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¬¬¬¬Are you the one who is to come? Notes-
Matthew and josephus refer to “Jesus who is called Messiah”.
-Josephus uses the phrase as a side remark to the narraration of jesus’s death in James.
-Matthew uses this when Pilate speaks of jesus
Jesus was called Messiah by Christians
Josephus implies that the name was given by jesus himself. Matthew, in condracidtion implies that Jesus was known as messiah during the final course of his ministry.
Did Jesus believe himself to be the Messiah? The issue lies in the predicament of contradistinction between his nonmessianic character portayed in Jesus’s public ministry to his messianic vocatioaffirmed by early Christians sources.
“Today the unmessianic jesus has almost become a dogma among many New testament scholars”-This new generation is proclaiming that there is no proof of Jesus referring to himself as the Messiah, and go as far as to say that Jesus being the Messiah is “absurd.”
Jesus, however is referred to as messiah by many authors in the bible, including Peter (Mark 8:9) Batimaeus (Mark 10:47-48) , Galilean crowds (John 16:5), and Martha (John 11:27). Jesus inspired Messianic hopes, however he himself didn’t adopt the title. Jesus’s Understanding-He does indeed accept the title as “Messiah”, as proven when the woman at the well claims “I know the messiah is coming” and he replies ‘I am he, the one who is speaking to you”, but different responses are elicited in Matt 24:64 ;Luke22:67, and John 18:33-34)
4 ways in which the Messianic question has been handled
1. Jesus never claimed to be the messiah and the early church proclaimed Jesus as Messiah as the inference based on belief in his resurrection or more generally out of their “post easter faith
2. The disciples or crowds proclaimed Jesus as messiah during his lifetime, but Jesus himself rejected the title
3. Jesus did not claim the title Messiah for himself in his ministry, but neither did he actually reject it a key moment at his tria;, which resulted in the erection of the titulus on the cross
4. Jesus claimed to be the Messaih of Israel even if he revised the meaning of the role

The goal of this work: to argue that Jesus of Nazareth did claim in action and speech to be the messiah of Israel. The author is not partial to the term “messianic self-counsciousness”, as it implies that both mental and psychological profiles of individuals exceeds historical findings. He instead [refers the phrase, :Messianic self- understanding” because of Jesus’s identification of himself in a Messianic role. The author holds the argument that jesus saw himself in messianic categories the the renovation of Israel.
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