NotesWhat is

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Update history

Aug 10, 2023 Updated KTN command from SRDOCO[airline code]HK1--K-[KTN Number]---USA/P[Passenger PNR number] to SR DOCO [airline code] HK1--K-[KTN Number]/P[PNR name number)]
May 10, 2023 For Amadeus, added commands to PNR elements in the GDS, Pricing and fare quotes in the GDS, Availability and PNR itinerary in the GDS and Basic GDS and PNR navigation

Before you begin

Check out the tables below. If you see "--", we either don't have the command or it doesn't exist for that GDS.

Basic GDS commands and PNR navigation

Command Description Sabre Amadeus
Sign in SI*[Agent ID] Not applicable to SellCo
Sign out SO* Not applicable to SellCo
Emulate into another PCC/OID/SID AAA[PCC] Not applicable to SellCo
Sign out of emulated OID/SID and back into default -- Not applicable to SellCo
Display PNR by Record Locator *[Record Locator] RT[Record Locator]
Display PNR by Ticket Number WETR*T[Ticket Number] RTTKT/[TKT number]
Retrieve by name or partial name *-[Last Name]/[First Name]
Retrieve by name and date *-[Travel Date]-[Last Name]/[First Name] RT/DATE-LAST NAME
Display airline record locator -- RL
Delete Line -- XE[Line Number]
End and retrieve a PNR ER ER
Ignore a PNR I IG
Ignore and retrieve a PNR IR IR
Accept airline changes
EWR or

Move up MU MU
Move down MD MD
Move top MT MT
Move bottom MB MB
Clear screen ALT BACKSPACE F3
Toggle recent commands ALT UP ARROW ALT UP ARROW
Command replay Sabre Replay in Dropdown ALT RIGHT ARROW
Check if airline allows voiding an exchanged ticket WETP*[Airline code] HE ETT [Airline code]
Display MCO line --- RTM
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PNR elements in the GDS
If you need to create a new PNR, make sure you use the PN_CR script available in both Amadeus (Your Smart Flows) and Sabre (Office Smart Keys).

Command Description Sabre Amadeus
Display all PNR elements *A RT
Display name elements only *N RTN
Display remarks *P5 or
Display received elements *P6 RTRF
Display SSR/OSI *P4 (for AA)
*P3 (for all other airlines) RTG
Display fare elements -- RTF
Display form of payment *- RTF
Display email address *PE --
Display phone element *P9 RTJ
Display ticketing elements *T RTTN
Display electronic ticket WETR*[Line Number] TWD/L[Line Number]
Display a purged ticket --- RPP/TKT-(13 Digit Ticket Number)*T
Display electronic ticket without PNR WETR*T[Ticket Number] TWD/TKT[TKT Number]
Display database ticket image by ticket number WTDB*T[Ticket Number] TWD/O*
Display taxes -- TWD/TAX
Add additional SSR messaging for Infant 3INFT/[Last Name]/[First Name]/[Date of Birth]-[Name field of adult] --
Add remark 5H-[Freeform] RMA/[Free Form]
Add OSI (all airlines) 3OSI[Airline Code][Freeform] OS[Airline Code][Freeform]
Add frequent flyer (FF) number FF[Airline Code][FF Number]-[Name Field Number) FFN[Airline Code]-[FF Number]/P[Passenger Number]
Add form of payment 5-*[CC Type][CC No]¥[Exp Month]/[Exp Year] FPCC[CC Type][CC Number]/[Exp Date]
Authorize credit card (CC)
Note: use only if script failed CK*[CC type][CC #]/[Exp date]/[Amount]/[Airline code] DECC[CC type][CC #]/[Exp date]/[Currency][Amount]/[Airline code]
Authorize credit card (CC) in MX POS
--- DEFP
Add received field 6[Agent SSO Login] RF[Agent SSO Login]
Purged - Display all PNR elements --- RPP/RLC-[RECLOC]
Display ticketing OID --- RTK
Display PNR - auto emulate --- RTOA/1A-[pnr locator]
Purged - Display all PNR elements --- PNRRPP/RLC-PNR/DOI
Display ticket image --- EWD/L[segment number]
Purged fare element history --- RPP/RHFA
To redisplay a refund record by ticket number. --- TRF[ticket number]
To redisplay a refund record by PNR FA/FHE line number. --- TRF/L[line number]
To redisplay a refund record by sales report sequence number. --- TRF/I-378
To redisplay a pending refund while you are creating a refund record or to return to the refund record after displaying the tax breakdown. --- TRF
To display the tax breakdown. --- TRFT
To reprint the refund record receipt. --- TRFP
To ignore the refund record. --- TRFIG
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Encode/decode in the GDS

