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11 "Faux Pas" That Are Actually Okay To Create With Your Composite Doors Epsom
Why Choose Composite Doors For Your Home in Epsom

Composite doors are among the safest on the market. They combine several layers to create a sturdy frame, which even the most determined home intruders can't break through. Our Endurance composite door comes with a British Kitemark approved lock, secured by a Design approved cylinder, and an anti-snap bumppick and drill cylinder.

epsom windows

In contrast to timber doors front doors don't need frequent painting or sanding, and they can last for decades without fading. They also do not warp, rot, or break as easily, making them a long-term investment for your home. The robust material used to create these doors ensures they can stand up to the harshest weather conditions without damage or discolouration. The solid core that is insulated and the sturdy outer frame will keep your home dry, warm and safe.

Apart from their strength, composite doors are also made to look fantastic. You can choose from a wide range of colours and finishes to match your style. You can personalize them with unique glazing options or decorative accents to make it stand out.

There are two main kinds of composite doors available on the market in the present time - GRP and timber. GRP composites are made of Glass Reinforced Plastic. Timber composites are made of engineered wood with polyurethane or ABS thermoplastic skin. Both styles provide homeowners with a range of advantages, including increased energy efficiency, increased security and authentic wood appearances.

The solid wood core is the primary advantage of a composite timber door. This is a major improvement over the cheaper foam-filled alternatives. The wood core is encased in a durable aluminium subframe and then covered with an impervious skin. This design is a favorite option for homeowners who want an elegant, traditional and classic style.

Another advantage of a solid wood door is that it's extremely difficult to break into. This makes it a great choice for homes located in areas of high-crime, and gives peace of peace of mind to those worried about burglaries.

Hamiltons, an established local Epsom composite doors specialist can assist you in finding an entrance door that is sturdy, secure, and attractive. We can supply and install a wide range of front doors in Epsom, Banstead, Ewell, Stoneleigh, Hook, Chesington, Caterham and Ashtead and the greater Surrey region.


Composite doors are extremely strong and secure. They also feature the most modern locking mechanisms that discourage intruders. This makes them a highly secure option for your home in Epsom and gives peace of mind and ensuring your home is one that's difficult to break into should an intruder tried.

With a variety of styles, colours and glazing options, composite doors offer homeowners a wide range of options for a durable, flexible and long-lasting front door. They are designed to withstand extreme conditions, increase the security of your home, and require only minimal maintenance throughout their lifespan.

Composite doors are a drastic change from traditional wooden alternatives. They're designed to withstand extreme weather conditions, which will keep your Epsom home secure and offer you the most efficient energy efficiency available on the market.

With no drafts and more efficient thermal performance, you'll feel comfortable in your Epsom property all year round due to the insulated core that is present in our composite doors. When combined with the GRP skin, it creates a solid barrier that prevents the heat from escape and cold from escaping your home.

Warmlite's Endurance Doors are backed by a 10-year guarantee. This guarantees you that your new composite door will last a long time, without the need for repairs or replacements. This is not possible with a wooden door that requires regular maintenance and repainting.

The great thing about composite doors is that they can be customized to your own individual tastes and there are almost endless possibilities when it comes to colors. There are plenty of standard attractive colours, including a variety of woodgrain finishes. But they are also available in any specified RAL shade.

You'll be in a position to match your new door to the rest of your home in Epsom and really make it feel like a vital part of your home. Contact us today to get a free estimate and see how your composite door will look.


Composite doors are an excellent alternative if you wish to purchase a premium door that provides the highest level of security. They are incredibly strong and feature a top-quality locking mechanism that's accredited to Secured by Design standards. They can withstand any impact and are the most secure doors on the market.

These doors also provide your home with increased thermal efficiency. They are more insulating and could lower your energy bills all through the year. This is especially important in the winter when heating costs can be higher.

Composite doors are available in a variety of colors, styles and designs. You can pick the front door that best suits your preferences and home's aesthetic. They are also designed to last and durable, with a high-quality frame that will keep them looking fresh for years to come.

Thermaframe composite doors are a fantastic option for Epsom homeowners looking to enhance the security and efficiency of their homes. The composite doors are a contemporary alternative to the traditional wooden front doors. They can be outfitted with a variety of double-glazing options to create an individual home improvement. Whether you're looking for a traditional or modern style, Thermaframe has a wide range of front doors to match any home.

Composite doors aren't made of a single substance, but rather a mixture of materials. This eliminates the flaws found in traditional timber doors. They have a core of either low or high-density poly foam, which sits inside a timber sub-frame. Aluminum inserts are then inserted to reinforce the structure, and a glass-reinforced plastic skin adds the final touches. This assures that your new composite doors will be strong and will withstand the harsh weather conditions of Epsom.

Solidor also provides a 10 year guarantee on Thermaframe doors, so you can feel certain about the quality of your purchase. This guarantee covers any defect that might be found in the materials used for profile, the panels and glazing units of your front door. You can rest assured that your door will last for a long time.


Composite doors can last of up to 30 years. This makes them the most durable and sustainable home improvement option available on the market. However, like other home improvement product, they require occasional maintenance in order to ensure they are performing at their best. Regular cleaning using hot soapy water and a soft microfibre towel will ensure that your composite doors remain looking beautiful. It is recommended to clean your composite door at least once every month, however it is possible to clean more often depending on your needs.

A composite door will last much longer than a traditional uPVC door, which can start to look dated or fade over time due to weather and other elements. This is due to the fact that they are able to endure harsh weather conditions and are less prone to rotting.

This strength is due to the fact that they're made with a solid timber core, which means that they won't expand or crack. This also means that the doors you choose to install aren't susceptible to warping or discolouration. This protects the integrity of your home and helps to prolong its life.

Composite doors also offer improved energy efficiency. This is due to them being insulated, and this allows you to keep your Epsom home warmer in the winter, and cooler during the summer. This will help you save money and lower your carbon footprint.

The security provided by composite doors is unmatched by the rest. They are extremely durable and come with locks of top quality that make it very difficult for burglars to gain entry into your home. These locks are also accredited to Secured by Design standards, meaning that your home will be much safer than if you had standard doors installed.

Composite doors are available in a variety of colors styles, designs and styles and can be customized to match the style of your home. This means that you can get the perfect door to complement your home and stand out when people visit. They can be outfitted with a variety of features, including spy holes, number plates, knockers and letter plates.

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