation (ARC) : us point of sale booking will come under ARC market.

Bank settlement plan(BSP): EMEA and APAC booking will come under this market

Correct or change the name of passenger:

If the flight is after 72hr we just have to send the name correction form to cx and tell the cx that once u will submit the form out team will connect to within 48hrs. , for name correction form we can tell cx to open the expedia account and go to support and search for booking mistakes thn name correction form and to put the valid documents as well…..2nd option for name correction is we can directly send the link to cx via mail through vnect links are available in agent help 40084

If cx calls back and says he already filled the form and its being 48hrs but there is no call from your team…so we will directly transfer the call to name correction team.

If the flight is within 72hr , We will transfer the call to name correction team.

Manually Queuing to CAT:

In queuing with EXR , in case of publish fare after queuing we have to generate authorization code manually for that:

** Command: DECCVI098…/0987/USD432.60/BA (DECC thn CC type thn CC no. /expiration code/currency/add collect/validating carrier

After this we will put add collect per passenger amount in Remarks by RM thn total add collect by RM thn AUTH. Code by RM thn save (rf-er-er-ir)

**command : TQR (to check the add collect amount)….thn TQR/T1

**command : TTH (in order to check the deleted TST)…thn TTH/T1 (to check specific)

**command : RTQ(to check whether the PNR is queued or not)


When there is residual in changes place of add collect , MCO comes when new price is lower than the older one , if MCO is less than USD 25 we will not inform this to cx , it will be considered as lost value

After Changes and queuing the PNR and there is a MCO so we will put a remark in RM so we will put remark for the MCO and the residual amount to CAT team.

MCO Is valid for 1 year from the date of issuance of MCO.

We will not use the word MCO with cx…..we will use word credit or voucher…and cx can only use that MCO by calling us and he will not able to see his MCO neither on his account nor the airline website.

MCO cannot be transferred it can be used for the same pax for which it was earlier redeemed. But if there are more than one pax so both and make booking through MCO separately as both have different MCO no.

MCO can be used only used for a new booking it cannot be used in the existing booking.

For new booking in MCO we will use FXR as it gives the best available price.

For MCO redemption there should be same airlines.

MCO cannot be redeemed in parts it can be redeemed in full.

When cx wants to use MCO :In case cx call and says he has a voucher and he want to use that , by rt we will open his pnr and we will check from his pnr if there is mentioned MCO we can check from that, and there will be MCO value , date of issuance , IATA no.

#FXF and FXE can be used only if we already have a ticket no. , and FXR can used in new bookings also.

Redemption of MCO:

We will check the office id we are in thn we will go to the same office id in which booking was made .
we will make new booking by availability command and before pnr creation we will check the amount of new booking and inform the pax so that he can decide he should make the booking or not.
price the ticket with FXR and FXB thn save
thn put remarks with RM , remarks will be : issue the ticket using MCO , MCO no. , MCO amount, kindly charge ….usd after applying MCO
thn queue the PNR by EXR , thn C , thn FTC

Always remember whenever we create a new PNR in case of MCO or purged PNR we will mention the new pnr in voyager , so that next agent can get the details of that.

Cancellation: VI04183D

Coupon status should be in O OR A status
We will check fare basis code i.e. airline policies of the original ticket and when we go for exchange we will check for the open ticket status (it always shows the penalties per pax)
First priority should be through EVR script… enhanced EVR.. a page will open everything will be auto commission we will always put 0 and in penalties we will put the penalties as mentioned in policies per passenger…thn accept…thn it will show do u want to cancel the segments click yes…automatically refund will be initiated. (we have to do it for both passengers separately)

IF EVR doesn’t work we will use EXR ,

Coupon status should be in O OR A status
We will check fare basis code i.e. airline policies (it always shows the penalties per pax) , also check agent help if there is something regarding credit.
Delete the segments by XE
In case of merchant fare refund time is 7-10 days….and in case of publish fare there are 2 cases a)if GDS is turned on thn it will take 7-10 business days

b) if GDS is turned off : it can take up to 8 weeks

for checking that GDS is on or off we will type the airline name in agent help and check if GDS is allowed or not

Cancellation with credit: (cx can also see this credit in his account)

If airline policies shows non refundable// thn we can provide the option of FTC : FUTURE TRAVEL CREDIT REDEMPTION)//in this case we just delete the segments and save the pnr and put the remarks and add retention n line this will put the PNR as open as cx can redeem that from airline website also or call us ,

For checking if cx ticket is available for credit or not//we will check in agent help by putting airlines name and there will be written voluntary cancellation there we will see the eligibility.


