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The Benefits of Braintree Double Glazing

If you're seeking a way to improve the efficiency of your Braintree home more energy efficient, double glazing could be the solution. It's got many benefits like lessening the loss of heat, noise and draughts.

At Selectaglaze we have a long tradition of working on conservation projects and have experience with the challenges associated with listed and period structures. For example, we worked with Braintree Town Hall to install secondary glazing made of timber into their wood panelled rooms.

Energy Efficiency

Double glazing is a term that has been used for a while and refers to windows that have two or more glass panes within sealed units. This type of window has the primary benefit of reducing heat loss through the glass, and also reducing a home's energy bills.

This is accomplished by putting an argon gas pocket between the two glass panes, so that heat is not escaping as easily as it would if there was only one glass pane. This, along with the additional layer of material, significantly improves the insulation level.

Energy efficient windows not only cut down on heat loss, but also improve the interior quality. This is thanks to the fact that they minimize the amount of harmful ultraviolet radiations that enter homes through windows, and this can be especially beneficial in protecting fabrics, floor coverings and other design elements that could be affected by these radiations.

Additionally double glazing that is energy efficient can increase the security of your house as it is much harder for burglars to get through the windows. This, together with the reduced noise created by the windows, makes your home safer and more comfortable to live in.

Another benefit of energy efficient windows is the fact that they can boost the value of your home. They are more energy efficient than conventional windows, and many cities and towns offer tax credits for homeowners who install them.

Finally, a lot of people are unaware that various design options can make windows more energy efficient. Frames made from wood or vinyl hold the heat better than frames made of metal and frames with warm edge spacers reduce heat transfer around the edges.

A combination of the frame material and glazing or glass features, gas-filled spacers, gas fills, and the kind of operation determine the overall energy-related properties. Make use of an online tool such as the GGF Energy Savings Calculator to learn more about the energy-related features of a particular window.

Reduced noise

Braintree Double Glazing can significantly reduce outside noise. Whether it's traffic, road noise, or even loud music having more windows in your home will let you get a better sleep and feel more relaxed at home.

The thickness of the glass used in the creation of your acoustic window will make huge differences. There are many types of soundproof glass available. But if you want your double glazing to minimize the sound, choose high-performance laminated. This type of glass is constructed using a thin layer of polyvinyl butyral (PVB) fixed between the panes, which helps to block out the sound.

Acoustic laminated glass may also be enhanced by a specific film that will help to further cut down on noise while allowing solar heat to enter your home. This is especially beneficial in areas like towns where buildings can become noisy and congested.

Another reason why double-glazed windows are an excellent choice for your home is that they will increase security. This is due to the fact that they are much harder to break than single glazed alternatives, so in the event of a burglary, it will be much harder for criminals to gain entry to your home.

broken window braintree -glazed windows are excellent investment if you're looking to increase the value of your home in the long-term. They'll provide a lot of value because they will help reduce the amount of energy that you use and, consequently, your heating bill will be much lower.

When it comes to energy efficiency, double glazed windows are a great option to cut down on the amount of money you spend on energy bills each month. They can block heat loss through the gaps between the glass panes. This allows you to retain more warm air and reduce your energy costs.

Draughts reduced

Draught proofing the windows in your Braintree home can reduce the amount of heat that is lost from the property and reduces your energy bills and making your home more comfortable. The amount of energy saved will depend on the size and type of windows that you have in your house, and how much you use them.

Double glazing that is energy efficient will have a lower u-value and a high overall rating, which means it is more effective at keeping cold air from coming into your home and hot air from moving out of your home. It will also have lower condensation rates, which means it is less prone to mould.

Secondary glazing is an excellent option for older homes, as it will improve the efficiency of your home without affecting its appearance. It is also suitable for listed structures and those located in conservation areas as it minimizes noise insulation, and lowers heating costs.

Selectaglaze was approached by a Grade II* listed building in Braintree to install secondary glazing of timber that would match the wooden panelled rooms. They designed a piece of secondary glazing made from aluminium with a timber grain effect that blended well with the interior.

The finished product was set into 20 vertical sliding units that were bespoke to ensure airtightness, which reduced draughts and heat loss. The client was pleased with the final product, and the work was completed without affecting the frames or windows.

The value of a property has increased

One of the best ways to increase the value of your Braintree home is to increase its energy efficiency, namely by replacing outdated and inefficient windows with modern windows. Triple- or double-glazed windows with a high U-value rating are the best choice. They can cut down on your heating costs and carbon footprint. Installing new and energy efficient windows put in on your property can make an enormous difference in the overall look and feel of your home, while also making it more comfortable for your family.

A window that doubles as a draught stopper is another great way to increase the energy efficiency of your Braintree home. This is particularly useful for those who live in period properties that have windows made of sash. They aren't so draughtproof as modern residences. The main reason is that older sash windows are usually built with a small rebate and this means that air can escape through the side panels easily. This can be a problem for homes that are located in the UK's colder climate. The best way to tackle this is to make sure you draught proof your windows with fineo glass. It is a unique double-glazing system that provides the thermal performance of a typical triple glazed unit , but without the weight or size of a standard window.

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