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Stan Willie - Civilian application

First Name(Role Play): Stan

Last Name(Role Play): Willie

Date of Birth [Month,Day,Year(full year,ex 1999)] and age (Real Life): 7/11/1999 - 16 years old

Link to your steam:

How did you find out about SantosRP?
- From streamers and friends.

Do you have any past experience with serious roleplay?
- No.

Do you have a working microphone?
- Yes.

Do you both; speak and understand fluent English?

Why do you want to join SantosRP? (125 Words Minimum)
- I would like to join SantosRP because I want to experience and to have fun in an RP server. I have never played any original RP server but I am playing a lot of games that includes roleplaying and character creation (With personality and background)(Games like DayZ Standalone [Over 290h] and Reign of Kings). I want to join SantosRP specifically because I have heard a lot of good things about the server and the commuinity that is in the server (From streams, videos and friends). Getting into SantosRP will be my first actual experience with an organized RP server with rules and laws, thats why I chose this server because of the good looking system, commuinity and CoC that will hopefully help me getting into RP for the first time.

Give us a background story of your roleplay character. (150 Words Minimum)
-Stan Willie, 17 years old, wandering around, alone, in a cruel and dark world. Stan was born and grew up at Geraldon, western Australia and had a rough childhood. He grew up with a single brother named Jeice (That was 3 years older then him) ,and with his mother, Jesolina. His family wasn't very rich because his mother was the only one who worked, while both of the brothers studied. Stan never had a chance to meet his dad, Alex, because he died in a car accident before he was born. Stan and Jeice were all the time together, Sten saw Jeice as a model because he grew up without a dad and all the things he learned were from him.

As the years past by, Jeice started to use drugs and disconnected from his mother and brother and left the house. For the next 4 years Stan fell into a deep depression beacue he lost his brother. When Stan became 15, his mother died at sleep and the doctors could not tell the reason of death. 2 years after Jesolina died Stan started to look after his brother and to find him. Untill today Stan is wandering alone, looking for his last family member.

Have you read and understood the rules and the Chain of Command?

Post the link to the rules here:

Post the link to the Chain of Command here:

Do you understand that you need to be at least 16 years old to be apart of SantosRP?
- Yes

Do you understand that asking any staff member to look at your application will get it declined instantly and be put on a cooldown for 2 weeks?
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Regards; Team

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