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“Aaron’s Gift”
Study Questions

Directions: Please answer the following in complete sentences. Use text evidence when you can.
Do you think Aaron would be a good friend? Why or why not? Consider how he treats the pigeon when he realizes it is injured.

I think Aaron would be a good friend because when he found the pigeon he treated it with care and he helped it. If he did this to the pigeon what wouldn’t make him want to do it to people.
What is setting?

The place or surroundings where something takes place.
List three details that show the setting in this passage. (P. 321, p 3)

Skating in the roads apartments they talk about the cossacks.
Why does Aaron’s grandmother feed the birds? (P. 322, p 1)

She feeds the birds because she is curious about them.
Based on your own experience and Mr. Kandel’s statement, how does Mr. Kandel feel about Aaron? (P. 322, p 4-5)

He is shocked on how good of a job Aaron did with the pigeon. He is very proud of him.
In your own words, describe the setting of Aaron’s grandmother’s childhood. (P. 324, p at top)

Her childhood in the Ukraine was intense and scary because there was a lot of wars and people broke into her house and destroyed it.
What details in the painting suggest freedom? (P. 324)

The people standing on top of the building doing as they please. The pigeons flying around freely.
This is the second time that Carl invites Aaron to come to the meeting with Pidge. Why does Aaron decide to go this time, even though he knows how his mother feels? (P. 325, p 4-5)

Aaron decides to go because he persuaded him to go with him.
What can you conclude about Aaron from his actions to save Pidge? (P. 327, p 1-3)

He is helpful because, he decided to help a hurt pidgeon without intentions.
How do Aaron’s actions illustrate a change in his response to the events around him? (P. 327)

Since Aaron goes with the Carl he gets beaten up and Pidge flies away.
How might Pidge see the difference between the tenement yard and the open sky? (P. 327, p 6)

The difference he might see is that he has more room to fly around in.
What conclusion can you draw about Aaron based on his desire to replace his grandmother’s beloved goat? (P. 327, p 8)

That she was happy that the bird got its freedom and she wanted it to be free
Critical Thinking Questions

How are Carl and the boys like the Cossacks?

They try to hurt the bird and they hurt Aaron.
Which is the better gift for Aaron’s grandmother: the pigeon or the pigeon’s freedom? Explain.

The pigeons freedom because she was happy that Aaron let the bird go.
In this story, Aaron gets into a conflict with a gang of boys. Was there anything positive about this conflict or was it best avoided? Explain.

Yes, there was a positive outcome because the bird got its freedom.
What is the theme of this story?

I think the theme is friendship.
Find two pieces of text evidence that proves it is the theme of the story.

In the story Aaron helps the bird and grandmother feeds the birds.
Is it a stated theme or an implied theme? How do you know?

It is an implied theme because it does not state that the theme is friendship.

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