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Great introduction
Good explanations of biomes
Talking is spread out across group members
Good poster with good drawings, writing, and maps
Great first slide on Google Slides
Some words pronounced incorrectly
Couldn't see wallpaper with colored background for the words
Websites included where they got information
Good explanation of animals
Grammar mistakes
Animals explained and shown
Explanation of plants, included website where they got information
Pictures and images of plants
Loud voices and weather explained
Could not read some fonts due to the color
Good explanation of coral reef
Explaining that not recycling is bad
Some people forgot the "s" on words
Coral reef's animals explained good
Alina and Shayla did most of the talking
Couldn't pronounce some words
Good explanations of biomes
Couldn't read the words due to the color
Forgot the "s" on words
Said tiger instead of taiga
Vocabulary slide is good
Did not include websites from where they got the definitions of words from
Brandon was looking down while reading his speech
Brandon correctly introduced and explained his words
Pearl Jam legos added at the end saying, "Bye"
Catherine answered the questions only, instead of them doing it as a group
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Regards; Team

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