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A3 critical thinking -- academic renewal - completed 15 units and did well, didnt use it to wards any major or degree - it could pull out that wh ole semester of grades --- academic renewal for fall 2020

cmst- geo 10 & spanish (F)

spanish - 1 (D)

A3 need another critical thinking or take one of other options ( dont have to repeat it to get grade alleviation)

engl 11, cmst 14, phil 6 or 8 - math 7

only gen ed req left


been here since 17/18 - been here since one semester at least every term, have catalogue time frame

run off the past pattern (grandfathered in ) new general ed category since I began (ethnic studies) catalog rights --- don't have to do it --

+ have met all area Ds

just critical thinking for general education

to finish gen ed, only seeing need to take that critical thinking course

for transfer general ed, thats all i really need ---

if we looking at BCIS , going to show me online that major at chico state

dont have to take calculus, only survey calc doesnt require trig or algebra, sam elevel of stats --- math 13 would be the class ----

rightis butte college

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