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What Are The Biggest "Myths" About Windows Leicester Might Be True
Why Upgrade to Double Glazed Windows?

It may be time to upgrade your windows to double-glazed in case they've been drafty in the past. This will reduce the cost of energy by decreasing heat loss and improving insulation.

They are also highly durable, require little maintenance requirements, and offer enhanced security features. They are available in different designs, like casement windows and sliding sash windows, to suit different property aesthetics and needs.


Double glazing in Leicester can last up to 30 years. The longevity of double-glazing depends on its quality, the installation and regular maintenance. It is important to look at quotes from reputable companies and choose a product that suits your needs.

UPVC double glazed windows are designed to be durable and energy efficient, making them a good option for homeowners in Leicester. The multi-chambered profile enhances thermal performance, helping to reduce heat loss and saving on heating costs. They also help prevent unwanted heat from entering the home during the summer months, keeping the indoors cool and comfortable.

If you are considering installing uPVC Windows in your home, think about their ENERGY rating STAR. These ratings are based on the amount of energy they use and range from G to A++. Choosing windows that have an A++ energy rating will help you save energy costs, and also help you make the most of sun's rays to warm your home.

Double-glazed windows are constructed from two or more panes of glass with a layer between them made of polyvinylbutyral (PVB). This protects the window from shattering and keeps it in a well-insulated state. You can pick between frosted or tinted glass based on your preference. Upgrade your double-glazed windows with laminated glass or toughened.

Double-glazed windows are an investment worth it, even though it could be expensive. Double glazing can enhance the value of your home and make it more appealing to prospective buyers. It also can save you money on maintenance and repairs.

It is important to repair double-glazed windows when they are damaged. If you leave damage unattended and untreated, it could lead to water intrusion which can cause expensive damp and mould problems within your home. In some cases, replacing the damaged windows is your only alternative. If the frame that holds the dual-glazed unit is damaged, it is unlikely that you'll be able install the replacement.

Energy efficiency

Double glazing windows can be a cost-effective solution to making your home more energy-efficient. They keep heat in the house during winter and stop it from leaving during summer. The windows block out noise from outside making your home more comfortable and relaxing. It is important to select a reputable installer or supplier. This will ensure that the energy efficiency of your new windows is maximized. You can also use the Window Energy Rating scale (WER) to evaluate various options. It's a simple system that includes A++ at the top and G at its bottom.

leicester double glazing are available in a variety of styles and finishes. They are also more durable and won't rot or warp with time. They are also cleaner, and require minimal maintenance. The uPVC material used in these windows is also very strong, and it can stand up to extreme weather conditions.

You should choose double-glazed windows from a manufacturer that provides an assurance. This warranty will give you assurance that your double glazed windows will be properly installed and will last for many years. Additionally, it is important to select a local company that is trustworthy and has a good reputation. They will be able to give you a personalized service and assist you in finding the perfect product for your home.

A casement window is an excellent choice for double glazing or replacement windows. This type of window opens via the side hinge, which allows you to open either one or two panes. Its low cost and energy efficiency make it a great choice for homes located in conservation areas.

You can pick the wood-grain or white finishes, and you can even opt for a slimline double-glazed window from the past to get a classic style. Its sleek design will complement any decor and is easy to clean.

Low maintenance

Double glazing is one of the most durable windows that you can have installed in your home. They are not prone to corrosion and can endure the harsh Leicester climate without degrading. They require less maintenance than wooden frames and only require occasional cleaning.

Another benefit of double-glazed windows is that they improve the efficiency of your home, which helps to lower your heating bills. The multi-chambered profiles and insulated glass units ensure that cold air cannot enter your home, while warm air stays inside. The insulation can also help reduce outside noise and makes your home a more tranquil place to live.

UPVC also has a long-lasting appearance and doesn't require painting. This is an enormous benefit for homeowners who don't wish to invest in frequent painting and the maintenance associated with it. UPVC is also resistant to moisture and temperature changes, making it a great choice for humid or coastal areas.

While UPVC is robust, it's essential to inspect your windows regularly for signs of failure. Some problems, like condensation or a draught are easily solved however, others require replacement windows. It is recommended to speak with an experienced window installer if you observe any of these issues.

Draughty double-glazed windows could be a sign that the seals on your windows have failed. This problem can sometimes be solved by sealing your windows and doors. If this doesn't work, you may have to replace the seals on your windows or doors.

Another issue that is common to double-glazed windows is the possibility of scratches on the glass. While this can happen because of wear and tear, it can often be buffed out when the scratch isn't very deep. If the damage is significant it is recommended to consult an expert in double glazing to assess the problem and come up with the solution.

Double glazed windows offer a range of advantages for homeowners, such as increased energy efficiency, reduced outside noise and increased security. They are easy-to-install and can be customized with various styles, colors and finishes. They are also a good choice for homes located in conservation areas since they can be customized to blend seamlessly with traditional-style homes.


Double glazing windows are a good option to make your house more secure. They come with a variety of security options, including multi-point locking mechanisms, as well as reinforced glass technology. These features can stop burglars from entering your home and keep your family secure. Upvc windows also come in various styles, making it simple to find the ideal fit for your home.

UPVC windows have become an increasingly popular choice for homeowners in Leicester because of their energy-efficiency, increased security, and improved curb appeal. They are also easy to maintain, and can be customized to fit the style of your home. It is important to choose an expert installer when selecting UPVC Windows for your home. This will ensure that the windows are put in place correctly and all security features are optimized.

UPVC windows are also more efficient in energy use than single-pane windows. They will decrease the amount that heat escapes from your home during the winter months and block warm summer air from getting in, saving you money on energy bills. They also help reduce noise pollution. This is beneficial for those living in areas that have noisy neighbors or busy roads.

Leicester residents are always looking for ways to maintain an ideal temperature at home particularly in the unpredictable weather conditions in the UK. Dual glazing is a perfect solution since it eliminates the need for excessive heating during winter and cooling during summer and can save homeowners money on their energy bills as well as cutting carbon emissions.

Phair Windows and Glass can install double glazing that is A-rated on your modern or traditional home. Our windows are available in a range of styles, from bay windows to traditional windows and they're backed by our lifetime guarantee. Our team is committed to providing top-quality service and ensuring the satisfaction of our customers. For more information get in touch with us today to receive a free, no-obligation quote. We serve customers throughout the greater Leicester area, including Ibstock and Bushby. We're happy to answer your questions and help you select the right windows for you home.

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