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cast iron pipe vs galvanized steel pipe
Cast iron and galvanized steel pipes are both popular choices for various applications; however, it’s paramount to be aware of the key distinctions between them before opting for one over the other. Each material has its advantages and drawbacks that ought to be weighed in according to the project’s requirements.

Iron is melted and formed into pipe shapes, where it is subsequently cooled and solidified to become cast iron pipe, a dependable option for sewers and other drainage apparatuses. Known for its great durability and resistance to rust, this type of pipe has become a trusted choice for these important utility lines.

Forgo corrosion and rust with galvanized steel, a strong material that offers long-term protection by covering it in a layer of zinc. This pipe not only serves the purpose of conveying water, but also that of natural gas and oil. Its strength also makes it suitable for structural use.

Cast iron pipe is unquestionably the more robust option of the two, but its price tag is significantly more hefty. Alternatively, galvanized steel pipe is cheaper in comparison, yet it is not as dependable and can be adversely affected by erosion eventually.

When it comes to picking the right pipe for the job, all that matters is how long you need the pipe to last and how much money you’re willing to spend. If erw pipe full form need a durable pipe that won't require replacing any time soon, cast iron should be your go-to. If you have a tighter budget, galvanized steel will suffice - although, you may have to replace it more regularly.
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