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10 Womens Rabbit Vibrator-Friendly Habits To Be Healthy
Buying a Womens Rabbit Vibrator

If you're Miranda or a Charlotte, a rabbit vibrator can be the ideal addition to your pleasure routine. However, just like every other sexy toy it's essential to know the mechanism before you dive into.

Contrary to wands and bullet vibes rabbits stimulate both the G-spot in the inner ear and clitoris for blended gasps. Here's how they work and why we love them so much.

Penetration & Clitoral Stimulation

Sometimes referred to as the shortcut for pleasure town Rabbit vibrators are made for dual stimulation, helping you reach orgasm faster. They offer vaginal penetration inside via a bigger, more removable sleeve, as well as external stimulation via tiny prongs that look like "bunny eyes" and massage the clitoris. This combination of clitoral stimulation and vaginal stimulation has been proven to produce the strongest orgasm from any type of vibrating sex toys.

The main shaft of a rabbit vibrator is long, curved and bulbous at the end. This shape is popular with women who like to have blended orgasms. The smaller, external arm is used to massage the clitoris. Its shape allows it to be nestled between the "bunny ear" for a particularly satisfying sensation. Rabbit vibrators also have separate motors, which allows you to regulate the intensity of each zone in a separate way.

If you're a novice to rabbit vibrators, it's advised to use a generous amount of water-based lubricant. This will help keep from friction and discomfort. Start at the lowest setting and gradually increase the power to your preferred settings. Once you're comfortable, try using the toy on other parts of your body like the neck and nipples for a taste of the sensation.

Another advantage of rabbit vibrators is that you can play with them as a pair or even in a group play. If you like oral sex you can use the toy to perform Kegels that are hands-free and without a partner. If you are playing with a partner, you can smack them by stroking their shaft and kissing their ears for more excitement, before you suck into the body's clitoral nub.

The external clitoral nib of a bunny style toy can be bent to better fit. This is due to different people having different clitoris -to-vagina (or clitoris-vagina) distances. Other vibrators are more rigid and do not have this flexibility. This can be uncomfortable for some users. Certain rabbit-style vibrators have a variety of other features, like the ability to thrust, pulsate, or even app-based controls so that you can tailor your experience to your liking.

Double Pleasure

Rabbit vibrators are different from other sex toy because they stimulate both your clitoris and as well as the vaginal "sweet spot" (the G-spot). This double pleasure feature is why rabbit vibes are so popular.

As the name implies rabbit vibrators have two arms, one for external stimulation and the other for clitoral stimulation. They are excellent for single play, but they also work great for groups or couples. You can, for example, use a rabbit vibration to tease your partner's G spot while you massage your clitoral area using their hands. This kind of arousal could be referred to as blended clitoral the ridges.

They might seem heavy, but the majority of women find a rabbit vibration to be incredibly simple to use. You can pick one up right away, as they're not as complicated as a daddy. But, it's a good idea to read the instructions from the manufacturer and play with your rabbit's vibrator some time before using it for sex. You want to make sure you are using it correctly and getting the most pleasure from it.

Rabbit vibrations can differ in terms of the settings for vibration and intensity, so it's recommended to research them before you make your final decision. They are also available in a variety of lengths and girths, so you'll need to consider your personal preferences before deciding on the best model for you.

If you're new to penetrative toys it is recommended to start with a smaller model in order to become familiar with the sensations prior to moving to a larger model. You'll also want to ensure that the arm has a large enough girth that you are satisfied and that the clitoral stimulator can reach your clitoral ridge.

The most expensive rabbit vibrations such as the Femme Fun Miss Bi Rabbit offer up to 49 different vibration combinations, which can provide a variety of sensations. A lot of rabbit vibes have an clitoral ring as well as an arm for added options.

Simple to use

The best rabbit vibrators are a breeze to use and offer a variety of options to play. Based on the model and manufacturer you can have up to fifty different settings for vibration. There are also models that have warming, pulsing, thrusting and remote control options for more excitement. If best rabbit vibrator uk where to begin, you might want to consider reading online reviews to see which vibrators have the most user-friendly controls and functions.

This sleek rechargeable rabbit vibration from Smile Makers scored highly among our panel thanks to its elegant design and multi-tasking capabilities. With this toy, you'll experience clitoral stimulation using the internal shaft as well as external "rabbit ears." The shaft inside and external arm each come with their own set of vibrating modes. The ear tips can be used to stimulate the hoods that clitoralize, and you can select between three speeds and nine patterns for the shaft. All of this makes the Rabbit vibe a fantastic option for women who need an intense clit stimulation as well as vaginal penetration.

A rabbit's ear can be used in conjunction with your partner to maximize the pleasure. Vanessa Marin, a sex therapist, recommends this as a method to make sex more exciting.

Look for silicone that is medical grade when shopping for rabbit vibration. It is less porous and simpler to clean than rubber, plastic or latex. It's also hypoallergenic, which means it won't cause irritation to your skin. Make sure that the rabbit vibrator is equipped with a travel lock and is water-resistant. This feature is useful for those who love to sway in the shower or bathtub.

Then, you'll need to select a female rabbit vibe that fits comfortably in your hand and feels smooth against your skin. Make sure the rabbit's vibration is soft enough to feel good on your clitoris or vaginal lobes but is firm enough to protect your erogenous zone.


Women who do not want to draw attention can use discreet toys. This is especially useful when they live with someone who does not like the idea of sexual toys. There are many options for quiet and discreet vibrators. "Look for sex toy motors that are quiet or small and compact enough to be concealed," advises Natasha Marie Narkiewicz. She is the head of communications at MysteryVibe. These toys are also great for taking on the road. They're TSA-friendly and fit inside your purse, so you can have a bit of joy whenever and wherever you need it.

Rabbit sex toys are also available for women. They get their name because they vibrate "rabbit ears" on the shaft. These allow you nestle your clitoris in between the tips to give your toe a curling sensation. A lot of rabbit vibrators have separate "zones" of vibration that are aimed at stimulating the external and internal the clitoral area. You can control the intensity for the inner and outer stimulations in separate ways.

The aesthetically-pleasing Rabbit Vibrator from female-founded brand Dame Products is an excellent example. It comes with two clitoral stimulator tips one with a bullet-shaped tip to help you locate your G-spot, and the other with precise accuracy for the clitoris. It's super-soft and really discreet yet still provides powerful and pleasurable vibrations.

Orgasma Drop is another great option. It's more like a jewelry item than a vibrating device. It's designed to be worn around the neck, and it has a delicate chain to allow you to easily conceal it. The drop also has an internal clitoral stimulation device with different settings to personalize the experience It's rechargeable via USB so you can use it over and over again.

If you're new to sexually active toys, these discrete options are great for beginners because they're easy to use and deliver an intense sensation. They're also good for women who wish to stay away from the attention of a partner or family member and are an excellent way to feel more at ease in public. For those who need an extra boost of energy, there's a large selection of sexy bunny sounds that feature thrusting and pulsing functions and remote-control options.

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