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Lioncoin: PROBABLY THE MOST Investable Digital Currency AT THIS TIME
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With the rapid development of Internet and science and technology, currency, which functions as value and circulation method of money, is gradually transforming.In the midst of modern life, paper money is slipping from the market, and the aura of its mainstream media is fading.Now the commodity exchange available to buy is just symbolized as the fluctuation of number in the mobile phone. With Alipay and WeChat, people can directly excahnge items online.Of course, it's just electronic money.What I wish to say today is another high-end product amid the development of Internet technology-digital currency.
Unlike more info , "digital money" is valuable, and its own value will rise steadily over a particular selection of fluctuation with the duration of time and the market's popularity. Moreover, it has unique predominance as compared with the original currency, such as for example decentralization, transparency, tamper-proof, which secure digital currency.With one of these strong suits, current digital money has both strong vitalityand a large number of loyal users, with it grow together.The broad prospect of digital money is foreseeable.

At the moment, the digital currency that is familiar to the general public may be confined to Bitcoin, Ethernet Square, and Wright Coin.However, the marketplace for digital money has been expanding, and new digital money has been emerging. These new currencies have improved the technology on which existing currencies rely and integrated the advantages of the major currencies,so that they have substantial. investment potential.What I am going to introduce today is the latest generation of digital money-Lion chain.

The Lioncoin(LNC) isn't only an electronic currency, an open platform, but also an industry standard. It can pay, accept and store any currency including fiat money including the United States dollar, rouble, euro, RMB, virtual currency such as Bitcoin, Wright coin and indirect currencies such as for example gold, silver, and valuable financial derivatives.

Compared with other digital currencies that already exist on the market, exactly why is it worth buying this emerging currency, born in June 2017?

To start with, Alpha Blockchain Labs, the professional team, guarantees its strong technical foundation. Alpha Blockchain Labs comprises of the core members of R&D teams including Litecoin, Ethereum and Rivabel, and also professors and experts from several universities. The technical strength of the team is well known by the.In 2017, LNC received the dual digital encryption license for FCA and FINRA. After more than half per year of initial mining and certification, LNC will undoubtedly be officially launched in February 2018 for the global market.

Such team must definitely provide stellar technology. LNC employes the state-of-the-art hybrid blockchain technology, which pioneered the LNCAI smart contract system with an innovative "Pow + Pos" certification predicated on an optimized Scrypt algorithm. more info is really a protocol and recycle system predicated on P2P protocol + smart contract, which materializes the registration, confirmation, conversion, exchange, betting, circulation and other more complicated interactions on various digital assets.

In addition, LNC employes five layers, namely, application layer, contract layer, logic layer, data layer and security layer.The application form layer provides the user with multiteminal-friendly application interface, which is convenient for the user to manage the assets.The contract layer adopts the joint venture contract and the joint control contract to issue and manage the assets. Because the core of the algorithm, logical layer make logical judgments on user actions and determinie relevant behavioral instructions. The info layer uses the distributed account book + distributed computing technology to record the details of the distribution, consumption and exchange of assets, making the digital currency more transparent , compatible, more traceable and error-free.The security layer uses the military-level security defense algorithm to protect the digital assets of users.

LNC players generate blocks by contributing themselves or by promoting others' participation in contributing to the community's computational support. For every block generated,the original block will undoubtedly be rewarded with newly-produced LNC, while players are likely involved in maintaining and increasing their wealth through fair OTC transactions. As well, players can offline and online consumption in the global free trade platform and joined businesses independently developed by LNC, realizing the specific use of LNC scene.

In the foreseeable future, LNC will permeate into commercial applications and living payment. Connecting lots of merchants, such as basic necessities of food and clothing, drink and food, LNC is determined to build the global commodity free trade platform. By doing this, players with LNC can comsume all over the world and LNC will create value in circulation.

Media contact
Company Name: Alpha Blockchain Labs
Contact Person: Justin Gardner
Address: Alpha Blockchain Labs, Washington, DC
Tele: +1-320-402-2880
E-mail: [email protected]

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