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17 Signs To Know If You Work With Aluminium Windows And Doors Cambridge
Window and Door Repair in Cambridge

Window & Door Repairs

They're a great source of fresh air and light However, they also have the capacity to take some abuse from the elements. In time, they'll require some servicing to keep them operating correctly. That's where we come in! We provide a range of door and window repair services to make sure your property is always looking its best.

We have experience in repairing uPVC frames, sash and timber frames. We repair everything from broken handles hinges, locks and hinges to replacing double-glazed units. We can also add toughened glass to your windows in case they've become cloudy, or misty!

If you require an expert service for sliding doors We offer quick and efficient solutions. Our technicians are skilled in dealing with sliding doors, wheels and locks. They can also restore the sliding door to its original glory. We can even replace your sliding glass in the event that it has been damaged by weather or vandalism.

Door Weatherstripping

If you notice that your doors do not seal as well as they did in the past and it's possible that the weather strip is damaged or worn out. This easy and inexpensive fix can make your door more energy efficient by stopping cold air from entering and warm air from exiting.

cambridge double glazing to constant exposure and constant use commercial storefront doors are typically the first element of a building to experience issues. We can supply and install all the components required to get your commercial glass door back into action as quickly as is possible.

Sliding Glass Door Repair

Sliding glass doors are a wonderful addition to any home. They do require some maintenance. If your sliding door is not operating properly, it can be a hassle and a safety risk. It's often due to the fact that the roller wheels or track are clogged with dirt. It's a good idea to to lubricate your track every two months using a commercial grease. This will help the wheels move smoothly and prevent the tracks from sticking and squeaking. However, if the rollers and tracks are damaged, it might be time to call for a Cambridge sliding glass door repair service. To ensure your safety, it's best to leave the repairs to an expert.

Patio Door Repair

The sliding patio door is an attractive addition to your home. This is especially true if you enjoy a nice backyard. Like any other type of door, they could encounter issues, and when they do, it's important to be aware of the signs to look for so you can call your local repairman as soon as you can.

Siding glass patio doors are made up of a number of framed panels that have a slidable track. There's an additional locking mechanism, known as an interlocker, that is located on the top of each panel. It locks with a lock on the opposite side when the door is closed. In addition there's a bolt that can be operated by the foot that is attached to the bottom of the sliding patio door to provide added security.

If your patio sliding doors are not functioning properly, they could pose a serious security and safety risk to your home, as well as an energy-efficiency issue. When you first notice any difficulties opening your Cambridge patio door, call us immediately. We'll send someone to fix the problem before it becomes worse.

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