Command Description Sabre Amadeus
Encode city W/-CC[City Name] DAN[City Name]
DAN[City Name]/[2-letter code for state if applicable]
Encode airline W/-AL[Airline Name] DNA[Airline Name]
Encode airport W/-AP[Airport Name] DAN[Airport Name]
Encode aircraft W/EQ-[Manufacturer] DNE[EQ Code]
Decode city W/*[City Code] DAC[City Name]
Decode country HCCC/[Country name or code] DC[Country Code]
Decode Airline code W/*[Airline Code] DNA[Airline Code]
Decode equipment W/EQ*[Aircraft Code] DNE[Aircraft Code]
Decode airline/AL validation number W/*[Airline Code or Validation Number] DNA[Airline Code]
Display 10 closest airports to specific city W/-CY [City, State] DAN[City Name]/N
Display 10 closest airports to specific airport W/-AT[Airport code] DAC[airport code]/N
Display 10 closest airports to a US military base W/-MB[Base Name, State] --
Display current time at airport -- DD[Airport Code]
Convert from Zulu Time -- DDZZZ[Time]/[City Code]
Display Ticketing/baggage agreement between specific airlines W/*[Validating airline code]¥*[Other airline code] TGAD-[Validating airline code]/[Other airline code]
Display e-ticket information WETP*[Airline code] HE ETT [Airline code]
Decode class of service -- GGCODE[COS]
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Help in the GDS

Command Description Sabre Amadeus
Format assistance -- HE[Item need Help with]
Assistance with last format used -- HE/
Help with flight status -- HEPNR
Help with Secure Flight passenger data -- HESSR
Help with price and store fares as booked -- HEFX
Help with seat requests -- HESEATS
Move to a specific line number in HE article -- MS[Line No]
Move to previous help screen -- MPHE
Help with sorting queues -- HE QV, then MS190
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Availability and PNR itinerary in the GDS

Command Description Sabre Amadeus
Basic availability

1[Date][City Pair]

If you want to search by a specific time use 1[Date][City Pair][Time]
AN[Date][City Pair]

If you want to search by:
Departure time: AD[Date][City Pair][Departure Time]
Arrival time: AA[Date][City Pair][Arrival Time]
Direct access availability 1[Availability date][Departure date][Arrival city] ¤ [Airline code] --
Dual basic availability -- AN[Date][City Pair]/*[Return Date]
Specify specific airline 1[Date][City Pair)] ]¥[Airline Code] AN[Date][City Pair]/A[Airline Code]
Specify COS 1[Date][City Pair]-[COS] AN[Date][City Pair]/C[COS]
Specify cabin --
AN[Date][City Pair]/K[Cabin Code]

