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16 Must-Follow Pages On Facebook For Double Glazing In Hemel Hempstead Marketers
Double Glazing in Hemel Hempstead - Beware of Dirty Tricks

A double glazing salesperson who is dishonest may begin their presentation with an a huge discount. These discounts can amount to thousands of pounds.

Don't fall for this dirty trick. The old saying is, "a fool and his money are easily parted". Here are a few more techniques double glazing salespeople who lack morals use to deceive customers:


Many people decide to replace their double-glazing for various reasons. This includes increasing energy efficiency or replacing damaged or worn out units. They may also want to make their property more aesthetically-pleasing, or may have found their current windows contribute to damp and mould. Whatever the motive, they should be cautious about cheap double glazing companies and the often deceitful tactics they use to lure customers in.

One of the dirtiest tricks employed by morally unqualified double glazing salespeople is to promote their products for sale at a 'discount price', which they claim has only been given to you because they have "sold out of this stock. This is an old-fashioned marketing tactic similar to how supermarkets mark down an item at one store for 28 days before rolling it out nationally - with the difference sometimes amounting to thousands of pounds.

When choosing a new double-glazing design it is crucial to take into account all aspects, including cost, the opening styles, as well as the colour choices. You should look for a company who offers bespoke designs, since this will reduce your costs over time. You can also look for companies that provide only double glazing, which permits you to install the windows yourself to reduce costs. This option is risky and you should only deal with companies that are FENSA or CERTASS-registered.

"Sold Out" adverts

Sometimes, unscrupulous salespeople selling double glazing offer the option of fitting rear windows and doors at a discounted cost as part of a package that will include a new front door. These sales tactics are usually accompanied by the claim that the offer is only available to customers like you, and you need to take action quickly to avoid missing out on the savings.

This is an age old technique that has been used to influence customers and is designed to make the possibility of purchasing double glazed products seem more appealing. However, it's a tactic that is not very effective and can be easily discovered by comparing prices.

A double glazing salesperson who is not morally absent could also offer a'special discount' that is tied to a government scrappage scheme or other fictitious initiative. These schemes are usually marketed with convincing'reasons-why' that will make you believe that you will receive a significant discount - discounts can range from a few hundred pounds to a few thousand pounds! This is one of those tricks which seldom works and should be rejected politely but firmly.

'Free' Front Windows

A uPVC front door will not only enhance the security of your home, but also its thermal performance. It will keep the cold air out, and the warm air in. This will lower the cost of energy. A uPVC-door can also help reduce the noise pollution. The multipoint locking point system locks at several points around the frame, making it more secure.

In Hemel Hempstead You can choose from a selection of doors and windows that will meet your requirements perfectly. If you're looking for a new front door or bi-fold doors, you will find the ideal solution. You can also avail a uPVC repair service to make sure that your uPVC doors function properly.

You should choose double-glazing units that have an energy rating of A. A-rated units help to reduce heat loss, ensuring that your home stays more comfortable and dry for a longer period of time. A-rated units also help homeowners save money on their energy bills.

'Last Season's Stock'

Double glazing is a scam you should not fall for. Salespeople who are not ethical will offer 'last season's stock' at a lower price. This is a tactic to make you believe that you are being offered an offer that is not likely to be repeated when the company renews its stocks.

This is a scam to avoid. The reason they say this is last season's stock is that the company has already restocked with the most up-to-date windows and doors for this year. It is usually possible to avoid this trap by comparing and shopping around prices.

The most modern uPVC window models boast impressive U-values, energy ratings, and can cut down on heating expenses. Additionally they are resistant to British weather and require only minimal maintenance. These attributes can make a significant difference to the overall appearance and feel of your property.

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Scrappage Schemes

Whether you are trying to cut down on your energy costs or replace worn out and damaged window units, comparing is always an excellent idea when it comes to double glazing in Hemel Hempstead. It is crucial to be aware of the fraudulent practices employed by unscrupulous double glazing salespeople.

One of the most well-known tactics involves claiming that there exists a Government Window Scrappage Scheme. This is an entirely fictitious claim, and one that the ASA has received numerous complaints regarding. If you're approached with this type of offer, it is wise to refuse it and leave the room.

Other companies employ another method by offering a discount linked to their own Window Scrappage Scheme. This is a fake scheme and it is not supported by the Government. These schemes have been misused by many and the salespeople who are involved in these offers are often extremely dishonest.

There is no doubt that high-quality uPVC windows can make an enormous impact on your home and boost its energy efficiency. They can keep your house warmer and dryer for longer, saving you money over the long term on heating expenses. They also can help reduce carbon dioxide emissions, which is great for the environment. commercial windows hemel hempstead should encourage homeowners to replace their old and inefficient windows with new, energy efficient uPVC windows.

'Special Offers'

We know that choosing the best double-glazing products for your home is a major decision. It is important to consider the design of your home and also the frame material and the opening options. There are also a range of energy efficiency aspects that will impact on the final cost of your home like the U-value and the energy rating.

Some double glazing salespeople will claim they offer a special price because the stock is 'older' or it's 'last season's stock'. It's a dirty trick that's used to manipulate you into making an uninformed purchase. They're trying to profit from the desire to get the lowest price. This is especially the case during sales in winter.

If you want to avoid these scams, shop for yourself and ensure that the prices you are getting are fair. There are numerous double glazing firms that will install and provide high-quality uPVC windows and doors for your Hemel Hempstead property. Our online service can help you locate local installers that are recommended, saving you time and effort. We will only connect you to trustworthy double glazing firms in Hemel Hempstead and you can be sure that your project will be completed at the highest standards. It's free and easy to use. Begin your search today! AW Windows Ltd has been installing and providing double-glazed windows in Hemel Hempstead since over 20 years.

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