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Having good building contractors
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If you are considering carrying out improvements to your dwelling such as for example an extension, loft conversion or new garage, it is essential that you find an excellent, reliable builder.
I am sure you have seen and found out about most of the horror stories and disasters developed by so called 'cowboy' builders. It really is so common nowadays they have even made a complete television series on the subject (Cowboy Builders - Five).

So how can you make sure that you avoid all of these problems and start finding yourself a good builder who's not going to let you down?

Well, this can be a lot easier than you might think. Essentially, all it requires is a little bit of common sense, a little bit of research and some clear instructions and if you follow our tips below and you ought to not go too much wrong.


You should always do some research to verify the quality of work performed by a builder before employing them to do any work.

Ask for a list of half a dozen previous clients and contact them for feedback. If possible, arrange to visit a couple of of the customers and view the task for yourself, particularly if the job is relevant to the work you need doing. At the very least you should ask for written references from the builders previous clients.

Any reputable builder could be more than happy to give you this information therefore if you meet any resistance or reluctance at this early stage you need to think carefully about whether you wish to go any further.

Appearance And Behaviour

Check the appearance of the builder before you employ them just because a 'dodgy' builder will most likely dress shabbily, drive a clapped out white van, usually without any markings and generally not come across as very professional. It appears like a cliche but these things are the tell-tale signs of a 'cowboy' builder and you ought to steer well clear.

In terms of behaviour, be very suspicious of any tradesman that won't commit to a schedule, won't put anything in writing and/or does not give receipts. Should they seem too eager to quote quickly and cheaply without even properly considering the job they are quoting for your suspicions should be raised.

Work With An Established Local Company

A tried and tested means of avoiding issues with your builder would be to work with a local company that has an established reputation. Because of this they will have a set office address, an organization telephone number and if VAT has been charged, a VAT registration number.

Correspondence on letter headed paper with all of these items listed can be an excellent sign of a genuine business.

Ideally check here will also operate as a Limited Company rather than sole trader, but this is simply not essential if the other things check out.

Mobile telephone numbers and email addresses are disposable so be wary if these are the only ways of contact that the tradesman will provide you with.

The reason why an area businesses is preferable is that they need to guard their reputation in the local community because word soon gets around should they execute a poor job or let someone down.

Be Clear About Your Requirements

To avoid any doubt about what you have agreed, put precisely what you want carried out in writing and ask for a written estimate back from the builder. Again, worthwhile tradesman worth dealing with will expect this.

It is important you don't keep changing your mind about what you need once the work has started as the builder will charge you extra for changes at this stage which is where many disputes can begin.

Obviously, sometimes things should change and in cases like this you just need to be clear concerning the changes that you want and agree with the builder any additional cost that may add prior to the work is performed. Again, you need to document all changes on paper.


When it comes to contracts and agreements, the standard advice in these situations applies. Usually do not sign whatever you haven't read and/or fully understood.

On the subject of payment for the task, your builder may request some money in advance but this should be avoided if at all possible. A reputable builder is only going to expect payment once the work has been completed to the agreed plan and signed off as satisfactory. As a rule of thumb, you should never pay more than 10% of the total cost up front.

On website , stage builder payments may also be necessary but, again, you ought to be clear upfront about what you are spending money on and when.

If your builder requests all or part payment in cash then leave. You will be fuelling the black economy and leaving yourself available to the risk of coping with a rogue trader.

Finally, be wary of anyone who comes knocking at your door offering to 'do you a favour' or has 'materials left from the previous job' and will do you a 'great deal which will save you money'. Do not listen! It will never save you money to hire a builder in this situation.


If things do go wrong or you're unhappy with the quality or extent of the task carried out, talk to the builder calmly and clearly and explain why in the first instance.

If the builder does not respond, another stage is always to put your complaint in writing.

In the event that you still cannot get a resolution after putting things on paper, you need to seek further advice. Individuals who you could turn to are your Solicitor, the Citizens Advice Bureau, Trading Standards or the relevant Trade Association. It certainly depends on the type and extent of the problem or builder dispute.


So there you have it. If you need to find a good, reliable builder, do some research before you begin, be clear about what you need and put everything on paper and use good sense in terms of contracts, agreements and payment.

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