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5. Who was the architect of Rajagriha city? Mahagovind
6. Who gave the title of Raja to Raja Ram Mohan Roy? Akbar II
7. What is the lowest possible temperature (absolute zero temperature)? - 273°C
8. Mohd. Who gave the title of 'Quaid-e-Azam' to Ali Jinnah? Mahatma Gandhi
9. Which is the highest television award in the United States? Emmy Award 10. What is Great Britain including Northern Ireland called? United Kingdom
11. What did Subhash Chandra Bose name the Andaman Islands? Martyr's Island
12. What did Subhash Chandra Bose name the Nicobar Islands? Swaraj Dweep
13. 'Dahikala' is a famous folk dance associated with which state? Maharashtra
14. In which type of rock are the remains of animals, micro-organisms and plants found? in layered rock
15. Who founded 'Young Italy'? Joseph Mazzini
16. 'Garhwali' is the folk dance of which state? Singh of Uttarakhand

1. World Cup Cricket 2023 Venue-India
2. Headquarters of ISRO - Bengaluru
3. Validity time of cheque- 3 Months
4. National Science Day- Feb 28
5. First Bank in India - Bank of Hindustan
6. Percentage of Nitrogen in air- 78%
7. First Olympic Garbus was held in- Athens, Greece.
8. Which is the opponent team for the first test match of Sachin in 1989?- Pakistan
5. What is shortcut key to expand browsing screen in web browser?-F11
10. Shimla Agreement took place in 1972
11. ASCII Stands For-American Standard Code for Information Interchange
12. What gases can be found on Saturm? Hydrogen and Helium
13. What is the process called in which Zinc Oxide is applied to metals to stop them from

27 March 2023 Current Affairs
1. Who has launched a new cricket-focused fantasy
sports app named CrickPe? Ashneer Grover
2. Name the authors of the book "A Matter of the
Heart: Education in India"? Anurag Behar
3. Which bank sells stake in Russian joint venture
to SBI for Rs 121 crore?Canara Bank
4. Which country recently joins BRICS bank as new
member? Egypt
5. Which state get Asia's largest liquid mirror
telescope? Uttarakhand
6. Which country commission it's first submarine
base 'BNS Sheikh Hasina? Bangladesh
7. Who has been retained his Asian Billiards tittle
defeating Damani by 5-07 Pankaj Advani
8. Which team wins Women premiere league 2023?
Mumbai Indians
9. Who has won the 2023 Abel Prize? Luis
10. Which is the 18th wildlife Sanctuary of

1. World Cup Cricket 2023 Venue-India
2. Headquarters of ISRO - Bengaluru
3. Validity time of cheque- 3 Months
4. National Science Day- Feb 28
5. First Bank in India - Bank of Hindustan
6. Percentage of Nitrogen in air- 78%
7. First Olympic Garbus was held in- Athens, Greece.
8. Which is the opponent team for the first test match of Sachin in 1989?- Pakistan
5. What is shortcut key to expand browsing screen in web browser?-F11
10. Shimla Agreement took place in 1972
11. ASCII Stands For-American Standard Code for Information Interchange
12. What gases can be found on Saturm? Hydrogen and Helium
13. What is the process called in which Zinc Oxide is applied to metals to stop them from

1. World Cup Cricket 2023 V-India
2. Headquarters of ISRO-Bengaluru
Valdysime of cheque Month
4. National Science Day- Feb 28
5. First Bank in India-Bank of Hindustan
8.Pestage of Nuo 78%
1. First Olympic Games was held in Athens, Greece
Which is the appoint for the first test match of Scan in 1997: P
3. What she key to expand being screw browser?-FIL
10, St Agreement took place 1972
11.ASCII Stats For American Standard Code for Information Interchange
12. What be found on Saturn? Hydrogen and Helm
13. What is the proceed which side applied to metals to stop them from
14. DMSham? Detab Management System
15. Which fundamental right is gueranteed even to non-citizens of India? Article 21-
Right to Life & Personal Liberty
10. The Second Round TabConference was conducted in which month of 19317
17. Who

1. Global Recycling Day 2023 observed on ?
-March 18th
2. Which country brokered the 'Saudi-Iran Détente peace
3. Barda Wildlife Sanctuary, which was seen in the news, is
located in which state/UT? - Gujarat
4. Which state/UT hosted the Kodava Hockey Festival?
5. Which cricketer has been named as Brand Ambassador of
JioCinema? Suryakumar Yadav
6. In which city India's first ever 100% methanol fueled bus
7. Which company unveils India's first homegrown quadruped
robot and exoskeleton? - Svaya Robotics
B. Exercise 'Al-Mohed-Al Hindi-23 is held between India and
which country? - Saudi Arabia

12 March Daily Current Affairs By Nitin Gupta
Join Telegram-GKTricky
Who was appointed as the 1-day Home Minister of the state of Madiya
Pradesh Meenakshivar
who was opported as the President of International Olympic Committee
which indian actress was included in the list of Er Young Global
who was awarded the Baton of Honor by Rand-and
which country launched the virus passport-chica
who was awarded the International Federation of Fm Archive (IAF)
Amitabh Bachchan
When was World Kidney Day celebrated-11 March
which bank launched Wear-Ann-contactless payment wearable device
Which bank held the top position in the list of digital payment
scorecards-State Bank of Ind
Who is the author of the launch book "Road Map For Entrepreneur
common Gupta
Who has been appointed the new Chief Statistician of IndieGP Somet
In which state center of excellence in the dairy sector will be
which state stored Safe Self Center Scheme Desi
which establish day was celebrated by the Central industrial
Security Force on 10 March
Which country started the first military exercise "ster" in space-
Join Telegram For Best PDF Search - @GKTrickyNin

A sculptor of chariot of Harappan time was found at-Daimabad
The worship of Mother Goddess was associated with-Indus Valley
The striking feature of the Indus Valley Civilization was-Urban
In Mohenjodaro, the largest building is the great bath
Entertainment ibuted in-Gujarat
The Indus people knew the use of Weights and Measures, which is
proved by the discovery of the seal at-Harga
The origins of Indian music could be traced to Sam Veda
Gautama Buddha was born at-Lumbini
Coins made of metal first appeared in-Age of the Buddha
The stories of Lord Buddha's birth and his previous lives are con
tained in-Jatak tales
The place where Buddha attained enlightenment is-Boch Gaya
The earlier Buddhist scriptures were composed in-Pall texts
The grammatical work Ashtadhyay is written by-Panini
The Greek ambassador sent to Chandragupta Maury's Courts
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Important One-liner, Current Affair update

1. What is the capital of India? -New Delhi
2. What is the currency of India? -Indian
3. Which is the largest state in India by area?
4. Which is the largest river in India? -Ganges

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