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Seizure Alert - How to Stay Safe During a Seizure
Seizure alert
1 in 10 people has seizures at some point during their lives. These episodes are common and can be scary for people who have them, their family members and those around them.

There are many things you can do to make sure a person is safe during a seizure and after the episode. You can help a person get to a safe place, keep them calm, and call a taxi or another person if needed.

You can also keep track of your symptoms so you can see if you are getting close to a seizure. This can help you and your doctor decide what triggers the seizure and how to manage them.

A seizure starts with a sudden change in movement or feelings. It can last from minutes to hours. Emfit Epilepsy Alarm There are different types of seizures, including tonic-clonic (primary seizures involve muscles), focal motor seizures and complex partial seizures that involve both sides of the brain.

Some seizures are more dangerous than others and can be life threatening. If you think a person has a seizure, don’t move them and don’t put anything in their mouth.

The best way to know if someone is having a seizure is by listening closely. If they don’t respond, tell them you are thinking of them and offer to call a taxi or other help.

There are a variety of devices that can detect seizures in the air or on the ground. These tools can alert you and those around you, providing valuable time to get help and create a safer environment before the seizure begins. They can also help prevent injuries and enable quick treatment.
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