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Tell me about yourself.
I graduated from Reliance College with a diploma in business management.

Working experience
I am currently working as a buying operation executive in Zalora. Our team supports sourcing activities for commercial operations by generate Purchase orders on a daily basis. We ensured the good received in the warehouse is delivered as per packing list and ensure SKU created in the system. Before this I worked as a customer service associate in Novelship. I act as the bridge of the company and the user to solve their problem. And, also I worked as a Purchaser at CZM which is a e-commerce company and I collaborated with the marketing and supplier team to source products and negotiate the best price. Also, I have developed excellent communication skills as I am required to communicate with suppliers to ensure product detail. I learned so much and gained valuable industry knowledge. And now I'm looking to expand my experience across different industries to try something new and develop my skills even further with your company.

Why leave both of the position in a short time.
Because of the learning and career growth was saturated and I think there was no opportunity advance further in that role so I decided a change would best for my career and I am looking for better career growth and work opportunities. I hope to be able to work on different platform and new challenge to better develop my skill sets at work.

Novelship -
The reason I left Novelship in 3 months is because of the job nature. It is a customer service position which require me to work on shift. The night shift schedule has been challenging for me, and I find it difficult to focus on my responsibilities on the following day after working on the night shift.

Then, I explored other opportunities and was offered a position at Zalora.

While for Zalora, The reason I want to left Zalora in 6 months is because of [Initially, I was part of the trade procurement team, responsible for purchase orders and SKU management. However, I was later transferred to the vendor management team, which focuses on managing aging stocks through organizing warehouse sales. While I appreciate the opportunity that Zalora transfer me to other team, considering the change in responsibilities and the need for commuting to the warehouse regularly, I believe it would be best for me to look for better opportunities to save time on commute to warehouse that is far from my house since I don’t have my won transportation.

Why Zalora will transferred you to other team?
Due to downsizing and reduced order volume, the trade procurement team had sufficient resources. However, around the same time, a team member in the VM (Vendor Management) team resigned, leading to my transfer to the VM team.

Can you say NO? Or did you ask to transfer back to tp team?
It seems that the decision to transfer me to the new team was already made without asking for my preference. It was communicated as an official announcement, and I inquired about the possibility of transferring back. However, my manager informed me that they currently have sufficient resources and fewer tasks in the team, making it not possible to transfer back at the moment.

What did you do during X-months gap?
During the gap months, I have been taking online course to enhance my digital marketing knowledge and I have learn and obtained the certificate in digital marketing and google ads search. Also, I am interested in the Korean Language, so I self learn the language by going through the online tutorials videos.
At that time, I am helping on my family business and work as a waitress. Before this, my family business have not enough manpower to support their business and now the problem has solved and thats why I return to a full time work.

Strength & Weakness
- [x] I have a good time management. Able to stay focused on my work and finish task in advance of deadline. I always prioritise task and creates a daily schedule. - When I am working as a Buying Operations in Zalora, I work on the creation of purchase orders by ensuring they are completed within the service-level agreement. This practice helps to maintain efficient inventory management and smooth operations. In addition, during my time as a purchaser, in CZM I successfully sourced and quote products price within the time frame and complete tasks before the due date.
- [x] Attention to detail. I paid careful attention to my work. I always implements a double-checking process in my work and self-review before submitting it. - As a Buying Operation in Zalora, I am managing the discrepancies in the POs and crosschecking all document to ensure all are tally and all the informations are accurate.
- [ ] Experienced of working with colleagues from different countries. After 2 years of working in the e-commerce field. I coordinated effort with support team in Philippines to produce solid end results for the product page. Also, I work closely with supplier team from China to present our products.
- [ ] Good at multitasking. From my previous experience, I learned to plan ahead and that are prioritise. At the end, I still able managed to finish task on time and avoided unnecessary problem.
- [x] I worked well under pressure. One time I was supposed to complete a task within the deadline. My colleague had the same deadline, but she had to take a leave of absence due to personal reasons. I was forced to take up both tasks at the same time, but I did not let the stress affect me. Instead, I came up with a very detailed time management plan to boost efficiency and it enabled me to deliver both projects on time.

- Lack of confidence when public speaking. I have been anxious when presentations. However, i have been really working on this issue by practice more and I will take chances to voice out my concerns so that we can work more effectively and efficiently.