Cabin codes are:
Economy: Y
Premium Economy: W
Business Class: C
First Class: F
Specify connecting city 1[Date][City Pair][Time][Connecting City] AD[Date][City Pair][Time]/X[Connecting City]
Request direct flight 1[Date][City Pair][Time]/D AD[Date][City Pair][Time]/FD or
AD[Date][City Pair][Time]/FN (Non-Stop)
Request additional availability 1* MD
Display additional COS 1*C --
Request return availability 1R[Date] ACR[Date]
Change time 1*[Time] AC[Time]
Change date 1*[Date] AC[Date]
Change destination 1*A[City Code] AC//[Airport Code]
Change Airline 1¥[Airline Code] AC/A[Airline Code]
Sell single segment from availability 0[Number of Seats][COS][Line Number] SS[Number of Seats][COS](Line Number]
Sell connecting flights from availability 0[Number of Seats][COS][Line Number]* SS[Number of Seats][COS] [COS][Line Number]
Sell multiple segments from availability 0[Number of Seats][COS][Line Number][COS 2][Line Number 2] SS[Number of Seats][COS][COS][Line Number]
Insert an ARNK 0A SIARNK
Move segments /[Segment Number to Insert After]/[Segment Number to Move] --
Cancel flight segment X[Segment Number] XE[Element Number]
Cancel a range of flight segments X[Segment Number]-[Segment Number] XE(Element Number)-(Element Number)
Verify connection times VCT* DMI
Verify connection times for specific segments VCT*[Segment Number]/[Segment Number] DM[Segment Number]/[Segment Number]
Minimum connection time for airport and airline(s) T*CT-[Airport]/[Airline] DM[Airline Code 1]/[City Code]/[Airline Code 2]
Display flight information VI* DO[Element Number]
Passive sell
If it will be ticketed, use PK.
If the airline will never see, use GK
0[Carrier Code][Flight number][COS][Travel Date][City Pair]GK[Passenger number]*[Confirmation Code] SS[Carrier Code][Flight Number][COS][Date][City Pair]PK[Passenger number]/[Confirmation Code]
Search date forward --- AC1
Search date backward --- AC-1
To check connecting time --- DM0/[segment number]
To check original ticket policy and service inclusion --- ITRD
To check current policy and service inclusion of the new booking --- FQF1
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Pricing and fare quotes in the GDS

Command Description Sabre Amadeus
Display historical fare rules FQ[Issue Date][City Pair][Dep Date]-[Airline code]¥Q[Fare basis code]
RD[Issue Date][City Pair][Dep Date](Fare basis code]-[Airline code]*[Rule number or M for MENU]
FQD[City pair]/D[Travel date]/R,UP,[Ticketing date]/C[CoS]/A[Airline code]

FQD[City pair]/D[Travel date]/R,U,[Ticketing date]/C[CoS]/A[Airline code]

Merchant (IT fares)
FQD[City pair]/D[Travel date]/R,U,-IT,[Ticketing date]/C[CoS]/A[Airline code]

Display historical fare rules - Air Member Only Deals (Air MOD) ---
FQD[City pair]/D[Travel FQD[City pair]/D[Travel date]/R,U*[Account Code – eg AIRMODWS],[Ticketing date]/C[CoS]/A[Airline code]

To display specific rule categories RD[list number]*[Rule Number or M for MENU] FQN[List number]*[Category or M for MENU]
Limit FQ by passenger type -- /R,- PTC[Ticketing date]
Example: /R,-CH01APR12/
Price itinerary as booked WP --
Price itinerary at lowest fare WPNCB --
Price itinerary at lowest fare and book (store fare) -- FXB
Price itinerary as booked and store the fare WPRQ FXP
Price at lowest merchant fare and rebook WPNCB¥PJCB FXB/R,U
Price as booked merchant WP¥PJCB FXP/R,U
Price itinerary at lowest fare and book for specific segment WPNCB¥S[Segment number]/[Segment number] FXB/S[Segment number],[Segment number]
Price itinerary specifying the validating Airline WPNCB¥A[Airline Code] FXB/R,VC-[Airline Code]
Price itinerary at lowest fare in the same cabin -- FXB/K
Determine US tax on a base fare TX/B[Base Amount] DF[Base Amount]P7.5
Backdate pricing WPNC¥B [Original Issue Date] ¥S [Segments to price] FXB/R,[Original issue Date]
Break down taxes WPDF --
Change all segments to new booking code WCA[Booking Code] SB[Booking Code]
Change specific segment to new booking code WC[Segment number][Booking Code] SB[Booking Code][Segment number]
Change multiple segments to new booking code WC[Segment number][Booking Code]/[Segment number][Booking Code] SB[Booking Code][Segment number],[Segment number]
Display price quote *PQ TQT
or if more than one TST: TQT[Line number]
Store price quote (PQ) PQ FXB (price lowest and store)
FXP (price as is and store)
Display price quote history *PQH TTH
Display the price quote/TST reissue record details *PQR TQR
Delete all price quotes PQD-ALL TTE/ALL
Delete a specific PQ record PQD[PQ number] TTE/T[Element number]
Delete PQ for specific Passenger -- TTE/P[Passenger element number]
Search for new itinerary at lower price (Bargain Finder) WPNI --
Sell new flights from search results WC¥[Option No] --
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GDS queues

For most common customer requests, you will queue place the PNR to ticketing using the available script in Amadeus (EX_R) and Sabre (EX_R_NEW). Use the manual entries only if the script fails.

