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Karma x Nagisa x Yandere!Kaede (not threesome if you were thinking that ;)))
half this prob isnt real if it isnt its a fanfic 2bad okok
oh and this is gay

Green And Purple - A Gay Trash Story By Amandar
The 3-E Class was on another trip. At the end of the day, Karma and Nagisa went to their hotel while the rest of the boys buy food, and the girls were also at the hotel gossiping about boys and things like that. "Karma-kun." Nagisa said looking up. Karma took his mouth out of his juice box. "Ehh?" Nagisa suddenly stood up with a serious face. "Remember when... you tried to kill yourself to kill Korosensei?" Karma had a smirk on his face. "Oh yeahhh." Nagisa sighed sadly. "You know... I was really worried that time, even if Korosensei would save you. Why did you do it?" Karma thought for a little bit. "I guess... I wanted to kill him." He said throwing the juice box in the trash. "Why?" "I already said it. It really worried me!" Nagisa said with his head down. Karma looked at him with a little pity. "I never meant to make you sad like that, y'know." He said rolling his eyes. "Is it because of that Sensei you told me about?" Karma's eyes immediately looked up. He had a flashback, of his sensei abandoning him. He was doing the right thing! His sensei was pretty much dead to him. "I suppose you can say that." He said finishing his flashback. Nagisa nodded with triumph. "We are all going to kill korosensei one day, you know. I mean, it's possible. We just need to keep doing our best!" Karma walked closer to Nagisa that he could smell him. (thats totally not awkward) "K-karma-kun?" Karma hugged him. Nagisa flushed with redness. "A-ah? Huh?" Karma breathed. "Thanks for caring..." He said blushing lightly. Nagisa kept getting redder and redder by the millisecond. He eventually gained a crush on him from that moment. Nagisa slowly moved up to him and gave him a soft, quick kiss. "W-was that too soon I--" Karma pressed against Nagisa's lips and they tumbled over. Then they frick fracked really hard. NO IM JUST KIDDING YOUVE BEEN TROLLED. Anyway... they didn't know a person was watching them. Just by entering the wrong room.

After the trip Nagisa was feeling really happy since the previous night. Sugino walked over to Nagisa. "Oyy Nagisa-chan!" He said brightly. Nagisa turned to him. "Hello." "Your looking happy lately. Did you make out with Karma or something while we were getting food?" He joked. The other boys laughed. "W-what!" One of they boys chuckled and said "Let's not joke too much, they might actually." They laughed again. Nagisa sighed. He knew they were joking, so it was fine. He looked over. "Hi Kaede!" Kaede turned around and glared at Nagisa. Soon she returned to her passive self. "Hey! What's up? What were you doing last night? I mean, I was just at the hotel with my friends you know?" Nagisa tilted his head awkwardly. "Right." They boarded the train and rode back to town.

"Karma and Kaede were missing for a while." Nagisa said to Sugino when they were walking home. Korosensei leaned towards their conversation. "Ah! Perhaps you can use my guide I gave you to the trip we took!" He threw the guide into Nagisa's arms. "Kya!" Korosensei walked away. Nagisa sighed. "Well, Bye Sugino-chan!" "Bye!"

Nagisa read the book. He read it would possibly be in one of the missing people(s) house. "Well why didn't I think of that before." He sighed. He walked to Karma's house and rang the bell. No one answered. He sighed once more and walked to Kaede's house. It was unusually open. Inside he found some red things stained on the walls. "Hello?" He ran to every room as fast as he could. One of them had muffled noises. "HEY LET ME IN!" He said barging down the door. Kaede turned and opened the door. "What?" She said. She had a few red splotches on her clothes and hair. "Huh? What happened to you???" Kaede gave an evil grin. "Why, I'm saving our love for eachother of course!" Nagisa pushed Kaede onto the floor. In the corner he saw Karma tied to a chair with pretty bad injuries. "EH??!??" He ran to Karma. Kaede grabbed his foot. "I'm not letting go!" "Kaede... why are you doing this?" Kaede held on tight to Nagisa's foot and he couldn't run. And then on the other hand Karma was killing the chair trying to get out of it. "QWERTYUIOPSDFGHJKLZXCVBNM" He said screaming through the tape over his mouth.

"Because you love him more than me!" Kaede screamed at Nagisa. "Kaede..." She glared and let go. Nagisa had the chance to run to Karma. But Kaede was as fast as a rabbit! She put a knife up to Karma's neck. "Squirm one more time I'll kill you. Move one more time I'll kill you." She paused. "Get close to him... I'll kill you." Nagisa shook his head. "If you hook up with me I'll have mercy and let him go. As long as he doesn't tell anyone." Kaede said looking at Nagisa, and then at Karma. Nagisa still had the book Korosensei gave to her. Without thinking, he threw the book at Kaede. Kaede did one thing, since she couldn't dodge. She took the knife, and stabbed Karma in neck deep in his bones. And then she was knocked out by the heavy ass book. Nagisa breathed and took a knife out of Kaede's pocket and stabbed her in the heart with it. She untied Karma. "Please... don't die." Karma looked up and chuckled. "Kill sensei for me, will you?" Nagisa shook his head. "Is that all your going to say???" Karma then had a serious face. "Oh and." "Huh?" Karma leaned to him with the last of his strength and mumbled in his ear. "I love you."
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