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What's Holding Back The Weston-Super-Mare Double Glazing Industry?
Boost the Look of Your Victorian Home With Double Glazed Windows From Seal-Lite

Weston-Super-Mare residents can bring new life to their Victorian homes with uPVC windows from Seal-Lite. We can also make improvements to newly constructed homes and apartments.

UPVC replacement windows are a good insulator, keeping your property warm and dry. They can even reduce energy costs by reducing your dependence on the boiler.

Energy efficiency

A thermally efficient double glazed window fitted can make a considerable difference to the cost of your energy bills. They can keep your home warm, and save you money on heating. This will also help reduce condensation and draughts in your property.

Planitherm is a rated, A-rated glazing system that we employ on all replacement windows. This will increase the energy efficiency in your home and you'll consume less energy and fuel. This will also help reduce your carbon footprint as well as save you money.

We can provide you with uPVC Sash window designs that can complement the heritage style of your Weston Super Mare property. These windows are extremely versatile. They can be single hung with only one sash movable, or double hung with both sashes being openable. Modern sash windows are similar to casement windows in terms of thermal efficiency.

You can also choose from our Residence Collection if you want to enhance your Weston Super Mare home's contemporary style. These stunning windows feature Secured by Design certification and have a sleek design that adds a touch of class to your home. They are a great choice for homes that have to comply with conservation or planning areas requirements.

We are able to provide you with various color options for your uPVC window. This way, you can find the perfect colours that will complement your Weston-Super-Mare home and create a unique style that will improve the look of your home. You can also choose the woodgrain effect to create an elegant appearance. It gives the appearance of wood without any maintenance needs. Your window installer will be able to guide you on the most appropriate finishes for your windows.


As winter approaches condensation and damp can cause a number of issues for homeowners. It is vitally important to ensure that your home is insulated to an adequate standard to avoid these issues that can be made worse by cold weather and a lack of ventilation. Double glazing can help minimise the buildup of moisture by preventing draughts from entering while keeping your home warm.

Energy bills are a major concern for many homeowners, however when double glazing is installed in your Weston-Super-Mare home, you can notice significant reductions in these costs. The insulating properties of uPVC windows mean that less heat escapes from your home, which can help reduce heating bills. Additionally the windows are made to trap heat generated by the sun, and then transfer it inwards to your home at a more comfortable temperature.

uPVC replacement windows in Wells not only reduce your energy bills, but also increase the security of the property. The locking mechanism in each uPVC window design is advanced and durable, making it extremely difficult for intruders to gain access to your property through windows.

Double glazing can pose a problem in conservation areas or historic properties, where it may not possible to replace windows or door. This issue can be addressed with secondary glazing. It provides all the advantages that are offered by uPVC in your Weston-Super-Mare home. This secondary glazing consists of an additional glass that is placed between your existing windows and is filled with argon gas which has properties that block sound. In turn, the noise levels inside your home will be significantly reduced when you install this type of window. It is worth noting that triple glazing, which includes an extra pane of glass and a cavity of argon gas is a more effective sound-dampening solution.


Double glazing can help to reduce outside noise by creating a soundproofing barrier between your home and the street. It also helps to prevent loss of heat and help save on energy costs. uPVC window styles, colours, and sizes are available to match any style of home. They can be retrofitted into older buildings or installed as replacement windows. A professional installer will be able to help you decide which kind of window is suitable for your Weston-Super-Mare property.

There are double glazing options that allow you to keep the traditional look of an listed building or conservation area, without compromising performance. Secondary windows are placed behind the frames for sash windows, which are either single-hung (only one sash is able to be moved) or double-glazed (both the sashes can be slidable). The sash frame is replaced by a solid timber box that is lined with insulated foam to create a strong barrier between your home and the street.

The space between the two panes of glass is filled with a gas like argon, which functions as insulation to provide the soundproof and thermal seal. This is especially useful for older homes where draughts and condensation are common. Double glazing can also enhance the value of your home.

Another reason to invest in double glazing is to protect your home from intrusions by unwanted burglars. It creates an physical barrier that thieves cannot traverse. It can also help to cut down the sound of drips from faucets and other household noises.

When selecting a double glazing company to work with, you should always ensure they are certified and insurance coverage. It's also a good idea to select an installer who has an extended service delivery plan, which will include advisory support following the installation. This will enable you to keep your double glazing in good condition for a long time and make the most of it.

Visual appeal

Many historic buildings and homes have double-glazed sash windows. Estate agents claim that they can add value to a property and make it more attractive. Seal-Lite provides a variety of uPVC windows and doors that can be used to enhance the appearance of older homes or listed buildings. The Residence 9 window system, for example is designed to resemble a 19th Century flush-sash timber window, while providing the highest thermal performance and acoustic performance. security door repairs weston-super-mare makes it a great choice for use in conservation areas, as well as for new-build homes and cottages.

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