Command Description Sabre Amadeus
Queue PNR QP/[PCC]/[Queue number] QE/[OID]/[Queue number]C[Category number]
Remove PNR from queue list -- QXP[Number from list]
List all queues PNR is currently on *QH RTQ
Remove PNR from queue QR QN
Ignore and move on in queue I QD
Ignore and Exit QXI QI
Queue filter by airline ---


Queue filter by travel date ---


Display FQ using fare basis code --- FRN[citypair]/D-[ticketing date]/A-[airline]/FB-[farebasis]
Display FR summary ONLY --- FWR/TKT[ticket number]
Convert currency --- FQC[amount][currency]/[currency to be converted] ex: FQC50.23USD/PHP
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Update the form of payment (FOP) in the GDS

Command Description Sabre Amadeus
Straight Purchase Ticket --- Merchant / Merchant (IT fares)
NOTE : Use only for Fresh Issuance of the Ticket
Exchange - Set up Booking --- Published:
FPO/CC[Original CC type]+/CC[New CC type][CC number]/[Exp date]/N[Auth code]

Choose as per what was Original FOP used CASH or CHECK

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GDS queues

For most common customer requests, you will queue place the PNR to ticketing using the available script in Amadeus (EX_R) and Sabre (EX_R_NEW). Use the manual entries only if the script fails.

Command Description Sabre Amadeus
Queue PNR QP/[PCC]/[Queue number] QE/[OID]/[Queue number]C[Category number]
Remove PNR from queue list -- QXP[Number from list]
List all queues PNR is currently on *QH RTQ
Remove PNR from queue QR QN
Ignore and move on in queue I QD
Ignore and Exit QXI QI
Queue filter by airline --


Queue filter by travel date --


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PNR history in the GDS

Command Description Sabre Amadeus
Display PNR history *H RH
Display itinerary history *HIA or
*HI RHA or
Display all record locators -- RLH
Display TAW/TKT Time Limit field *H7 RHK
History of FA field -- RTTN/H or
Display history of fare elements -- RHF
Display ticket history WETR*H TWH
Display historical fare quotes *PQH TTH
or if multiple: TTH/T[Line number)
Display remarks history *H5H RHR
OSI/SSR history *H3
Display queue history *QH RHQ
Display ticket history WETR*[Ticket line]/H
TWD if within retrieved PNR or
Display flight information for today
2[Airline code][Flight number]

DH[Airline code][Flight number]
Display flight information for future date 2[Airline code][Flight number]/[Date of departure] DH[Airline code][Flight number]/[Date of departure]
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Special Service Requests (SSR) in the GDS

SSRs are used to request a service from an airline. SSRs require that airlines take action or reply to the request. Customers may contact us to verify if an SSR was placed on their flight reservation.

Command Description Sabre Amadeus
Display all SSR *P3 RTG
Add SSR 3[SSR Code/ [Segment number]-[Name field number]
SR[SSR Code] or
SR[SSR Code]/S[Segment] or
SR[SSR Code]/S[Segment]/P[Passenger]

Delete SSR 3[SSR line number]¤ XE[Line number]

There are multiple different SSRs that can be added to a reservation, but we’re limited to:

Disabled passenger / assistance needed
Seat assignment
Form of Identification (FOID)
Secure Flight Passenger Data (SFPD)
Known Traveler redress numbers
Add a Frequent Flyer number to a PNR
Paid bag rejects
If the traveler's email address or phone number is missing
Email address and phone number are required for SSRs.

To add

Amadeus code

Sabre code


Instead of "@" use "//"
Instead of "-" (dash) use ".." (2 dots)
Instead of "_" (underscore) use "./ " ( dot slash)

-3CTCE/[email address]-[name number]
Example: -3CTCE/JOE.DOE//AOL.COM-3.2

Exception: American Airlines
-4CTCE/[email address]-[name number]
Example: -4CTCE/JOE.DOE//AOL.COM-3.2

Phone number

SRCTCM-[phone number including country code]

Note: Do not include dashes.

