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How to get SO rich you question the meaning of making money
00:00 🤑 The speaker shares incredible financial success, surpassing CEOs' earnings.
03:37 🔄 "Work" is redefined as output divided by time, emphasizing leverage over effort.
06:33 💼 Achieving high output involves leveraging volume and efficiency.
10:46 💡 Uninformed optimism hinders progress; learn from challenges and stick with one path.
18:00 🏢 Focusing on one area intensively, instead of multiple ventures, is key to success.
22:28 🚀 Focus on one business and pick the winning horse, as any of them could take off.
23:10 🎪 Competing against those doing multiple things is easier; focus on one thing to win.
24:19 💰 The riches you want are on the other side of hard conversations and decisions.
25:21 👗 Learn to say no to distractions and shiny objects, even if they seem tempting.
27:03 🧠 Becoming successful requires acting on desired traits despite your current feelings.
29:09 🌟 Better is leverage; focus on improving what you're already doing for more output.
31:49 🛠️ Identify tasks you should be doing within your business and start completing them.
32:52 ⏳ Focus on the long game; building a solid foundation pays off in the end.
35:00 🗣️ Ask yourself: "If I were coaching me, what advice would I give?"
37:15 🚀 Unlearn shortcuts and focus on building the foundation to achieve lasting success.
41:53 💪 Doing the tasks you already know you should be doing will lead to greater success.
42:49 🏆 Successful outcomes are less about who you are and more about the commitment to the activity itself. Your work shapes you more than you shape your work.
43:18 💼 Differentiating between a 7/10 and a 9.5/10 book involves about 20 times more effort, leading to approximately a thousand times greater sales.
43:55 💡 Leverage involves investing significantly more effort for substantial returns, but many miss opportunities due to the appearance of hard work.
44:09 🎯 The three covered points: 1) Understanding how money-making works through leverage. 2) Recognizing why creating new things can make you poorer. 3) Discovering the power of "better" as leverage.
45:20 💰 Demonstrates the concept of leverage with a real-world example of improving an offer's value to generate increased revenue from the same activity.
46:14 📘 Illustrates how enhancing an offer's value through leverage can lead to significant income growth, as evidenced by the enthusiastic responses from the audience.
48:47 📈 Demonstrates leveraging personal expertise and resources to enhance various aspects of a business, including sales scripts, funnel optimization, recruitment, and marketing exposure.
49:01 💼 Offers a comprehensive package of services for $1000, including marketing insights, personalized attention, networking, and advertising exposure.
50:16 ✅ Emphasizes that increasing leverage involves continuous improvement, focused effort over time, and aligning actions toward a specific outcome.
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