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Hey, listen, I know you cant move on but just let me tell you something, you have to forget about her, even if it seems impossible, she left you and you have to accept that, it's better if you think about yourself and about your future. She isn't in love with you anymore, and there's nothing you can do about it. She already made up her mind. You simply cant change someone's heart, fun fact: humans heart is the most difficult thing to control. It's hard, but it's necessary.
Listen i will ask you this 'can you really force someone to stay by your side?' No. The answer here is obvious, and you are just refusing to accept it. You were hurt, but its time to move on now. You don't deserve to be sad because of someone who doesn't care about you, right? The longer you keep thinking about her, the longer your hurting yourself.
Your persistent and quite stubborn. You believe that if you think about her enough, things will somehow work may take you months, or maybe even years, I'm just here to give you reassurance that you will find someone much better, that loves you.
And yes, you might have told me that you don't want someone else but only her, but she doesn't want you, cuz if she did, she's couldn't have left you, and you cannot accuse a third party here which is her current bf, cuz no matter how hard you try, she won't want you. it'll hurt a lot more if you insist on this and then reality hits you. You'd miss your chance to find a girl, that can love you, and would accept your love.
And yes you also might say that she was so much better with you and much happier etc.. but it wasn't meant to be, unfortunately. There's been a lot of good things that came to an end, like friendships and love stories. It happens. You must stop thinking about what the past had to offer.. and get used to a new life, one that she is no longer part of. She's isn't with you anymore, that's the truth. She was happier with you because she loved you, but she isn't in love with you now, so that's over.
If you had a button that would make things go back to where you where with her, but she wouldn't love you anymore. Would you press that button? I'm sure an answer with common sense would be a solid 'No' and I don't think there will be a need of a genius to answer this question.
Yes, you might also say 'I can't live without her' but you can't live like this! You cannot depend on her! She isn't coming back! You can't be like this, it's unhealthy! She isn't you life, she is just a person...
she was your happiness... But now you should learn how to be happy without her. She has done her part in your life, and now you must find a way to move on. You can't be this pathetic. You need it for your own sake.
Yes, i know you've going through some tough time and crying a lot. It's okay to cry.. everything will be okay eventually, and there will be someone someday that will love you even more than she did. There is no need for you to cling to her, if she is no longer in love with you. She isn't going to cry for you.. she doesn't care.. you have to stop, it will hurt you even more, no one wants to see you like that. Your too attached to her, your in denial at the moment.
Besides, she has someone new, so she replaced you, and she's with him. Why would you think your right or have the power over her to decide who she should be with or not? It is her choice. She loves that new someone now. You have no power over her and her preferences, you have to accept it. It doesnt matter if you cant accept it, it is something you can't control, at all. So, why continue crying over it? you will just tire your eyes. It's pointless.
'i just want her' what are you gonna do? you cant force her to come back, she doesnt want you, are you even listening to what im saying? you dont know how to accept reality..she won't come back no matter what. Are you expecting her to leave who ever she's with bad or good? No! why would she? You might think that shes not happy with him but with you, then why could she had left? it doesnt matter what you want, shes not coming back , and there is no point on coinvincing her. That's life. And people changes. You still have feelings for her, and thinking of her all the time..but what is the point of it?Hoping for a genie to come and make your wish come true? She's moved on. So you need to focus on your future and grow up, you cant keep looking behind, always thinking of the past. And your wrong to say that you cant love someone else other then her. You can love someone else. That's the thing. You must let her go, to be able to love again. It may seem impossible to you, but you are able to love someone else. You dont realize that now.. But if you move on, you will be able to. It'll take time, but it'll happen.
Yes, you might also say its impossible to move on and that you still deeply love her, but it is possible..many people have been through that. And here's the thing, it hurts. But you can live on, without her. You may still be in love with her for some time, but you need to face the truth, this is reality now. She's happy and living her life without you, and she won't be hurt by your tears, your not trying to understand what reality actually is, you choose this. You could move on, but you want to stay in your comfort zone and think of the past.
Could you really rather be stuck in one place, where you cry, drepressed all the time and dont about anything else other than her, and nothing else..Or you can let go and move on? it'll hurt to move on, it's scary, and i know your hurt..But it's for the best.
If you dont want to move on then you will have to sit and wait, always hoping she will return, untill you realize it'ill never happen. When you finally realize that she is never returning, you will have wasted your time, all for nothing. You think you won't like any other girls. Or maybe your afraid you will be heartbroken again. Maybe your new relationship won't be like it was with your ex..Because love is different everytime... But really you cant really control what that girl is going to do, you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself, the longer you hang on the worse you making the situation..
Now im a human being my self and not a fucking genie that can solve your situation, i give you reassurance, try my very best to help you, its just your turn to take it or trash it, im not even gonna be mad, nor disappointed in you, your my friend, someone i care , and im just willing to help you even if it means wasting my time, now about earlier it's not impossible to not be an overthinker, or learn how to treat people right. You need to stop thinking down of yourself, and accept your self, and no your not a disappointment, nor i or anyone said that, your human. Everyone has made the same mistakes, and your far from being the only 'overthinker', your not the only one, you need to stop having negative thoughts about yourself, you are capable of getting out of this, everyone deserve happiness. Including you. You just have to accept that sometimes, you won't get to be with the person you love.
And i noticed that your being to hard on yourself.. but you can still learn from this experience. If you love her so much, why not become the best version of yourself? if she isnt with you, you can try and make an effort to become a better person, instead of making yourself suffer over nothing, and you need to stop thinking yourself as a victim, now im not accusing you for any shit but what im trying to say is that it will do no good for you. If you want things work , you have to change your mindset. And the reason why you cant think clearly, because you have a lot of things going on in your head.
Now with that if you want anything i said, you have the right choice to block me etc i wont even get mad to be honest im use to it, or you can show some gratitude by not putting your self-esteem down.
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