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The Most Advanced Guide To Double Glazing In Hemel Hempstead
Double Glazing in Hemel Hempstead - Beware of Dirty Tricks

A double glazing salesperson who is dishonest may start their pitch with an a very generous discount. These discounts are not uncommon to be in the thousands of pounds.

The old saying goes 'a fool and his money are easily parted so don't get fooled by this ruse. Here are some other tricks that double glazing salespeople who lack morals use to scam customers:


Many people decide to replace their old double glazing for a variety of reasons, ranging from improving energy efficiency to replacing worn or damaged units. They may also want to make their property more aesthetically-pleasing, or may have found their current windows contribute to damp and mould. Whatever their reasons, they must be cautious of low-cost double glazing companies and the often deceitful tactics they use to lure customers into.

The dirty tactic of morally uninformed salespeople who sell double glazing is to promote the product for sale at an "discount price" that they claim is only offered because they've'sold out of it. This is a marketing classic similar to the way that supermarkets mark down a product in a single store for 28 days before rolling it out nationwide and the price difference could be thousands of pounds.

It is important to consider all the aspects when selecting a new double-glazing design, including cost, opening styles and colour options. You should choose an organization that can provide bespoke designs, as this will save you money over time. You could also look for companies that supply only double glazing, which allows you to install the windows yourself to reduce costs. However, this could be risky, so you should only use firms that are FENSA and CERTASS registered.

"Sold Out" Adverts

Unscrupulous double glazing salespeople might offer you the option to supply and install rear windows and doors for discounted prices as part of a deal which includes a new front door. These sales tactics are typically followed by a claim that the deal is only available to customers like you, and you need to take action quickly to avoid missing out on the savings.

This is an age old technique that has been used to influence customers and is designed to make the possibility of purchasing products with double glazing appear more appealing. This is a tactic which rarely works and can be easily discovered when shopping online.

A double glazing company that is morally unreliable salesperson might also offer you an 'exclusive' discount that is linked to a scrappage scheme of the Government or a similar fictitious program. These schemes are usually marketed with convincing "reasons-why" that convince you that you're about to get a substantial discount. Discounts have been reported to reach several thousand pounds. This is one of those scams that rarely works and should be resisted gently but with a firm hand.

Free Front Windows

A uPVC front door will not only enhance the security of your home, but also its thermal performance. It will keep the cold air out, while letting the warm air in. This will reduce energy costs. A uPVC-door can also help reduce the amount of noise pollution. The multipoint locking system locks at multiple points within the frame. This makes it more secure.

In Hemel Hempstead, you can choose from a range of windows and doors that will suit your needs perfectly. If you're looking for a new front door or bi-fold doors, you will find the perfect solution. You can also avail a uPVC repair service to make sure that your uPVC doors function correctly.

When you are choosing a new double glazing system You'll want to make sure that it has a high energy rating. A-rated units reduce the loss of heat and help keep your home warmer and dryer for longer. A-rated units also assist homeowners to save money on their energy bills.

'Last Season's Stock'

We're all taught to look for bargains in the sales in January and summer however when it comes to double glazing, this is one ploy you must avoid. Unscrupulous salespeople have been known to offer a discounted price on 'last season’s stock'. This is used to convince you that the offer will not be repeated once the company renews their stock.

This is a scam that should be avoided at all cost. They claim that it is old stock since the company has already restocked its latest windows and doors for the current season. This kind of trap is usually avoided by looking around and comparing prices.

The latest uPVC window models have impressive U-values, energy ratings and can cut down on heating costs. They are also extremely resistant to British weather conditions and require little maintenance. These attributes can make a huge impact on the appearance and feel of a house.

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Scrappage Schemes

Shopping around for double glazing in Hemel Hempstead is a good idea, whether you are looking to reduce your energy bills or replace worn-out and damaged window units. It is essential to be aware of the scams used by unscrupulous double glazing salespeople.

One of the most popular tricks is to claim that there's a Government Window Scrappage Scheme. patio doors hemel hempstead is a completely false claim and is something that the ASA has received many complaints about. If you're approached with this type of offer, it's best to decline it and leave the room.

Other companies will use an alternative method of offering a discount that is tied to their Window Scrappage Scheme. This is a fictional program and is not supported by the government. Many people have abused these schemes and the salespeople who are involved are often deceitful.

There is no doubt that high-quality uPVC windows can make an enormous difference to your home and boost its energy efficiency. They can keep your house warmer and dryer for longer, saving you money over the long term on heating expenses. They can also help reduce carbon dioxide emissions, which is beneficial for the environment. A window scrappage program should encourage homeowners to replace their old, inefficient windows with modern, energy efficient uPVC ones.

'Special Offers'

We understand that choosing the right double glazing products for your home is a major choice. You need to think about the design of your home as well as the frame material and the opening options. There are also a range of energy efficiency elements that will impact on your final price like the U-value and the energy rating.

Some double glazing salespeople will claim that they offer a special price because the stock is 'older or "last season's stock". It's a ruse used to try and manipulate you into making an uninformed purchase. They are trying to take advantage of our natural desire to find a bargain, especially in the winter sales.

Make sure to shop around to ensure that the price you are quoted is competitive. Keep in mind that there are plenty of double glazing companies there who will be happy to supply and install quality uPVC doors and windows for your Hemel Hempstead home. Our online service is designed to assist you connect with recommended local installers, which will save you time and effort. We will only connect you to reliable double glazing firms in Hemel Hempstead So you can rest assured that your project will be completed at the highest quality. It's free and easy to use. Begin your search today! AW Windows Ltd has been installing and providing double-glazed windows in Hemel Hempstead since more than 20 years.

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