- Impatience. I might tend to get impatient when tasks take longer than I expected. To improve this problem, I always trying to remind myself to take a step back, breathe, and refocus when feeling impatient. Break tasks into smaller steps and celebrate progress along the way.

What do you leaned from previous job?
I have improved my time management skill. There was a situation from my previous job where the company want to launch minimum 100 products in 1 day. So, I need to handle the large workload. I tried to determine the priority products and work from the most important to less priority products. At the end, I able to maintain the quality and complete all the tasks on time and the company also successfully launched the products online. I found that meeting deadlines is all about using time wisely and being organized and focused.

Novelship -
I have improved my Problem-Solving skill. Since dealing with various customer inquiries and issues, it allows me to develop problem-solving skills. I learned to think quickly and creatively to address challenges effectively.

Zalora -
For hard skills, I have made significant improvements in my Excel proficiency. During my work on PO creation, I frequently rely on Excel to compile and cross-check data, utilizing functions like VLOOKUP / XLOOKUP and pivot tables. These tools help me to ensure accuracy and efficiency in managing purchase orders. Since managing purchase orders requires precision and accuracy. I have also sharpen my attention to detail to ensure all information is correct and consistent.

Why you leave your previous job without securing a offer?
The reason is because I need some time to look for a career that aligns with my skill. I am exploring different opportunities for my career.

What is your biggest achievement?
Was procuring within the time frame to ensure no backlog task. It’s challenging as I had to tackle many obstacles such as the product specifications, stock or shipment and prices. At the end, I was glad as everything turn out with great benefits for everyone involved.

Novelship -
One of my biggest achievements was I have the ability to adapt quickly and execute efficiently. During my time in Novelship. I have demonstrated exceptional performance by being super prompt in executing tasks and diligently following up. As a result, I have successfully amassed over 700USD in a month and it contributing to the saving and reduction of procurement costs.

Zalora -
I don’t have any significant achievement as my joining time is still short. But, I would like to say that I have been actively involved in process improvement by constantly contributing ideas to improve our working process.

How to achieve to your achievement?
I believe that continuous learning and striving for excellence have been crucial factors in attaining these accomplishments. I look forward to bringing my dedication and expertise to contribute to the success of your company as well.

What are your career goals?
Short team - l hope to be able to make myself familiar with the job scope and procedure in this position. In the mean time, I would like to enhance my skill in this position.
Long term - To be honest, I don’t have a clear goals or plan, but I will keep explore my strengths during my work and hope to be able grow with the company.

What is your previous company and job?
An e-commerce and digital marketing advertising company who sold product on e-commerce platform by creating and publishing video ads to attract customer to make purchasing decision.
I act as a middle person to communicate between supplier and marketing team. I responsible on sourcing potential products that are requested from media buyer and negotiated products in terms of price, quality, stock and shipment with suppliers in China. Also, I assisted in products listing, such as uploaded product to Shopify and created good marketing materials such as product images and descriptions. A form of B2C wherein the online store sells products to customers, but the supplier fulfils the order.

Novelship -
Novelship is an online marketplace for buying and selling limited edition sneakers and streetwear. It provides a platform for sneaker streetwear fans to connect and trade their products.
I act as the bridge of the company and the user to solve their problem. Also, I assisted in procurement task, which was helps to raise defective products to supplier and collecting discount code.

Zalora -
During my time at the trade procurement team, I assists in PO creation by using SAP and creating SKU in Zalora internal system. I ensure the goods received in the warehouse is delivered as per the packing lists, invoices and make sure the SKUs are created prior to the goods arrived. Basically, I generate and place POs on a daily basis to support sourcing activities for Commercial, Operations, Warehouse and Finance.
After that, I was transferred to vendor management team, which is working closely with warehouse team in terms of collecting Credit Notes for defective claims, execute on the
Value added service (VAS) to reduce operating costs and managing aging stocks and defective stocks thru organising warehouse sales.

