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Ages 13+ Violence (Moderate/Infrequent), Blood (Unrealistic/Heavy)
A Short Horror Story

Plot: You are hungry, so you decide to head into Amelia's Cafe for some lunch. You've always thought something was a bit off about the cafe but you shrugged it off. Little did you know, this day will change your life forever...

You entered Amelia's Cafe..
There is a bell on the counter..
You've rang it.. and an employee came

Employee: Hello, there! Welcome to Amelia's Cafe! What would you like to order today?
Me: Who are you?
Employee: My name is Amelia, I'm the only one working here. Hahahaha, since this cafe only hires one employee! It's pretty unique cafe, they hired me to serve to all customers here! I can do all duties! Now that we've gotten to know each other, please tell me your order!
Me: Not yet..
Amelia: Oh! You want to explore around first? Feel free to take a look around here! I don't really mind...!

*You explore the whole Cafe*

Amelia: Ready to take an order now?
Me: Yes, please
Amelia: That's great! Now feel free to take any seat you like first!

You've sat from the middle seat near the entrance..

Amelia: Great choice! I'll be right there to hand you the menu, one moment! Hahaha that's great, now feel free to take a look in our cute menu!

Meals: Corn Dog, Karepan, Ramen, Gyudon, Omurice
Amelia: Please select your meal that you would like to eat! Hehehe...

You chose Ramen

Amelia: Excellent choice! Wahahha!

Desserts: Choux Cream, Eclair, Magnolia, Shortcake, Apple Pie
Amelia: Now please select your dessert that you would like to eat!

You chose Shortcake

Amelia: Very nice!

Beverages: Hot Fresh Milk, Hot Cocoa, Hot Green Tea, Hot Coffee, Hot Milk Tea
Amelia: Now finally please select your favorite beverage! Woohoo!!!

You chose Hot Fresh Milk

Amelia: Excellent choices overall! I shall prepare your meal! Please be patient, it will take a while! Feel free to look around the cafe or sit here patiently while I make your meal! Hahaha! Thank you!
Me: (It should take a very long to make, I guess)
Me: (What to do while wai-)
Amelia: Your dishes are ready!
Me: (Huh...? that was quick...)
Amelia: Thank you for waiting! I hope you enjoy your meal!
Me: How you cook so quickly?
Amelia: Oh, ha ha. If you were paying attention, I'm the only employee here! I, as you should know, have amazing perperation skills! I can whip anything up in jiffy! Now lets see which one do you want to try first? Ramen...? Shortcake Or... Hot Fresh Milk!? Here you go!

You finished..

Amelia: Wow! That was great! You ate them very well! You know I have a little reward for you, before you leave!

You got a heart-shaped key...! It looks like it's a toy for little girls...
You've paid some money to her for using the service...

Amelia: Alright! Thank you so much! I'm looking forward to see you once again! Come back anytime, goodbye!

Me: (Well that was pretty good! I should come back when i have the munchies, ha ha! It's really a shame there's nobody around, the service was very nice! I think i should recommend this place to my friends... I guess, the fun is over...)

You were gonna leave.. until...The door won't open..

Me: (Wait... what...? Why wont it budge at all...? I should get help from the maid! What was her name again?.... Oh! It's Amelia...)
Me: Amelia!
Amelia: What is it?
Me: The door won't open
Amelia: Oh? That's strange... I'll see if I can find any tools in the back room to pry that sucker open! It gets jammed sometimes! Sorry for the inconvenience!
Me: (I hope it doesn't take too long...)

Lights went off

Me: (What...?)

Hours later..

Me: (Uhhh... This is bad... I should try to see her in the staff room...)

The door is locked...

Me: (Oh, she locked it from the inside? Maybe i should try to knock the door gently or call her out...)

You've knocked the door... But nothing responds...

Me: (Hmm maybe i should explore around, if I can find other solutions here...)

You found a suspicious poster

A poster...
...? Looking closely, this poster looks deformed a bit...

You've torn the poster off...
...? It showed the secret passage...
You: (What is this room...?)

You've saw a long staircase and found...

Me: (Wait... what's that on the floor in front of the door...? It looks like blood...)

(As I opened the door, I took a few steps inside the room and then stopped dead in my tracks...)

Me: (This is just... cruel... how could she do something awful like this? Well... this is a sight for sore eyes. I can definitely say I know why Amelia was the only one person here now... I need to get out of here as soon as possible... I hope I don't encounter Amelia again... Who knows what she'll do to me! I now know what my fate was just by looking at this mess... This was unexpected... I should have seen this coming first... Did i just ate human meat...? Let's think about this later, just focus... how to get out of here...)

After you went out at the poster Amelia was waiting for you and STABBED you...

Bad Ending 2: Ambushed
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