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14 Questions You Might Be Refused To Ask F1S V2X Masturbator Red
F1S V2X Masturbator Red

F1S V2X Masturbator red is the second generation of LELO's most coveted pleasure toy, designed for thrill seekers who want to explore optimal satisfaction. With double the strength, four specially designed program variations and a soft, more flexible sleeve to accommodate different penis sizes and shapes.

This male stroker has SenSonic technology, a patent-pending Cruise Control that stores power for release during masturbation. Lasting a full two hours on one charge.

M-Cup Design Improved

The F1S V2X is the sexiest masturbator sleeves that have ever been created. It's a reimagined LELO's award-winning toy. It's made for greater penetration and intense orgasms during the play of both partners and solo. This open-interface sextech has 10 high-tech sensors that provide real-time feedback through the LELO app. The app allows you to create a collection of custom programs that will drive you to the highest levels of your performance.

The F1S V2X's dual motor design combines conventional vibrations with LELO SenSonic technology for an experience unlike other male pleasure product on the market. One motor emits sonic waves that penetrate deep into your penis making your partner feel like it's resonating throughout the entire body instead of merely rubbing the nerve endings on the skin's surface.

At the same time another motor is able to power the device's sensors, and provides regular vibrations that are combined with the sonic waves to intensify your experience. Acoustic massages can be altered via the app, along with intensity, speed, and the pulsation.

The F1S V2X features a softer, more flexible sleeve that includes an opening that can accommodate an extra-deep insert. It is also more comfortable to wear than ever before. The sleeve is also designed with windows that allow you to view your pleasure when you use it - bringing a whole new dimension of visuals to your game.

To use, place an ample amount of LELO Personal Lubricant inside the device's internal sleeves and slowly insert your penis. The F1S will begin working when it senses you inside. Press the + button (this baby is VERY robust!) and the - button to decrease strength. When you are ready to stop, press the center button for 3 seconds. Enjoy!

10 state-of-the-art sensors

F1S Masturbator Red is a new level of exploration and pleasure with 10 high-tech sensors, a smart console that connects to your smartphone via an app to provide real-time feedback, and a lot of fun. There's even a glass in the casing to allow for visual stimulation and makes it the first male masturbator of its kind that has this unique element.

Dual motors deliver a strong sensation while the patented Cruise Control setting ensures that there is no power drop. Plus, LELO's revolutionary SenSonic Technology delivers sonic waves to your penis through one of the motors. The experience is distinct from normal vibrations, and is the perfect way to experience an orgasm.

The smart performance console offers a variety of options to personalize your experience and monitor your progress - and orgasms! It has a gyroscope so you can set your vibration settings, and track the speed, stamina, and skill. It also has a counter that counts how many thrusts you are able to accomplish in a specific amount of time. It's an interesting method to keep track of your own personal records and increase your level of satisfaction.

The smart performance console can be synchronized with technologies like VR (virtual) and AR (augmented). You can download an SDK for iOS or Android and then create your own cyber-sexy application, or make use of the app to explore the world of interactive online.

The LELO F1S V2X Masturbator is a weird toy that seems to have its eyes fixed on the future with an almost-too-carefully designed user interface. It is easy to use and feels like the perfect place to start your journey into male msturbation. If you're looking for a more fully-formed experience, with interactive porn synchronized to your device look into the Kiiroo Titan or Fleshlight Launch instead. They're more expensive but offer an experience that is more immersive that's well worth the cost. The F1S V2X Masturbator costs $179/PS150, which is quite a chunk of change for a slender male stroker toy, however you're getting a unique design that's packed with features.

Double the Power

Created to replicate the feel of your penis The F1S V2X Masturbator Red delivers sensations you have never felt before in the male masturbator. This is made possible by the dual motor design of this toy. The motors are designed to make use of regular vibration while the second motor uses Sensonic technology. It replaces normal vibration with powerful waves that go the cock's interior. You will feel like your cock is moving in all directions. It's a wonderful feeling and it can result in some wild orgasms.

You can increase the intensity by pressing the + button on the side. The toy has plenty of power, so only increase it as much as you're comfortable with. You could have an unpleasant experience, which isn't enjoyable.

When you use this toy, it's a good idea to apply a generous amount of lubricant prior putting it in it. This is to help you get a better feel of the toy and to make sure that the sleeve will fit snugly around your cock. This toy is best for men whose girth measures between 5 and 5.9 inches.

In addition to the basic features of the F1S V2X, you can make it even more enjoyable by connecting it to a unique Lelo application that is available for iOS and Android. The app provides you with complete control over the sleeve as well as the motors of the toy. You can also avail of the patented Cruise Control setting, which is designed to detect any slowdown in the twin motors and automatically increase the power in order to keep you savoring every moment of enjoyment. This is an extremely useful feature that isn't available in any other male masturbator on the market and is a great way to enjoy this toy to its fullest. It is possible to download the app for free from the official Lelo website. Lelo F1S V2X Masturbator Red 's an absolute must-have for anyone who is a lover of electronic toys.

Free Software Developer Kit

The F1S V2X Masturbator is a male toy unlike any other. Its m-cup technology is advanced and combines traditional vibration with completely modern SenSonic(tm) technology that provides a wider range of sensations than ever before. The sonic waves that are revolutionary are what make this toy different rather than just twirling the surface, they penetrate deep and resonate within your shaft, delivering sensational gasps like never before.

The app lets you create your own custom vibration patterns or choose from the ones already available. Each memory slots can store seven different vibration patterns. You can switch between these by pressing the power button.

This stylish console features a pliable silicone canal that is ribbed to provide intense stimulation. It has a clear window so that you or your partner can see the action unfold. It has 10 performance sensors that measure your cocks' performance and feedback. The data is transmitted to your phone through the LELO app.

It's waterproof and has powerful USB rechargeable batteries that can last for up to two hours on a single battery charge. It comes with a cruise control setting to prevent power drops when playing hard.

To use, just apply a generous amount of your preferred lube into the toy, and then put your penis in. Once you've completed this, press the center button for one second to turn the toy on. Press the + or – button to increase or decrease the force. This is a must must for sex lovers that enjoy orgasmic satisfaction. It's the world's first open-interface console for sex technology that includes an exclusive SDK. This lets you to play with sophisticated sensors as well as other "techie settings" to personalize your sex experience.

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