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Hong Kong Company Computer System Registry: Why Bother?
Hong Kong Company Incorporation is frequently seen as 'something that just the wealthy and famous do,' or the protect of large companies.

However is opening an offshore corporation in Hong Kong really so difficult, and is it just for huge multinationals and people with vast wealth?

In this blog from Hongda Service Services we're going to discuss why you should think about beginning an organization in Hong Kong, and the advantages readily available for those who do ...

Why Pick Hong Kong Company Regsitry For Your Company?

Hong Kong is not only positioned right on the border of Shenzhen, one of China's largest and most commercially essential cities, however is also in easy taking a trip distance of the Asia-Pacific region: China, South East Asia, India, and Australia.

Due to its British history, Hong Kong has a really Westernised system of government and banking that make it easy to open and work there. This is why lots of consider it to offer the very best of both worlds; on the one hand a simple doorway to Asia, but on the other, a familiar and internationally recognised way of doing things.

Many business people enjoy Hong Kong due to the following:

English is widely spoken (and Mandarin is also progressively typical).
Convenient location.
Low business and personal earnings tax.
Easy Hong Kong company formation.
Alleviate of handling Mainland China.
Practical as an investment path into Mainland China.
Excellent facilities (for living and organization).
Lively culture and food.

Benefits Of Hong Kong Company Pc Registry.

OK, so we know that Hong Kong is a wonderful and intriguing location, however when it comes to working we require to understand for sure what the benefits to us are before beginning any process.

At the start of the blog I pointed out that a Hong Kong company is possibly helpful for any service, not just for large companies or rich people.

The following advantages detail why this holds true:.

1. Low Corporate & Personal Tax Demands.
Hong Kong is not a tax sanctuary, but it does require low tax from its companies and employees.

Corporate tax is pegged at 16.5%.

Personal tax is at just 2 - 17%.

There are no items and services taxes, sales taxes, or barrel (value included tax). You will likewise discover that there are no capital gets taxes, no taxes on earnings originated from outside of Hong Kong, and no dividend taxes.

While taxes still need to be paid, you can see that the tax problem is low in Hong Kong, and this makes for a very entrepreneurial environment, particularly when generating income from abroad which is untaxed.

Please note though, that if you're responsible for tax in your own country (such as US people), you will need to make allowances to pay this if required, even if you have a Hong Kong company or are working in Hong Kong.

2. Simpler To Get In The China Market From Hong Kong.
You might have heard that having a Hong Kong company makes it much easier to establish a company in Mainland China. This remains in reality right.

Hong Kong is the largest FDI (Foreign Direct Financial investment) centre for China, and so all of these investors must be selecting it for a factor.

This owes a lot to CEPA (the Mainland-- Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Plan) of 2003. It intends to strengthen ties in between Hong Kong and China, specifically in the sectors of investment, trade, and financing. We see that CEPA offers free trade and liberalisation of trade and services in between the two areas, and therefore it's clear that this provides those of us opening Hong Kong companies a benefit in China over those that do not. For instance, exports from Hong to China are tarriff complimentary for Hong Kong companies.

It's easier to do service with China for Hong Kong companies thanks to CEPA.
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Global companies with a Hong Kong office have the benefits of CEPA, but are also 'closer to the action.' Travelling across the border to China from Hong Kong takes only around an hour, and obviously for ventures further inland Hong Kong is a major air and rail travel center.

Finally, Hong Kong business are provided much better terms when opening companies in China, such as decreased investment capital demands. They're likewise governed by Hong Kong law, which is easier and more familiar than its Mainland counterpart, and getting business loans and investment is also easier in Hong Kong's entrepreneurial climate.

3. Gain Access To To High Quality Labour.
Hong Kong, as a first-rate city, likewise take advantage of excellent education requirements.

22% of youngsters of an eligible age went to university in Hong Kong in 2014 (Source: with a lot more going to university outside of the country due to scarcity of places in Hong Kong itself, which shows that Hong Kong has an extremely experienced workforce. What's more, for foreign companies opening a Hong Kong service, it means that there is a prepared supply of English and Chinese speaking graduates who are eminently employable, and bring skills to the table that you require. This is straight comparable to China itself, where graduates might not speak good English despite having comparable skills.

If staffing your company with locals is attractive, it's likewise essential to understand that Hong Kong nationals might travel easily into China with no requirement for a visa, and so progressing if you do have dealings with China itself then your Hong Kong staff can take a role in this.

4. Hong Kong Offers An Extensive Expense Write-Off System.
Unlike Western countries which could be stated to be stingy when it comes to writing off overhead versus your company, Hong Kong organization can write-off most expenditure that would be classed as 'personal' in the West as a business expense.

This might include:.

Apartment or condo rental.
Dining and beverages.
If the above are linked to your organization, then it's possible.

The only caution is that when finishing your HK income tax return, you would be needed to supply invoices for each and every expense, so over a year this could be hundreds or even countless billings! Also records require to be kept for 7 years in order to investigate Hong Kong company accounts, so please be prepared for that.

By crossing out your expenditures in Hong Kong you could save thousands of dollars annually that you would need to pay in the West!

5. First-rate Banking.
As we have talked about, Hong Kong is built on the concepts of entrepreneurship and company, and as such organization banking is reasonably simple and beneficial.

Unlike other foreign countries, HK banking is world-renowned and accepted in the West and won't trigger you any issues when transferring money to or getting it from abroad. There are likewise affordable rates for currency transfer and many savings account can have different currency functions, so in the case of being paid from abroad you might not even require to transform the currency into HK$ at all.

It's typically specified that one of the biggest issues for immigrants opening companies in Hong Kong is the fact that a private needs to take a trip to HK to open business account. In many cases this is true, and can be bothersome, however Hongda have the ability to do this for you as a proxy which can be really hassle-free if taking a trip to HK is not possible. This indicates that Hong Kong company setup could be done completely out of the country!


hong kong company computer system registry benefits.

Hong Kong company registration is a great idea for companies who are looking to get a company foothold in the Asia pacific area.

It has easy and clear law, banking, and company setup, and offers regional staff who are fluent in both English and Chinese. It's likewise popular for its low business and personal tax burden, along with the ease of gaining financial investment.

For business wanting to open a presence in Mainland China, opening a Hong Kong company initially which later on functions as the financial investment automobile will make things simpler and smoother, as thanks to the CEPA open market agreement, it's much easier for HK business to open and operate in China.

Basically, if you're participated in entrepreneurial organization, and are searching for a platform which encourages you without being too governmental, then Hong Kong could be best and will likewise help you conserve more cash!

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