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How to Prevent Condensation on Double Glazing Windows

Double glazing is a fantastic way to reduce energy bills, keep your home warm and calm and give it that modern look. Independent industry research has found that the latest uPVC window styles are 55% more efficient than older windows.

If you have double-glazed windows and you notice that your window seal isn't sealing properly it is recommended to have it repaired.


As winter approaches, in it can be a normal moment for homeowners to start getting condensation on their double-glazed windows. This can obscure the view from inside while creating a mouldy and musty air in the house. There are several ways to stop this issue.

It is crucial to know what causes this to occur in the first beginning. Double glazed windows today are made up of two panes, separated by an argon gas layer and an air gap. This helps reduce the cost of energy and also reduce heat loss from your home.

However, the warm air that's within your home can rise and circulate especially when it's heated by radiators. The exterior of your double-glazed window often cooler than the air inside, leading to the appearance and growth of condensation.

You can reduce the appearance and the size of condensation on your double-glazed windows by improving the circulation of air inside your home. Also, make sure to keep the humidity level low. You can also wipe the windows often to ensure that moisture is removed as soon as possible. If left untreated, it could cause black mould and rot. In severe cases, this black mould can even pose health risks due to the spores which are released. It is crucial to remember that replacing the double-glazed unit is the ideal method to completely eliminate condensation.


Upvc windows are durable and durable, but they may experience certain issues from time some. Often, these come from wear and tear or damages in particular areas. For example, when the seal of a window is damaged, it could cause draughts to your home. Air can enter through the gap between the two panes and around the frame. This happens because the weather seals the rubber which surrounds the frames and creates an impervious seal when the window is closed, have become degraded.

However, it is worth noting that double glazing could be a great solution to such issues. It can prevent heat loss, thereby saving money on energy bills while making your home a more comfortable place to be in all through the year. It also helps reduce noise in your home. This is particularly useful for those who live near a busy road, or have noisy neighbors.

If you are thinking of upgrading your single-glazed windows, it might be worthwhile to invest in high-end uPVC windows. They are much more energy efficient than windows manufactured at the turn of the millennium, and could help you save money on your ever-growing energy bills. They can also enhance the appearance and feel of your home and make it more attractive.


Noise from outside can be a nuisance and impact the quality of your life. Double-glazed windows will help to reduce the noise. Older frames and poor fitting could allow unwanted noise to get into your home.

Single glazed windows can make whistling noises when turbulent as the glass shakes. The vibrations then propagate to the inside of your home, and it could irritate neighbors and you. Double-glazed windows come with an insulated core that prevents this. They also incorporate argon between the glass panes in order to improve soundproofing.

The insulation of a window can be measured by its U value, which is like the tog rating of quilts. Older single-paned windows are characterized by high U-values, while double-glazed windows have lower U-values. This figure is mainly determined by the thickness of the window, however other factors like how well it is fitted and the quality of the frame are also crucial.

Double glazed windows can reduce the sound of outside noise by as much as 31 decibels, contingent on the frame and quality. Triple glazing is more efficient, but it is more expensive. Some companies provide specialist services for rehabilitating and upgrading existing windows which allows them to benefit from the efficiency of thermally efficient double-glazed windows without the need to replace the entire structure.

Water Leaks

If you notice condensation between the double-glazing panes, it's most likely that the seal is broken and warm air is now leaking into your home. This can damage the windows as well as result in the use of a great deal of energy to heat your property when all the warmth is leaving through the windows.

The window seals can be replaced to address this problem. door fitter derby can be done easily without the need to replace windows. It will prevent water from getting into your home, which can cause damage to the frames, walls and plaster.

Water leaks through your window is among the most serious problems that you may face. If it continues to flow then it will cause permanent damage and possibly even structural damage to the home. There are several ways to be detected, such as water spots on the wall or plaster, discolouration to the frame or a musty odor. If you've noticed any of these issues then you must seek the advice of a professional to carry out repair or replace your window as soon as you can.

Dehumidifiers and increased air flow could solve a variety of these issues. However, certain issues are only fixable by replacing windows or by resealing them.

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