Describe your first 3 months in CZM.
During my time at CZM, in the first month, my manager focused on guiding me on the basic daily task. I paid attention on all informations and jot down all important notes for future reference. In the second month, I started to take over the tasks independently. Also, I constantly asked for feedback from my team leader to know where can I improved. I have learned and improved my communication skill as I required to communicate with other colleagues to learn more. By the third month, I slowly become familiar with what I did and everything went smoothly. I passed my probation and my manager commented that I am a quick learner and fast to catch up on the work. That’s how I sum up my first 3-month on Czm.

Most challenging task
I think multitasking is challenging and it distracted me to focus on my task.
In my previous position, there was a day I was on a high priority task. While doing so, my manager called my into a meeting over the phone. I was unable to move away from my work, so I joined the call and continued. Due to the high priority nature of my current task, I had to keep working on both tasks. I chose to multitask because I needed to complete both tasks at the same time, as they were both very important. At the end, I managed to complete the task and able to fulfill the requirement and instruction from my manager during the phone meeting. I learnt make a to do list and learn to prioritize and jot down all important notes.

How do you handle boring repetitive work?
I actually prefer repetitive task. I think it can maintain self-driven as we can learn more in repetitive task as repetitive task can brings different experience and growth to me. By doing repeating task, i think it can also improve efficiency and effectiveness. ( my works are on daily basis)

How do you handle stress / time?
Having a good time management skill helps a lot on managing and handling stress, especially if I have to deal with many tight deadlines. I will prepare a to-do list to list down the tasks for the day, based on the priority and urgency of the task.
When I am in a too stressful situation, I will reach out to my managers, let them aware of my current backlog tasks and always keep them posted with the current progress. Secondly, I learn how to priortise and always do the most urgent and important task first. Thirdly, in the future try to fight for an extension of deadline to deliver a good result.

How do you handle conflict?
I have never had a conflict or disagreement with my manager because I think I am not as experienced as my manager. I am always respectful on others opinion and keep my positive when approached diversity. However, if this happen to me, I think communication is the key. What I will do is ask for a time to discuss the problem in calm polite way to focus on the solution.

How do you handle criticism?
I have never had a criticism happen in my previous job. If this happen to me, I will be humble to accept the criticism and take down the problem and look forward to improve. I will also seek for opinion and feedback from manager and colleague to improve.

How do you work in a fast paced environment?
I will prepared a to do list and prioritise the most urgent task to less urgent task. I would say that I am fast learner. I able to catch up the task quickly and I find that I catch onto new projects and systems quite easily. I am also happy to pass the knowledge to others so that we can all work well together for our goals.

What kind of environment do you work best in?
I can be flexible when it comes to my work environment. From your job description, it looks like the environment is fast-paced and structured. I enjoy working in an area that are rapid-growth and I think this kind of environment is suitable for me to growth. 我理想的工作环境和氛围是积极向上的,团队凝聚力强,对于个人有足够的成长空间。我更看中工作和岗位本身的内容和发展,同时,我认为自己是一个适应能力较强的人,包括我之前的工作经验,锻炼了我的适应能力。(fast learner)

What is your expectation from the company?
My expectations for the company would be to provide a work environment in which I can contribute to the team, I receive appreciation for my contributions, I have job stability and the ability to grow with the company.

What you expect from your manager?
I would like to be able to go to my manager if I have an issue or idea and to be able to feel comfortable in expressing my thoughts. I would also expect my supervisor to be open and honest with me and to let me know if there is anything I could improve upon or do differently in my work.

What can we expect from you during the first 3 months?
At first, I hope to focus on training and catching up on my task and become familiar with your company's processes and procedures. I would like to spent time on communicate and connect with colleagues to understand their role in the company. Later, I would like to implement my training into action with my supervisor to optimise my performance. By the third month, I ready to have solid foundation to perform my task and understand the company' process.

What your personality?
I am friendly, motivated, positive and attention to detail. I can quickly adapt to a new environment and like to take on challenges. I'm a problem-solver by nature. My goal when I working on a problem is to get their issue resolved as quickly and efficiently as possible.

What animal you would like to describe yourself?
horse is the type of animal I would be because I’m focused, and able to work independently or in a group. So, i am flexible and capable of getting my work done in different environments.

If you were an animal, what would you choose to be?
I would love to be a giraffe because of it long neck so I can easily to see far away things. I can also see things from different perspective. This would give me a competitive advantage and I will be able to make significant progress in my career.
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