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5 Reasons Key Cutting Hemel Hempstead Is A Good Thing
Key Cutting Hemel Hempstead

Today a customer called about their bathroom door which was locked shut! Our technician was able to help and arrived quickly at the scene. Swift, non-destructive access was gained and it was discovered that the latch installed was not working properly. The door was aligned and a new latch installed. The customer felt secure in their home once more.

Replacement Keys

Losing your keys can be an enormous hassle, especially when you need to get somewhere fast. It doesn't matter if you just slip them out of your pocket or putting them on your seat while you go to grab something from the back of the car and then losing them can be a major issue and leave you in a bind. It's essential to keep an extra car key on hand. We provide key-cutting services in Hemel Hempstead to help you in the event of an emergency.

A customer contacted us on a Friday evening to report an issue with their front door. A technician was immediately dispatched to assist and was able to gain quick non-destructive access to the property upon arrival. The lock was found to be defective and would need replacing, a new British Standard 3-lever Ultion lock was installed on the door. New keys were provided and the customer was satisfied with our responsive service!

Another call was received this evening, a caller needed a peephole installed in their apartment. They wanted to know who called before opening the front door. A cam lock was installed on the window requested and new keys were provided.

Lock Changes

The locks we supply and install are of the highest standards and meet the most recent British security standards and are accepted by insurance companies. These locks include Ingersoll KFV and Banham and can be installed both in commercial and residential properties. If you're looking to improve your security, our team of specialist locksmiths can evaluate your requirements and recommend the best option.

A customer called tonight to ask for assistance with their front entrance. They were unable secure the home and were concerned that someone had gained access without their knowledge. A technician was dispatched immediately to attend the property. When they arrived, they discovered that the night latch was broken and required replacement. A new night latch was fitted and the door re-aligned. The client was thrilled to have their home secured in such a short time, and quickly after calling for help!

In the evening, a call was received from a Hemel Hempstead landlord. The tenants had moved out of the property, and the landlord only wanted him to be able to access the property. A technician was sent out immediately to assist and on the site in less than 20 minutes. The old lock was removed on the spot and a snap-safe Euro lock was added to the door. Keys were also cut and provided.

We received a call from a returning customer from Hemel Hempstead today to inquire about assistance with their uPVC window. They had misplaced the key to one of their windows and were worried that it could have been used without knowledge to gain access to their property. A technician was dispatched to the property immediately and arrived on the spot in less than 30 minutes. A new handle was added to the window, and keys were handed out to make sure the customer felt at ease and secure once more.

This morning, a customer from Hemel Hempstead reached out to us to request help with their uPVC Conservatory Doors. The customer lost the key to their conservatory and was worried that someone might have used it. Technicians were dispatched to the property. He arrived within 10 minutes. The customer provided the technician with a second set of keys and the door was inspected and re-aligned for optimal operation.

Window Repairs

Window units are a vital aspect of any building. They provide the appearance of symmetry and character and serve practical roles such as ventilation, light control, and reduce noise levels. If they're damaged, the consequences can be expensive in terms of energy bills as well as security and safety, and general functionality. It is essential that Hemel Hempstead residents and businesses get in touch with double-glazing professionals as soon as possible to repair or replace damaged window.

Lockforce Locksmiths Hemel Hempstead was called this morning about a uPVC that the customer could not open. On arrival it was discovered that the window handle was disconnected from the locking system. After a thorough evaluation the new handle was inserted into the uPVC windows, and the customer was able to operate them with ease.

Whether you need a new replacement sash window, double-glazed windows or roof windows for your loft conversion, expert Hemel Hempstead window companies and Glaziers can help you choose the best solutions that take into consideration the style of your home, its cost-effectiveness and ease of use. You can narrow your search down to Hemel Hempstead Hertfordshire Window Manufacturers & Installers in the Find a Pro area by looking for those that are certified by FENSA or FMB.

Lock Installations

Installing the right lock is crucial to secure your business or home. Our locksmiths will take note of your requirements and suggest the best option for you. Whether it is a night latch, cylinder lock mortice lock or door handle you can be sure of the highest quality and service. We are able to supply and install all kinds of locks that include GU, KFV Yale, Avantis Maco AGB and Fix Asgard Multipoint Locks for your home or office.

The evening before, we were called out to one of our customers who had locked themselves out of their home! Technicians arrived quickly and swift and non-destructive access was gained. The customer chose a new lock to be fitted to ensure the safety of their family. A 3-Star Ultion lock was installed on the door, along with a set of additional keys cut on site and then supplied.

Our locksmith team is always on hand to assist with a wide range of lock installations across Hemel Hempstead and the surrounding areas. The security of your home is extremely important to us, which is why we ensure that all our locks meet British Standards and are recognised by insurance companies.

Recently, a customer was looking to improve their security, having just moved into their new home. After a thorough examination, the customer decided to have an entire door replacement by removing the lock and fitting a brand-new British Standard 5-lever mortice lock. A new set of keys was made and delivered, the customer was pleased with the result.

Another customer called in this morning to ask for assistance with a uPVC window. The handle was loose and preventing closing and locking of the window. The handle was replaced quickly by a technician who arrived on the scene.

If you need a new lock installed at your property, we can provide a no-cost, no-obligation consultation with one of our expert locksmiths. They can provide you with suggestions on the most secure solutions for your home and can install a variety of locks from a variety of leading manufacturers, all of which are backed up by our warranties. broken window hemel hempstead repair or replace existing locks, such as cylinder locks and mortice locks. We can also utilize different key systems including master keys. This gives you more control over who is granted access to the property.

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