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What is the Salary Potential Having an Online Education Degree?
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, people who have their bachelor's degrees have the average salary of $51,206 per year, while those who have just a senior high school degree average $27,915 per year. That's a difference of about $24,000 per year, and about $1 million over a lifetime. Those who have their Master's degrees make an average of $74,602 per year, that is a difference of almost $47,000 each year from those with only a senior high school diploma. By getting your online education degree, you could earn more than you ever truly imagined.

The following are several examples of the normal careers that people with online education degrees have.

Kindergarten, elementary, middle, and senior high school teachers on average make between $43,000 and $48,000 each year. Based on the American Federation of Teachers, the starting salary for teachers is approximately $31,000 per year, depending on the quantity of go through the candidate has, the location of the job, and when they will have their education degree. Over fifty percent of all teachers belong to unions, specifically the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association. These unions negotiate the terms of employment, such as salaries and hours, with schools.

Teachers can earn extra income by coaching sports and teaching summer school, among other things. Teachers who work with private schools usually earn less than those doing work for public schools, but they may have other work related benefits, such as for example free or subsidized housing.

Postsecondary teachers, such as for example college professors, assistant professors and instructors, earn an average annual salary of $56,120. Salaries for this profession can range between significantly less than $27,000 to a lot more than $113,000 per year. Earnings vary according to the rank of the teacher, the institution they work with, where the job is situated, and their field of expertise.

Education Administrators, such as principals, deans, and registrars, make around $77,000 each year on average. Salaries in this field can range from $50,000 to a lot more than $140,000 each year, according to the location and enrollment degree of the school, the kind of job they will have, and if they have their education degree. Administrators usually have great benefits. Some get right up to 5 weeks of vacation time per year, and have generous health benefits and pensions. Many administrators who work in universites and colleges get free tuition because of their families.

Librarians who have their online degrees have the average salary of $49,000 per year. Salaries in this field range from less than $30,000 to a lot more than $74,000 each year. check here work with colleges, universities, professional schools, elementary and secondary schools, and municipality. Salaries in this field can vary with regards to the location, size of the institution, education of the candidate, and level of experience.

Counselors with an online education degree earn typically $47,000 per year. Salaries range in this field from $27,000 to a lot more than $75,000 per year. Counselors typically work for elementary and secondary schools, colleges, universities, professional schools, individual and family services, and vocational rehabilitation services.

Teacher's assistants earn about $21,000 each year on average. Salaries in this field range from $14,000 to more than $31,000 per year, but vary based on the school type, level of responsibility, educational background, size of the institution, and location of the job. Full time teacher's assistants usually receive benefits, but part time teacher's assistants do not.

There are several other fields that are not mentioned here, but also for more information regarding salaries in education visit the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics website.
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