-3CTCM/[phone number]-[name number]
Example: -3CTCM/111 111 1111-1.1

Exception: American Airlines
-4CTCM/[phone number]-[passenger name number]
Example: -4CTCM/111 111 1111-1.1

Below are the meal SSRs used either by all airlines. For specific meal codes used by the airline check the available help pages on either airline website or your GDS.

Note for Expedia JP POS: Hawaiian Airlines (HA) declines any VGML requests. It provides VLML only. If the customer is a vegan, tell the customer to contact HA directly and consult with them.

SSR Code Special Meal Name
AVML Asian/Indian Vegetarian Meal
BBML Infant/Baby Meal
BLML Bland/Light Meal
CHML Child Meal
DBML Diabetic meal
GFML Gluten-free Meal
HFML High Fiber Meal
HNML Hindu Meal
KSML Kosher Meal
LCML Low Calorie Meal
LCRB Low Carbohydrate Meal
LFML Low Fat Meal
LPML Low Protein Meal
LSML Low Salt Meal
MOML Muslim Meal
NFML No Fish Meal
NLML Non-Lactose Meal
NSML No Salt Meal
ORML Oriental Meal
PFML Peanut-free Meal
PRML Low Purine Meal
RVML Raw Vegetarian Meal
SFML Seafood Meal
VGML Pure Vegetarian Meal (no animal products)
VLML Vegetarian Meal, Lacto-Ovo (contains egg and milk products)
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SSR Code Wheelchair type SSR Code Wheelchair type
WCHR Passenger can walk up / down stairs WCBW Wheelchair with wet cell battery
WCHS Passenger cannot walk up / down stairs WCMP Wheelchair, manual power
WCHC Passenger is completely immobile WCOB Wheelchair, on-board
WCBD Wheelchair with dry cell battery
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Disabled passenger / assistance needed
SSR Code Definition SSR Code Definition
BLND Blind passenger MAAS (free flow text)
Meet and Assist passenger

DEAF Deaf passenger STCR Stretcher Assistance
DPNA Disabled passenger needs assistance UMNR Unaccompanied minor
LANG Language Assistance
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Seat assignment
Do not request paid seats after booking.
To request free seats, review the specific airline policy.

Use the below seat codes to request a free seat:

SSR Code Definition SSR Code Definition
NSSA Non-Smoking Aisle Seat NSSW Non-Smoking Window Seat
NSSB Non-Smoking Bulkhead Seat RQST Seat Request
NSST Non-Smoking Seat
Other commands relevant to manage seat assignments:

Command Description Sabre Amadeus
Display seat map for a segment 4G[Segment number]* SM[Segment number]
Assign seat for all segments 4GA/N (Any) or
4GA/W (Window) or
4GA/A (Aisle) ST/W or
Assign a specific seat for a segment 4G[Segment number]/[Seat number] ST/[Row number][Seat letter]/[Segment number]
Display all seat assignments *B RTSTR
Cancel all seats 4GXALL SX
Cancel seats for a specific segment 4GX[Segment number] XE[Element number]
Refund EMD for paid seats WFRR[EMD number]/EMD --
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Form of Identification (FOID)
The below commands are Non-US only.

Command Description Sabre Amadeus
Add SR FOID for credit card 3FOID/CC[CC code and number] SRFOID6XHK1-CC[CC code][CC number]/P[passenger number]
Add SR FOID for driver's license 3FOID/DL[License number] SRFOID6XHK1-DL[Driver's license number]/P[Passenger number]
Add SR FOID for frequent flyer 3FOID/FF[Airline code and frequent flyer number] SRFOID6XHK1-FF-L[Line number of the frequent flyer SSR]/P[Passenger number]
Add SR FOID for passport 3FOID/PP[Country code and passport number] SRFOID7XHK1-PP[Passport number]
Add SR FOID for national identity 3FOID/NI[National identity] SRFOID7XHK1-NI[National identify number]
Add SR FOID for confirmation number or record locator 3FOID/CN[Confirmation number or record locator] SRFOID7XHK1-CN[Confirmation number or record locator]
Add SR FOID for ticket number 3FOID/TN[Ticket number] SRFOID7XHK1-TN[Ticket number]
Add SR FOID for locally defined ID number 3FOID/ID[Locally defined ID number] SRFOID7XHK1-ID[Locally defined ID number]
Add SR FOID for Eurocheck card 3FOID/CCBK[Bank routing number-Bankleitzahl][Account number-Kontonummer] --
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Secure Flight Passenger Data (SFPD)
Action Sabre Amadeus
Display SFPD *P3D RTG
Add SFPD 3DOCSA/DB/[Date of birth]/[Gender]/[Last name]/[First name]/[Middle name]-[ Passenger name field number]
SRDOCSYYHK1-----[Date of birth]-[Gender]--[Last name]-[First name]/P[Passenger element number]

