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When the building speaks to the community
Education,DO-IT-YOURSELF,Science & Technology
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Complied by Leah Linhares Photography: Takumi Ota; Courtesy the architect
In the midst of a packed neighbourhood, Tomoyuki Kurokawa Architects supply the Tokyo Institute of Technology a Silicon-Valley-touch that assists in creating a synergistic cycle on the list of community?

Seeing potential in your client?s wish: to provide Tokyo?s national university a replica of the Silicon Valley education-business model, Tomoyuki Kurokawa Architects design and build a community-driven architectural complex that is open and interactive.

Situated within the shopping district close to the university, the six-storey asymmetrical structure of reinforced concrete stands tall among a cluster of residential buildings. Comprising the client's company office, shared-room style student residences and residences for the staff members and the client, the shape of Kitasenzoku Apartment comes from meticulous likely to distinguish it from the neighbouring buildings. While the size of the building was defined by the functional requisites of the residences and users, its form incorporates hollowed scoop-outs that become interstitial spaces and serve as balconies to the surface.

Opening to the road may be the entrance hall situated along the town street, serving as its extended passageway and opened to the town so the open area can be used as a lecture space for the students or as an informal drop-by space for just about any of the city residents.

Finished with benches, lighting and plants to generate an atmosphere of the street outside, its walls are anointed with a whiteboard paint finish to promote the day?s casual and academic discussions among students and staff. Privacy for the students is maintained by providing a tunnel-like space behind the staircase.

The architectural complex is highlighted by its undefined form ? without clear and distinguishable front or back side of the building. Also, although it looms large in the neighbourhood, its impact is comfortably adjusted by the sense of openness created by the balconies on all elevations.

read more with the intention to spotlight the relationships among people, Kitasenzoku Apartment aims to build up an intimate communication between the residents, students and community all together.

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