1. We will get to know that it is a case of FTC redemption we will see that face of PNR that the segments will be deleted; we can also check the remarks by RTR;

2. Check the ticket image for the original ticket amount

3. Check the availability of new flights as per cx request

4. Select the seats in the same booking class, if the cx wants we can upgrade the class but we can’t downgrade the class.

5. After selecting seats run the ATC for pricing the ticket

6. Finally queue place the PNR using EVR QUICK QUEUE from smart flows

7. Put RM remarks if there is any residual amount for the ticketing team to issue the MCO for that residual amount.

Basic Economy : It is the most restrictive booking classes

In these airlines the basic economy booking class is :

American Airlines : B

Jet Blue: L

United Airlines: N



Aero Mexico : V

#In cancellation full booking will be cancelled , if cx wants to cancel only outbound flights its not possible as if he will cancel outbound return one will get automatically cancelled…and in case cx want to cancel return one we will say cx that please take the outbound flight and come back to cancel the return one.

# IF in case cx or any companion travelling along with the cx is died and not able to travel , so we will ask for the death certificate and the relationship certificate. (will also check vnext for specific airlines 19601)

if the travel is after 72hr or not eminent: we will just ask for email of death and relationship cx from cx and our email team will work on same no raising of SR.

(our team will get back within 72hrs.)

if the travel is within 72hr or eminent travel: So we will delete the segment and thn ask for the email so that cx is not marked as the no show .

#whenever we will get a error secured E ticket record. we have to change the office id.

#Policies on vnext or agent help is called flexible policies.

#In delta airlines , in case of basic economy there will be always a change fee of 99usd in domestic and 199usd in international.

For policies we have to check:

Retention Line:

In order to not make a PNR expired we put retention Line , we can put retention line for either 180 days or 330 days ,MIS line in the PNR shows that it’s added or not

**Command to check exact date after 180 or 30 days : DD24jul/180 , DD thn todays date thn slash thn 180 or 330

Steps to add Retention Line:

After deleting the segments , go to your smart flow
EXR , misc.. , RT
Put date and it will be added.
#In US POS if new fare is lower thn the old one thn we give MCO and in NON-US POS we gives EMD (electronic miscellaneous document)

Purged PNR:

When we open a PNR with RT command and there is a error that no record find for record locator which means this PNR is purged. So to open that PNR we will do RPP/RLC

IN purged PNR u will not able to find details with normal commands , so for getting the details we have to put RPP/ before the command.

For ex: RPP/RHF (to find the latest ticket no.) , RPP/RHA

IN purged PNR cx already have a ticket but as PNR is purged so we use the same tickets , but in MCO we have to make a new PNR

As PNR is purged but the ticket no. is active to we have to find the latest ticket no. by RPP/RHF , after that we will find the ticket image before opening the ticket image we have to manually switch the office id, in order to pull up the ticket image TWD/TKT thn the ticket no.

STEPS of purged PNR :-

TWD/TKT TICKETNUMBER . (to open the ticket image)
Type new availability command
price by FXF to check the price and tell to cx if FXF doesn’t work FXF/TKT thn ticket no if doesn’t work fxx
make new pnr , add SR docs , SAVE THE CHANGES
SWITCH TO TICKETING ID NOW where originally ticket were issued , check OID from FA line
FHE/TICKET NO (add ticket no.) ………….Fha/ticket no….
Fpc(cardtype)(cardno)/Expiration date (when Making new pnr and mco)
NOW PRICE THE PNR (run global enhanced EVR ) , if this doesn’t run thn FXQ.
QUEUE THE PNR (EVR quick queue)

Purge ticket – Pnr is available but ticket is no long available on gds…(ticket no not found error will pop up)..

Recycled pnr-Whenever we put a PNR on Amadeus and it shows the different information on ITINEARY , it means that the PNR is recycled

When Airline would be takeover the ticket

We have to call the airline nd if we are in que more then 10 min then we have to tell the cx same to please wait if they said they didn’t taken over then we have to ask We have to ask latest ticket number nd ticket office id so we can open in GDS from the airline agent

If they said they have taken over then tell airline the situation of cx and warm transfer

First we will call the cx then to airline

40074 verbiages for taken over of ticket

I see that (airline name) has taken over your ticket, so any change or cancellation will need to go through with them. What I need to do is to call you now and then call to the airline. I will explain your request to them and then transfer the call to them.


1. We can only call the airline if the policy is not listed on vnext or if it is mentioned in the policies on vnext that we need to call the airline.

2. We can only contact on the agent contact number not on cx help number.

3. Calls should be made only to the VALIDATING CARRIER.

4. If on the help topic the airline office is closed or on the airline website also the status is closed. We will raise an SR under WAIVER REQUEST and tell the cx that the airline is not contactable at this time and we will contact the airline and revert back to you within 48hrs.