Delete SFPD 3[Line number]¤ XE[Line number]
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Known Traveler and Redress numbers (KTN) and Visa information
Command Description Sabre Amadeus
Add Known Traveler Number
Adult and child passengers:
3DOCO/[place of birth]/K/[KTN]/[place of issue]/[date of issue]/[country code]-[name number]

Example: 3DOCO/CANADA/K/1234567/CANADA/20OCT21/CA1
3DOCO/[place of birth]/K/[KTN]/[place of issue]/[date of issue]/[country code]/I(infant indicator)- (name number)

Example: 3DOCO/CANADA/K/1234567/CANADA/20OCT21/CA/I-2.1
Adult passengers:

SR DOCO[airline code]HK1--K-[KTN Number]/P[PNR name number]

Infant passengers: SR DOCO[Airline code]HK1--K-[KTN]----I/P[ name number]
Add redress number
Adult and child passengers:
3DOCO/[place of birth]/R/[Redress number]/[place of issue]/[date of issue]/[country code-name number]

Example: 3DOCO/CANADA/R/1234567/CANADA/20OCT21/CA1
Infant passengers:
3DOCO/[place of birth/R/[Redress number]/[place of issue]/[date of issue[/[country code]/I(infant indicator)- [name number]

Example: 3DOCO/CANADA/R/1234567/CANADA/20OCT21/CA/I-2.1
Adult passengers:
SRDOCO AA HK1--K-TT11NX5RZ---USA/P1SRDOCO[Airline code]HK1--R-[Redress number]/P[name number]

Infant passengers: SRDOCO[Airline code]HK1--R-[redress number]----I/P[name number]
Add Visa documentation
Adult passegners
3DOCO/[place of issue]/V//[place of birth]/[place of issue]/[visa issue date: DDMMMYYYY]/[visa applicable country]//[visa expiration date:DDMMYY-name number]

Example : 3DOCO/LYON FR/V/789789/PARIS FR/14JUN2019/CH//20SEP2024-2.1

Infant passengers: This applies to infants not occupying a seat/ lap child for a specific segment to all carriers.

3DOCO//V/[document number]/[place of issue]/[visa issue date:DDMMMYYYY]/[visa applicable country]//[visa expiration date: DDMMMYYYY-name number]

Exampel : 3DOCO//V/789789/HOUSTON/14JUN14/USA//20SEP2024-1.1

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Add a Frequent Flyer number to a PNR
Many airlines offer Frequent Flyer (FF) programs to their travelers. Below you’ll find basic FF entries and commands to display any frequent flyer agreements that exist between airlines if available.

For a list of Alliance participants see: GGONEWORLD or GGSTARALLIANCE

Request Sabre Amadeus
Frequent Flier entries
FF[Airline code][Frequent Flyer number]-[Passenger number]

Example: FFBA123456-1.1

Add a British Airways FF number to passenger 1
Single passenger: FFN[Airline code][Frequent Flyer number]

Specific passenger on PNR: FFN[Airline code][Frequent Flyer number]-[Passenger number]


Add a United Airlines FF number for a single passenger
Add an Air New Zealand FF number to passenger 2
Add a United Airlines FF number to a PNR, generating the number only to NZ for a single passenger
Add a Singapore Airlines FF number to a PNR generating the number to both SQ and UA for passenger 4
Check Frequent Flyer agreements between airlines
PT * [Airline code]

Example: PT*AA

VFFD[Airline code]

Example: VFFDUA

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Paid bag rejects
Action Amadeus command
SR ASVC [Airline code] NN1-[Free text*]/S2

*Obtain from SSR history.
Add corresponding UDIDs

RM *U*72-PAID BAG EMD ISSUED [Expedia Group agent name and date]
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Sabre Enhanced PQ

Command Description Command
Display phase IV *PQ
Delete phase W¥D[Ticket record number]
Add line items W¥I¥L[SEG number]-[Fare basis]*[Not valid before date][Not valid after date]*[Baggage allowance]
Add tour code W¥I¥U[Waiver code]
Add fare calculation line W¥I¥C[Fare calculation line]
Add commission W¥I¥K[Commission amount]
Add endorsement W¥I¥ED/[Endorsement comments]
Add pricing W¥I¥Y[Base fare]/[Tax breakdown]
Enter pricing with foreign currency W¥I¥Y[Currency code][Amount]¥EUSD[Amount]/[Tax BD]
Form of payment check FOPCK
Form of payment - credit card FOP*VI4444333322221111‡01/20-XN
Enhanced manual PQ commands
Command Description Command
Convert a single Phase IV into enhanced PQ pricing WFM¤T
WFM¤T[Phase IV number]
Removes itinerary change flag in the PQ W‡CR[PQ number]
Removes itinerary change flag in mask format W‡CRTKT[PQ number]
Create manual PQ record with linear entry W‡C
Create manual PQ record in the mask W‡CTKT
Add/edit line entitlement W¥I<PQ#>¥L1-VE14GN*01JAN1830SEP18*BA02P
Add/edit tour code W¥I<PQ#>¥U[Tour code]
Add/edit fare calculation line W¥I<PQ#>¥C[Fare calculation line]
Add/edit commission W¥I<PQ#>¥K[Amount]
Add/edit endorsement line W¥I<PQ#>¥ED/[Endorsement text]
Add/edit fare and tax information W¥I<PQ#>¥Y[Base amount]/[First tax amount and code]/[Second tax amount and code]/…
Add/edit validating Airline W¥I<PQ#>¥A[Validating airline code]
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Sabre Automated Exchange (SAE)

Command Description Command
Begin the exchange and include the validating Airline
Note: this is mandatory when the PNR contains multiple airlines.

WFRF[13 digit ticket number]¥A[airline code]
WFRFTR[*T item number]¥A[Airline code]
Begin the exchange and use name select.
Note: this is mandatory when the PNR contains multiple passengers.

WFRF[13 digit ticket number]¥N[Name item number]
Begin the exchange and request automatic rebook when a lower fare applies. WFRFTR[*T item number]¥N[Name item number]¥NCB
Begin the exchange and include a passenger type. WFRFTR[*T item number]¥N[Name item number]¥P[Passenger type]
Begin an exchange for a merchant fare WFRF[13 digit ticket number]¥PJCB¥N[Name item number]
Redisplay the most recent mask screen. WFR*
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Sabre Scripts

Script Script Description

Exchange and Refund documentation script. Queues the PNR to CAT.


Place PNRs in the exchange email queue if EX_R wasn’t used.


PNR creation for purged PNRs.


PNR creation for MCO and if the PNR is not purged.


AMEX documentation for MCO Issuance & MCO Redemption


Use when you rebook flights for schedule change. This will send an email to the customer with the new flight segments.


Used by CAT.


Refund email script used after completion of refund. This is used by CAT.

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Amadeus Scripts

Script Script Description

Developed by Amadeus. Exchange, Void,Refund, Split Pay MCO, Fare Rules look up, Divide PNR for NA.


Exchange and Refund documentation script. Queues the PNR to CAT.


Place PNRs in the exchange email queue if EX_R wasn’t used.


PNR creation for purged PNRs.


Use when you rebook flights for schedule change. This will send an email to the customer with the new flight segments.

CC Reversal

Credit Card Reversal Script, Used by Frontline for VOID process. This helps to get the funds within 72 Hours to customer.


Refund email script used by CAT & after completing the refund.


Commission Script used by CAT agents for VOL & INVOL FULL exchange for AMER Region

Anula patekar

what is

Notes is a web-based application for online taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000+ notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 14 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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