If on vnext in the airline contact details it is mentioned to email not call, then we will raise an SR and tell the cx that airline is not contactable at this time and we will contact the airlines and revert back to you within 48hrs

Partial Exchange:

When a cx has taken his outbound flight and want the changes in his return flight

if same booking class is available in partial exchange EVR will work , i.e. global exchange EVR and we can select for all passengers in one go we will just queue from EVR quick queue.

If EVR doesn’t work and we have to do it manually i.e. FXF , but here FXF will not work as outbound is flown , so he have to price with FXF/S1 (FXF thn slash thn segment no.)

If same class of service is not available: thn EVR will not work , we have to price manually

NVB- not valid before

NVA – not valid after

Ticket designator – if there is a ticket designator so it’s a merchant fare

1. Check ticket status (outbound should be flown and return open)

2. New availability command in same PNR

3. Select seats , in lowest available class

4. Try ATC , if ATC doesn’t work , under GO TO section click on flight icon

5. In search by option select Informative Pricing (FQP)

6. Select from , To , date , airlines and class . In outbound select details of original ticket and in Return of new availability

7. Click search more option and select ticketing date, click search

8. Fare list will come , check new fare , md and copy everything of new fare……. subtract ( New fare – old fare ) , as will as check taxes TWD/tax

9. Thn in command page , FQQ01 (01 HERE IS LINE NO.) , to select particular line from fare list

10. Thn create TST for the return segment……In create TST put fare basis, NVB , NBA , baggage of new booking and in both the fares put total new fare and in total new fare ( New fare – old fare ) , thn put fare calculation line and endorsement line from new ticket ( if 2 cx create TST one by one)….in issuing status select re issue.

11. Click on taxes , put all the taxes info , which are same as previous select paid and which are to be paid select that , thn click update

12. Check TQT that fares are saved or not

13. Add FO line F0*l46/p1 ( FO thn * thn L and line no. of cx for which we have to add FO thn slash thn Pax no.

14. Thn run EXR script for queuing


FQP thn origin city/a thn airline code/c thn cos/d thn date of travel/r,p,date of issuance

Schedule Change:

IN History:

TK (till confirmed) : whenever there is schedule change so al provides an alternative option , so that alternative status would be in TK status.

ERK, it automatically delete the original flight and the alternative flight provided by al will confirmed

( if cx is agreeing with the alt option we will do ERK) , in order to change status from TK to HK , ERK will be used

FXI , It is the ATC command for Schedule Change , it will save the price without any cost

#EVR doesn’t support schedule change

If cx is not agreeing with the alterative option. Check policies on vnext (29331)…there will be 2 options refunds and re protection

Minor Schedule Change: It does not involve reissue it will be automatically confirmed by CIS (corner stone) without consent of cx. Ex: al upgrade the cabin, change in flight no, carrier

Major Schedule Change: ex: If airline downgrade the cabin , non step to connecting flight , change of Airport

American: If Schedule Change is more than 240 min its major , Less than 240 is minor

Delta: If SC is more than 120 its major otherwise minor

United: If SC is more than 120 its major otherwise minor

Lufthansa: If SC is more than 120 its major otherwise minor

If it’s a major change we will see TK in history and if there if TK we will check policies accordingly for refund we will check in refunds

#In case of schedule Change If the travel is greater than 72hrs and as per the policies there are no policies and we try to contact airlines and airlines is not contactable or airline says they need a email , in this case we need to run a script AIRLINE VNA to queue…….we will type all the details in that by asking the needs of cx. And tell the cx that we will get back to you within 48-72hrs.

And in case cx comes and says previous agent told the same thing , we will check the remarks and time limit , thn its beyond 48-72hrs so will be warm transfer to Air schedule Change Team

# Whenever cx is contacting from the airport, we will check the conditions (40085), and we will simply warm transfer.

Global EN Name Change.

#In manage my booking we will always put airline confirmation no.

#If cx comes for chnges and tells that we will call later , we will tell cx that fares are dynamic and prices may vary later

# If Hahn Air is the validating carrier, call the operating Carrier.


If its publish one way fare we follow fare calculation line process
If its round trip fare we will follow informative pricing process
If its merchant one way fare with no fare calculation breakout with no merchant it fare process

Per sector fare will be mentioned in fare calculation line which is just below the base fares

In one way fare in fare rules in FTC option it will mentioned EOU

And in round trip it will be RT



-TQR…check the charged amount from Evr

-TTH…ticketing history
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